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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.7Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation

Last update: 21 June 2022

The Ministry for Education and Employment (MEDE) in collaboration with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) is primarily responsible for the formulation and implementation of bilateral agreements in the field of education, training and youth.  Through the Directorate for European Union and International Affairs, agreements are reached related to schools, students and teaching and administrative grades. It also provides support services as regards to scholarships, student and teacher exchanges, international workshops and seminars.

Numerous international agreements are in place with Third Countries, which are still legally valid, however no exchanges have taken place through them for a number of years. These listed below are bilateral agreements which are still active.

DocumentArticleMain ObjectivesCooperative DomainsTimeframe 
Agreement for Cooperation in the areas of further and Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology signed in March 2009 by the Government of Malta and the Government of the Republic of Tunisia.3The two sides will exchange annually four summer scholarships in order to enable Tunisian students to follow English Language courses by Maltese educational facility specialising in the teaching of English and Maltese students to follow Arabic Language courses aat the Bourguiba Institute of Modern Languages (valid for 3 weeks).Higher EducationThe agreement is valid for a period of 5 years renewable upon tacit agreement for further similar periods of time. 
 4The Maltese side will participate in the activities of the Linguistic Village organised by the Tunisian side during the summer months through lecturers mastering the English language. The number of lecturers will be determined via diplomatic channesls.Higher Education  
Agreed Minutes of the Maltese-Libyan Joint Working Group on Higher Education Valletta, September 2010.Section 1For the academic year 2011-2012 the Maltese and the Libyan Sides bind themselves to offer three reciprocal scholarships in English and Arabic Languages, respectively of 3 weeks duration each. The scholarships will cover tuition fees and student-level accommodation fees as may be determined by the respective granting country.Higher EducationAcademic Year 2011-2012 For future years, the number of scholarships and the type of programmes to be offered by the Two Sides will be communicated to the competent authorities according to the needs, places and programmes available in each country. 


Malta actively participates in the Council of Europe, UNESCO and Commonwealth of Learning Organisations.