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National reforms related to transversal skills and employability


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.5National reforms related to transversal skills and employability

Last update: 22 June 2022


National Reading Development Programme 2.0 for 2021-2025

21 June 2021

Over one billion PLN will be allocated under the National Reading Development Programme 2.0 (NPRCz 2.0) for various forms of support and promotion of reading in Poland in the years 2021-2025. The Programme adopted by resolution of the Council of Ministers is the largest and one of the most important - in terms of its scale of impact and budget - multi-annual programmes of the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science, the National Library, the Book Institute and the National Centre for Culture. 

The programme aims to create conditions for the development and growth of readership in Poland by shaping and promoting pro-reader attitudes and strengthening the role of public, pedagogical and school libraries as local centres of social life, constituting a centre of access to culture and knowledge. NPRCz 2.0 is an extension of the National Reading Development Programme, implemented from 2016 to 2020.

The new elements of the National Reading Development Programme 2.0 include, among others: a subsidy programme activating new communities and local communities, a national campaign for reading, connecting almost 500 libraries to the national platform for making collections available run by the National Library, project support aimed at better understanding of readers' needs and expectations by librarians and improving their competences

Implementation of measures aimed at public libraries takes place at several levels. First of all, the key tasks of the previous edition of the programme are continued, i.e. the purchase of new publications for libraries, extended in the years 2021-2025 by the possibility of financing the purchase of services of remote access to content in e-book, audiobook or synchrobook formats, as well as investments in the infrastructure of libraries. Institutions located in cities with up to 100,000 inhabitants can apply for funding for infrastructural investments under NPRCz 2.0. This is a novelty in relation to the previous edition of the NPRCz, which took into account only smaller centres with up to 50,000 inhabitants. Particular support under the programme will be given to historic library buildings and libraries in an inadequate technical condition. Preference will also be given to the construction of new, energy-efficient library facilities. 

An important element of the programme is also the continuation of the activities of the Ministry of Education and Science aimed at school and pedagogical libraries

The total budget of the National Reading Development Programme 2.0 amounts to PLN 1,079,676,000, of which ca. PLN 635,000,000 (approx. 59%) are funds from the state budget, and ca. PLN 445 million is the required own contribution of programme beneficiaries (41%).Budgetary funds involved in the second edition of the programme are PLN 180 million higher than the amount allocated to the implementation of the NPRCz in 2016-2020. This means a nearly 40% increase in state budget expenditures on the implementation of the Programme.

NPRCz 2.0 includes four priority areas of support:

  • Priority 1 - Improving the supply of public libraries
  • Priority 2 - Investment in infrastructure of public libraries,
  • Priority 3 - Purchase of new publications for pre-school, school and pedagogical libraries
  • Priority 4 - Subsidy programme for libraries, promotion of reading.

The Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport is responsible for the coordination of Priorities 1, 2 and 4, implemented by its subordinate institutions: National Library (Priority 1), Book Institute (Priority 2) and National Centre of Culture (Priority 4), acting at the same time as the Programme Evaluation and Monitoring Unit. Coordination of works with regard to Priority 3 lies within the competences of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The funds from the state budget will be spent on the purchase by public libraries of approximately PLN 14.5 million of new releases, including services of remote access to books in the form of e-books, audiobooks or synchrobooks (approx. PLN 161 million), construction of a nationwide library network through an integrated system for management of library resources, within the framework of which a platform for 500 libraries will be created (over PLN 41 million), investments in the amount of PLN 0.5 million to PLN 2.25 million in the development of infrastructure estimated for approximately 164 public libraries (in total nearly PLN 229 million), development of competencies of library employees (PLN 24.5 million) and a social and information campaign (nearly PLN 30 million). At the same time, approximately 10.3 thousand school and pedagogical libraries will receive co-financing (over PLN 96 million) for the purchase of approximately 4 million new publications and equipment items. A novelty is the inclusion in the programme of more than 13 000 pre-school education establishments, for which the amount of over PLN 41 million will be allocated for the purchase of new publications.

As a result of purchasing new books by libraries within the activities of Priority 1 and Priority 3 of the NPRCz 2.0, in the years 2021-2025 over PLN 500 million will reach the publishing market (including funds from the state budget and the estimated own contribution of beneficiaries).

A new grant programme called CLOSER (BLISKO)will also be launched under the auspices of the NPRCz. As part of the programme, 180 public libraries will have the opportunity to receive funds in the total amount of PLN 24.5 million to improve the competence of library staff, develop local partnerships, involve new communities and activate local communities in activities to promote reading. It has been estimated that during the five years of the CLOSER programme more than a thousand projects may be implemented. The NPRCz 2.0 additionally provides for funds for monitoring and evaluation of the activities carried out, as well as management and functioning  of the Programme. 

Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 2021-30

25 February 2021

The main objective of the Strategy for Persons with Disabilities is to include persons with various types of disabilities in social and professional life, thus guaranteeing them the rights set out in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The document takes into account demands of the community of persons with various types of disabilities and assumes a comprehensive, horizontal, supra-sectoral approach of public policy to support people with disabilities, taking into account their needs for independent living and social inclusion.

The provisions on specific actions in the Strategy, including those of legislative and programming nature, were preceded by the diagnosis of the actual state of affairs. On this basis, 8 priority areas of the Strategy were identified.

Within the first of the priorities, which is "Independent living", measures have been planned, the primary goal of which is to guarantee the right to independent living to people with disabilities, arising from Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Another priority area is "Accessibility". Accessibility is one of the basic conditions for the participation of people with disabilities in social and working life. It determines the ability of this group of people to perform their social roles and lead an independent life. It also means that persons with disabilities have equal access to the physical environment, buildings, transport, information and communication technologies and systems, and other facilities and services. Therefore, this priority area of the Strategy provides for actions to improve the accessibility of public spaces for persons with disabilities and to improve the mobility situation of persons with disabilities (in line with Articles 9 and 20 of the Convention).

A basic condition for effective social and employment activation in the case of persons with disabilities is also access to the educational system, hence another key area is the priority "Education". Measures in this area will serve implementation of provisions of Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which indicates the obligation to implement the right of persons with disabilities to education without discrimination, on the basis of equal opportunities, with ensuring an inclusive education system.

Another priority area of the Strategy is "Work". Work has three important functions in the life of people with disabilities: rehabilitation, socialisation (social bonds, development of human personality, satisfaction and self-fulfilment) and income. In this context, measures aimed at increasing professional activity and employment opportunities of persons with disabilities, pursuant to article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, are of crucial importance.

Another priority area of the Strategy is "Living conditions and social protection". The main objective of actions under this priority, as stated in Article 28 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, is to ensure adequate living conditions for persons with disabilities and their families, including the satisfaction of basic subsistence and material needs and necessary social protection. Actions under the "Living Conditions and Social Protection" priority include combating poverty of persons with disabilities and their families, as well as meeting their housing needs.

Also important from the point of view of every person with disabilities is the priority "Health", within the framework of which measures have been planned in order to fulfil Poland's obligations resulting from the Convention (Article 25), in particular with regard to ensuring health care for persons with disabilities, access to health services and programmes taking into account their specific requirements and needs with regard to preventive health care, prevention of secondary complications and deterioration of health condition, medical rehabilitation and optimisation of the quality of functioning.

The Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 also designs activities in the "Awareness Building" priority, which follows directly from Article 8 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which obliges the State Party to the Convention to take immediate, effective and appropriate measures to raise awareness in society, including at the family level.

The last of the eight priority areas of the Strategy is "Coordination".  Implementation of the new state policy for support of persons with disabilities requires appropriate institutional reform to remedy the diagnosed systemic problems. The aim of the actions designed within the Coordination priority is to create a framework ensuring cohesion of the system and development of cooperation between institutions dealing with problems of persons with disabilities. Those actions include, inter alia, the reform of the system of assessing disability, development and adoption of the Act on Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities.

The implementation of the measures designed under the individual priorities of the Strategy for Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 will allow the establishment of a framework for a comprehensive national policy for persons with disabilities, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

It will also translate into a planned increase in the professional activity rate and employment rate of persons with disabilities.

The system of tracing secondary school graduates – the draft law adopted by the Council of Ministers

Reform status: approved, 2 February 2021

The introduction of a system for monitoring educational and professional careers of graduates of secondary schools is the main premise of the draft law adopted on 2 February 2021 by the Council of Ministers. Thanks to the use of data from the system, the national education, in particular with regard to vocational education, will respond better to the needs of the labour market and enable educational and professional mobility of graduates. The information about the careers of graduates will also allow to respond to changing socio-economic circumstances on a regular basis.

The most important solutions in the adopted bill:

  • Provisions have been introduced to enable the acquisition and processing of detailed register data needed to monitor the careers of graduates of secondary schools. The solutions refer to analogous provisions adopted in higher education, but are adapted to the specificity of school educational data.
  • Monitoring will be based on administrative data contained in the databases of Educational Information System, Social Insurance Institution, Integrated Information Network on Science and Higher Education - POL-on and District Examination Boards.
  • Information on careers of graduates - collected annually and presented in a unified form, comparable across the years - will be used to improve the methodology of forecasting the demand for occupations and qualifications. This solution will help adjust the structure of education and programmes to changing socio-economic conditions.
  • Reliable and easily accessible knowledge on the careers of graduates will allow to build the image of vocational education based on the collected data.
  • The system of tracing graduates will also provide reliable information on employment conditions and salaries of graduates in particular professions, industries and regions. The employers can use this information to update and better adjust their graduate employment policies to the realities of the labour market.
  • The launch of a tracing system of graduates is one of the EU conditions for the possibility of obtaining education-related funds under the new EU financial perspective 2021-2027.

Other solutions

  • The details to the following provisions have been determined:
    • reporting of students staying at boarding schools in the schools belonging to the group, who are not students of the school at which the boarding school is established;
    • derivatives of the costs of salaries of employees who are not teachers;
    • establishing entities which are competent to make entries in the Register of Schools and Educational Institutions.

The new solutions will enter into force on the day following the day of announcement in the Journal of Laws, with the exception of some provisions that will take effect on other dates.


The Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part) – the document adopted by the Council of Ministers

Reform status: adopted, 31 December 2020

The Council of Ministers adopted  "The Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 - detailed part (ZSU 2020)" by Resolution No. 195/2020 of 28 December 2020. The document was developed as a result of broad consultations, taking into account: the requirements under the Partnership Agreement, the recommendations of the report "OECD Skills Strategy: Poland" report and the assumptions of the New European Skills Agenda.

The areas of impact within the framework of the Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part):

  • Basic, transversal and occupational skills of children, youth and adults.
  • Skills development in formal education – management staff
  • Skills development in formal education - teaching staff.
  • Developing skills beyond formal education.
  • Development and use of skills in the workplace
  • Career guidance.
  • Cooperation of employers with formal and non-formal education
  • Planning lifelong learning and validation of skills.

Each of the impact areas contains themes and lines of action, as well as a catalogue of entities to be engaged in the implementation of the Strategy. The Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (ZSU 2030) provides a strategic policy framework for the development of skills necessary to strengthen social capital, social inclusion, economic growth and reaching a high standard of living.

The provisions of the ZSU 2030 provide both a basis for defining plans for the management of national and European funds for skills development, as well as a common frame of reference enabling the most beneficial planning of projects and programmes by administrators of individual parts of the state budget, local government units and other public and private entities. Thus, the provisions of the ZSU 2030 detailed part should be treated as a substantive guideline for the optimal allocation of national and European funds for the development of skills at national and regional levels.

Development and implementation of models for effective coordination of activities under ZSU 2030 as well as monitoring and evaluation of this public policy is supported by the non-competitive project entitled "Support and development of mechanisms of cooperation and cooperation for the development of skills at the national and regional level". "Support and development of cooperation and coordination mechanisms at the national and regional level in the field of lifelong learning" (implemented in 2020-2022 under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development). In the project approved for implementation it is envisaged that the models will be created in 2021 and implemented in 2022. The representatives of all groups of stakeholders of ZSU 2030 will be invited to work within the project.


Development of career counsellor competencies


The career counsellor competencies development programme is operated by the Ministry of National Education in cooperation with the Centre for Education Development. The programme is funded by EU funds coming from the European Social Fund as part of the Technical Assistance component of the Knowledge Education Development Operational Programme.

As part of the programme, the Centre for Education Development has conceived a project entitled Training of education and career guidance training providers and a competition entitled Education and career guidance training. The project aims at providing training to over 13,000 professionals to carry out career guidance framework programmes in individual schools and education institutions. Digital materials indispensable for career counsellors have also been developed and posted on the platform. 

Employer involvement in vocational qualifying exams


This project of the Ministry of National Education is funded by the European Social Fund and implemented in cooperation with partners representing employers. It seeks to develop examination tasks in cooperation with employers. The project consists in the preparation of tasks to be used during vocational qualifying examinations organised by the Central Examination Board and those organised by examination boards operated by chambers of crafts and trades.

The creation of 51,500 tasks is the result of the project carried out by the Central Examination Board entitled Development of vocational qualifying examination task banks. This base is to be expanded in the second phase of the project by adding another 84,200 tasks. 

Each examination task developed as part of the project is reviewed by a team of experts, including representatives of employers, higher education institutions, vocational school teachers and the staff of the Central Examination Board. The project uses innovations, such as the SIOEPKZ IT system, thanks to which all candidates can sit the written part of their examination online. As a result, it is possible to develop multimedia tasks (films, animations) as well as those involving language, interpersonal and social competencies. Owing to that, vocational qualifying examinations will verify candidates’ skills in a broader scope and will become more reliable. The project also involves methodology training for authors and reviewers, as well as training for employers wishing to become involved in vocational qualifying examinations in cooperation with the Central Examination Board and regional examination boards.

The project New quality of vocational qualifying examinations in skilled trades implemented in cooperation with the Polish Crafts Association promises the creation of a database involving a total of 17,360 examination tasks covering 40 trades by the end of 2020. Methodology training for members of Design Teams and the publication of a guidebook for examination boards are also planned. Moreover, the project involves the creation of an online platform containing 40 methodological training sessions to be shared by 1,000 members of examination boards operated by chambers of crafts and trades. The project also involves six training sessions aimed at women - candidates to sit on examination boards.

For more information, go to: and

Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 – a draft proposal for consultation

23 July 2020

The Minister of National Education has announced the interministerial and public consultations of a draft proposal of the detailed part of the Strategy on the development of children, youth and adult skills. The detailed part of this strategy was drafted in cooperation with the OECD as part of the Skills Strategy project. This cooperation has resulted in drafting of a report „Skills Strategy OECD: Poland” which contributed to the work on the governmental document „Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (detailed part)” (Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności 2030 (część szczegółowa), ZSU 2030).

The following areas have been taken into consideration in the ZSU 2030 Strategy (detailed part):

  1. Basic, transversal and occupational skills of children, youth and adults (respectively).
  2. Management staff in formal education.
  3. Teaching staff in formal education.
  4. Management and teaching staff in non-formal education and staff supporting informal education.
  5. Development and use of skills at work.
  6. Vocational guidance.
  7. Employers’ engagement in formal and non-formal education.
  8. Planning lifelong learning and validation of skills.

Every area includes proposals of topics and measures, as well as lists of entities to be engaged in the implementation of the Strategy.  The Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 (ZSU 2030) constitutes the strategic framework for the development of skills necessary for strengthening of social capital and inclusion, economic growth and reaching a high standard of living.


Digital Competencies Development Programme

Reform status: programme, January 2020

The Ministry of Digital Affairs has created the Digital Competencies Development Programme until 2030 (PRKC), the aim of which is to continuously increase the level of digital competencies by ensuring that everyone in Poland has the opportunity to develop them according to their individual needs. The development of digital competencies contributes to the creation of an inclusive, open and modern society, which will translate into better quality of life on an individual level.

Within the framework of its comprehensive objectives, the Programme envisages the development of widespread digital competencies among citizens, spanning from pre-school and early childhood education through to senior citizens. Support under the Programme will be addressed to all those who want to improve their digital competencies, including entrepreneurs, employees of all sectors of the economy and civil servants, as well as digitally talented people who will supply the future stock of ICT specialists with the highest competencies. In tandem with this, we are planning digital inclusion measures aimed at eliminating digital exclusion through the promotion and increased accessibility of digital websites and mobile applications for people with disabilities. The Programme will also include initiatives designed to raise awareness of the use of digital technologies and promote digital hygiene.

Effective implementation of the Digital Competencies Development Programme until 2030 will require the involvement and cooperation of various stakeholder groups, starting from the government and local government, through to the non-governmental sector, the education and science system, then to entrepreneurs and employers. Therefore, taking the above into account, a relatively important or even key issue in the Digital Competencies Development Programme is a set of activities dedicated to public administration labs cooperating within the framework of the Administrative Competencies Centre (Polish: Centrum Kompetencji Administracji - CKA).

Status of work on the Digital Competencies Development Programme

The preparation of the Programme was preceded by numerous meetings and workshops with many stakeholders in the development of digital competencies. We consulted and discussed the scope of activities with experts from the Working Group for Digital Competencies, which included representatives of various backgrounds wanting to cooperate. Thanks to this, the Programme has a comprehensive character and is oriented towards introducing systemic changes in the area of digital competencies development.


More EU funds for education

Reform status: approved, 30 December 2019

In December 2019 the Ministry of National Education signed new agreements in the framework of the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development. Newly funded projects support development of model programmes for qualification vocational courses and preparation of new programmes for additional skills in some occupations in the car and mechanic industry.  

Development of model programmes for qualification vocational courses

EU funds will support projects preparing new programmes leading to the increase of an offer of short flexible forms of training for adults which will give them an opportunity to gain new qualifications and will lead to increased chances of finding a new job. For more information please go to: oraz

Preparation of new programmes for additional skills in some occupations in the car and mechanic industry

Newly signed agreements lead to supporting  a flexible response of vocational education to actual labour market needs. Projects make it possible to create additional teaching content for a given occupation training programme. Additional content will help schools to adjust their teaching to both local and regional labour markets’ needs. For more information please go to: oraz



Forecasting the demand for trade occupations

Status of the reform: implemented, May 2019

Automation technician, mechatronics technician or computer programming technician – these are some of occupations, in which, due to their importance for the development of the state, high demand for staff is expected in domestic labour market. The Ministry of National Education has proposed a number of changes to make sure that Vocational Education and Training regains its status in Poland. As part of them, each year the Ministry will provide a forecast about the demand for staff in trade occupations on the domestic and provincial labour markets.   First such document was published in the Monitor Polski Official Gazette. It features a forecast about the demand for staff holding trade school qualifications. It aims to support targeted and relevant trade school education, and thereby contribute to reducing unemployment levels of graduates of VET schools in Poland. The forecast includes data of Educational Research Institute developed based on public statistics, data of Polish Social Insurance Institution and System of Information on Education. Sectoral Councils for Competences, Programme Council for Competences and ministers competent for trade occupations also played a significant role here.   The forecast provides for different sources describing labour market trends in the context of the strategy for the development of the state and regions. It aims at providing grounds for shaping the offer of trade schools and at ensuring that they address the needs of domestic and provincial labour markets. The forecast takes the form of a list of trade occupations presented in alphabetical order. It features occupations, which due to their importance for the development of the state are likely to enjoy high demand for staff on the domestic labour market. The forecast also includes occupations, in which significant and moderate demand for staff in provincial labour markets is envisaged. The data processing procedures developed by the Educational Research Institute allow for taking into consideration a number of factors, which affect the shaping of supply and demand for jobs in a long-term perspective. The aim was to develop a forecast about demand for jobs over a period of five years with taking into consideration various sources of economic, demographic and educational data at the national and regional levels, divided by sectors. Under amended provisions of Law on Education, in 2020 local authorities will obtain higher subsidies for education assigned to schools which offer education in occupations, for which, as presented in the forecast, particularly high demand is envisaged on the domestic labour market. Thanks to the forecast, schools and school authorities can already plan educational offer in occupations, which will be launched in subsequent school years. What is important, decisions made in this scope cater for diversification of funding of these occupations. The forecast about the demand in the domestic labour market will be taken in consideration when allocating subsidies, and each year will affect students starting education in a given occupation, as they will be continued throughout their education. Such a solution will ensure financial stability of local authorities as far as VET is concerned. They will be guaranteed that the decision on launching educational offer in occupations listed as having significant importance for the development of the state will translate into higher funding thanks to subsidies, which will be paid throughout the whole training cycle. Moreover, a new criterion for subsidy allocation has been introduced. It consists of diversifying the amounts of allocation for vocational education and training students undergoing training to obtain qualifications in trade occupations with particular importance for culture and national heritage. In the weeks to come, an official announcement on the list of trade occupations with particular importance for culture and national heritage will be published by the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. These occupations will be awarded higher funding. It is worth reminding that the presence of employers at all stages of vocational education and training is a priority included in changes introduced by the Ministry of National Education. Employers should be involved in identifying the needs in the scope of new jobs and skills, in designing education and training offer in these occupations and skills, in offering practical training, in verification of learning outcomes during occupational examination, and in employing school graduates. Thus, apart from obtaining the opinions of provincial councils of the labour market, prior to launching education offer in a given occupation, a school head will be obliged to start cooperation with employers representing a specific occupation or sector.

Integrated Skills Strategy 2030

Reform status: approved in February 2019

In February 2019 the Council of ministers approved a document “Integrated Skills Strategy 2030 - General Part” (“Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności 2030 – część ogólna”).

The Strategy is to integrate national strategies including the Strategy for Responsible Development and Integrated Strategies.   

The Integrated Skills Strategy is aiming at:

- planning a coherent policy for developing skills,

- coordinating measures undertaken by different stakeholders acting towards development of skills,

- assuring equal access to information on supply and demand for skills, professional guidance and training offers linked to the development of skills,

- strengthening the awareness of skills' importance in individual, economic and social development,

- increasing educational and professional activity of all social groups, especially those in a risk of exclusion.

It is planned that the Integrated Skills Strategy – General Part will be further developed in cooperation with OECD in a forthcoming document entitled  "Integrated Skills Strategy – Detailed Part" (Zintegrowana Strategia Umiejętności – część szczegółowa).

The Integrated Skills Strategy – General Part refers to general and vocational education, higher education and adult learning.  

Detailed information on the process of drafting of this strategy is available at the Educational Research Institute (IBE).