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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training


9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 22 June 2022

Initial education for prospective specialists in continuing education and adult education is provided by some higher education institutions (HEIs) as part of degree programmes in the field of Teacher Education and non-degree postgraduate programmes.

Business entities providing adult education as part of their economic activity, outside the school education system, are free to adopt their own regulations for professional development of their staff / trainers. However, such entities can apply, on a voluntary basis, for accreditation to be awarded by the Head of the Regional Education Authority (kurator oświaty), in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 29 August 2019 on the accreditation of continuing education in non-school settings (rozporzadzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 29 sierpnia 2019 r. w sprawie akredytacji kształcenia ustawicznego w formach pozaszkolnych). In such cases, they should demonstrate, among other things, that they ensure high quality of professional development activities for teachers; that their activities contribute to professional development of teachers, and they organise and provide professional development activities for teachers. In planning their activities, entities should take into consideration findings from surveys conducted among the teachers trained; have in place and systematically enhance a quality assurance system; have qualified staff to conduct professional development activities for teachers; and conduct information activities and disseminate knowledge about teacher professional development issues.

There are no separate or additional qualification requirements for teachers working in schools for adults or adult education institutions within the school education system. The rights and duties of teachers working in nursery schools, schools and other educational institutions are specified in the Teachers’ Charter. Adult education teachers should fulfil the same qualification requirements as teachers in the corresponding types of schools for children and young people. Thus, they follow the same initial training paths as teachers in schools for children and young people.

Individuals / trainers involved in adult education in institutions run by business entities outside the school education system do not have the status of teachers, and qualification requirements for them are independently laid down by the entities concerned.