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National reforms in higher education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 22 June 2022
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"Social responsibility of science" - Call for proposals

2 February 2022

The programme "Social Responsibility of Science" is an undertaking addressed to higher education and science institutions and other bodies acting for the benefit of science promotion. The programme consists of two modules: "Popularisation of science and promotion of sport" and "Support for scientific libraries".

The aim of the programme "Social responsibility of science" is popularization of science, promotion of academic sport and projects related to maintenance of library resources of significant importance to science or its heritage.

In order to participate in the programme, it is necessary to present a project which does not last longer than 24 months and its indirect costs do not exceed 10% of direct costs of project implementation. The project may also not include activities financed by other funds from the state budget.

Financial support under each module amounts to:

  • "Popularisation of science and promotion of sport" - from PLN 20,000 to PLN 1,000,000,
  • "Support for scientific libraries" - from PLN 20,000 to PLN 250,000, however, it cannot exceed 90% of the project implementation costs.


Science for Society Programme – nearly PLN 11 million for projects promoting science

26 November 2021

“@talentON – Programme for the Support and Development of Talented Youth”, “Polish Scientists 2022: Scientific Excellence, Research Autonomy and Social Responsibility of Science” or “Global Legal Information” are just some of the projects qualified for funding under the Minister of Education and Science’s “Science for Society” program.

“Science for Society” – support for projects disseminating science

Under the “Science for Society” program 15 projects submitted by 13 entities will receive funding. The total amount of funds allocated for this purpose will reach PLN 10.7 million.

Among the beneficiaries of the program are the Foundation of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Polish Historical Association, and the Stanisław Staszic University of Science and Technology in Kraków.

Participants in the Program who fulfilled specific requirements could count on receiving grants ranging from PLN 100 thousand to 2 million.

About the program

“Science for Society" program was announced in July 2021. Its aim is to support higher education and science system entities as well as other organizational units acting to promote science in the implementation of projects aimed at building cooperation between entities operating in the field of science and those working in the socio-economic sphere.

The program includes financial support for projects in three pillars:

  • Scientific excellence - support for projects aimed at, among others, improving the quality of scientific research, undertaking new and important research topics for socio-economic development, internationalisation of Polish science, increasing its recognition and shaping its public perception;
  • Science for innovation - support for projects increasing the effectiveness of cooperation between science and the business environment, supporting innovation and commercialisation of research and development results, disseminating knowledge on relations between science, innovation and economy;
  • Humanities - Society - Identity - support for projects popularizing innovative and interdisciplinary research in the humanities, promoting patriotic attitudes, national and regional traditions, as well as studying the sources of Polish culture at home and abroad.

The call for applications under the program has been open since early August of this year and is ongoing.

Remedial programme for first-year students

5 October 2021

The Ministry of Education and Science has launched a support programme for universities that will organise remedial classes for students admitted to the first year of full-time first degree or uniform master's studies. The aim of the programme is to supplement or develop the level of knowledge of students admitted to the first year of full-time studies in the academic year 2021/2022, who, due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus outbreak, have been receiving their secondary school education remotely for the last 3 semesters.

The additional classes organised at the universities are also an opportunity to supplement knowledge in various subjects within the scope required for education in a particular field of study. The aim of the classes is also to eliminate possible differences in the preparation of the graduates for university.

Additional compensatory classes - not included in the study programme - will be carried out by public and non-public HEIs, which confirmed their readiness to join the student support programme and provided the Ministry of Education and Science with information on the estimated number of student groups for which they can organise such classes. Verification of the data provided by the HEIs will be carried out on the basis of data from the recruitment for the academic year 2021/2022 included in the reports, placed in the Integrated Information System on Higher Education and Science POL-on. Approximately 170 HEIs have declared their participation in the programme.

The classes should be organised in October-December 2021 in groups of 25 students, amounting to 30 lesson hours per group. It is also possible to organise them in one incomplete group - with a minimum of 15 students, in case the number of students registered for participation does not allow for the creation of a full group of 25. The method of organisation of these courses, the selection of subjects and the necessary programme contents are the responsibility of the universities carrying out this task.

The costs of conducting additional classes for students by the universities will be financed by the Ministry. Approximately PLN 36 million has been allocated for this purpose.

After the Ministry has verified the results of the recruitment for the academic year 2021/2022, the funds for additional classes will be transferred on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 20 July 2018. - Law on Higher Education and Science (Official Journal 2021, item 478, as amended) to public HEIs by increasing the amount of the subsidy, while to non-public HEIs on the basis of individual agreements concluded separately with each HEI.

Guidelines for the safe operation of higher education institutions and other higher education and scientific institutions during the pandemia

30 September 2021

In view of the return, in the academic year 2021/2022, to teaching on university premises, the Ministry of Education and Science, in consultation with representatives of the academic community and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate, has developed guidelines for the safe operation of universities and other entities of the higher education and science system during the pandemia.

The guidelines should be regarded as a set of recommendations, advice and suggestions, which should be applied taking into account the changing legal situation, local number of cases, dynamics of the epidemic, assessment of key risk factors and organisational and technical conditions of a given university.

The recommendations and guidelines should be the starting point for reviewing and possibly updating the internal procedures of each institution. Treating human safety as a priority, the adopted procedures should also take into account the responsibility for the proper and efficient functioning of the institutions and the fulfilment of their tasks. All decisions are taken by rectors or heads of institutes, as they are responsible for the safety of the bodies they manage.

The guidelines are not obligatory for higher education institutions and other entities of the higher education and science systems. They are also not the basis for claims to cover the costs of their implementation.

Full-time courses

In the academic year 2021/2022, the Ministry of Education and Science envisages, as a rule, a return to teaching at the premises of universities and, in the case of doctoral students, also at other entities providing this type of education.

As of 15 August 2021, the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of 10 August 2021 repealing the Regulation on temporary restrictions on the operation of certain entities of the system of higher education and science in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19 entered into force (Official Journal, item 1464).

It is recommended that classes conducted with the direct participation of academic teachers or other instructors should be implemented with such safety measures as are feasible given the technical, organisational and infrastructural conditions of a given higher education institution, in order to maintain the possibility of implementing the study programme and achieving the assumed learning outcomes.

Organisation of work

Formal decisions concerning the operation of a higher education institution or other higher education and research institutions shall be taken by the rector or the director of the institution. They shall concern in particular:

  • teaching and the conditions for the delivery of courses
  • the development of emergency action plans and their updates
  • the organisation of any community events/meetings.

Close cooperation with the student self-government and the doctoral student self-government is recommended, as they represent the opinions and interests of students and doctoral students both inside and outside the university. Involving representatives of the self-governments in current activities and enabling them to influence the decisions made may provide invaluable support for the authorities and contribute to better communication of the solutions introduced.

New website on the projects of the Minister of Education and Science has been launched

20 July 2021

Details of the programmes of the Ministry of Education and Science, descriptions, deadlines, lists and templates of necessary documents, announcements, guidelines and results - these and much more can be found on the new website dedicated to the undertakings of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The website is dedicated to the programmes of the Minister of Education and Science. It was created for students, scientists, public and non-public universities, research and scientific institutes, non-governmental organisations and organisational units promoting science.

The website is divided into thematic sections: ministerial programmes, undertakings and initiatives, competitions and results. The website also has separate tabs for different groups of recipients: a student, a young scientist, a researcher, a HEI/ an organisation/ other entities, thanks to which everyone interested will be able to find specific information for themselves.

Guidelines for HEIs on the organisation of the academic year 2021/2022

20 July 2021

In view of the current epidemic situation, the Ministry of Education and Science envisages in principle a return to the provision of education in universities at their premises in the academic year 2021/2022. Final decisions in this regard will take into account the dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak and government decisions. In a situation of increased epidemic risk, hybrid education may be introduced, and in special cases, a return to distance education.

Abolition of temporary restrictions on the operation of universities

In mid-August it is planned to repeal the regulation on the temporary restriction of the operation of certain entities of the higher education and science system in connection with the prevention, counteraction and combating of COVID-19.

With the abolition of the temporary restriction on the operation of universities the following measures are introduced:

  • reinstating the possibility of periodical appraisal of academic staff,
  • maintaining the validity of student identity cards, doctoral student identity cards and staff identity cards for academic teachers - they remain valid during the period of restriction or suspension of the operation of a higher education institution, and 60 days after the end of that period. So if the regulation is repealed in mid-August, the cards will remain valid until mid-October. In the first half of October, card holders should visit the university in person to renew their cards.

Teaching courses prescribed in the study programmes using distance education methods and techniques

As regards the possibility of conducting classes provided for in the study programmes with the use of methods and techniques of distance education (Article 67, par. 4 of the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science directly provides for the possibility of obtaining some of the learning outcomes covered by the study programme during classes conducted with the use of methods and techniques of distance education).

These classes should be conducted using infrastructure and software ensuring synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and instructors. It is important that the conduct of classes using distance learning methods and techniques may be implemented as long as the specific nature of education in a particular field of study allows it.

Academic Freedom Package

06 July 2021

The Council of Ministers adopted a draft amendment to the Law on Higher Education and Science, the so-called Academic Freedom Package.

The main objective of the Academic Freedom Package is to guarantee teachers freedom of teaching, freedom of speech, freedom of scientific research, publication of its results, and freedom of academic debate on the basis of pluralism of world views. The proposed legal changes strengthen respect for the constitutional right to freedom of expression of religious, philosophical and world-view beliefs in the academic field.

Key solutions

  1. The rector will have the additional task of ensuring that freedom of teaching, freedom of expression, research and the publication of its results are respected in the university. This will also apply to academic debate organised by members of the community of the university, while respecting the principles of pluralism of world views and the rules of order of the university.
    • The rector will be able to fulfil this task by monitoring the respect for freedoms in the university, and in particular by introducing appropriate provisions in this respect in the internal acts of the university, defining "good practices" related to this issue, as well as taking specific actions in case of violation of these freedoms, within the scope of his/her competence.
    • The choice of instruments for this task will be made within the autonomy of the higher education institution.
  2. A provision has been introduced whereby the expression of religious, philosophical or ideological beliefs by academic staff will not constitute a disciplinary offence.
  3. A possibility of lodging a complaint against the decision of the rector to instruct the disciplinary ombudsman to start a case has been introduced. This complaint will be considered by the disciplinary committee at the Minister of Education and Science.
    • The possibility of lodging a complaint against the rector's decision will, however, be limited only to cases where the matter covered by the decision concerns the expression of religious, philosophical or ideological beliefs by an academic staff member.
    • The disciplinary ombudsman will not be able to commence proceedings until the time limit for lodging a complaint or reviewing the case by the disciplinary committee at the minister has expired without effect.
    • A decision of the disciplinary committee of the Minister may be appealed to the Court of Appeal in Warsaw - Labour and Social Security Court, but the consideration of the case by this court will no longer stop any action in the case.
  4. The rector will no longer be able to suspend an academic staff member in the performance of their duties during the investigation of their case. Suspending an academic staff member at such an early stage of the case does not seem necessary and justified.

The new solutions are to enter into force 14 days after being announced in the Official Journal.

Science for Society

1 July 2021

The aim of the new Programme “Science for Society“ of the Minister of Education and Science is to support higher education and science system entities and other institutions acting for the benefit of science promotion. Funding in the amount of PLN 100 thousand to 2 million may be provided for projects that focus on cooperation of scientific institutions with non-governmental organisations, social organisations and the economic environment. The call for proposals for the programme will be open in August 2021 and will be carried out on a continuous basis.

The programme includes financial support for projects under three pillars:

  • Scientific excellence - raising the quality of scientific research, undertaking new and important research topics for socio-economic development, internationalisation of Polish science, increasing its recognition and shaping its public perception
  • Science for innovation - increasing the effectiveness of cooperation between science and the business environment, supporting innovation and commercialisation of research and development results;
  • Humanities - Society - Identity - for projects popularising innovative and interdisciplinary research in the humanities, promoting patriotic attitudes, national and regional traditions, as well as studying the sources of Polish culture at home and abroad.

Practical academies - draft law adopted by the Council of Ministers

22 June 2021

The Council of Ministers adopted a bill amending the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science and the Act - Introduction of the Act - Law on Higher Education and Science, submitted by the Minister of Education and Science.

There will be a new category in the group of professional colleges (public and non-public) - "practical academies". The possibility of distinguishing vocational universities by introducing the words "practical academy" into their names will strengthen their position in the educational market and contribute to a positive perception in the socio-economic environment. In addition, these universities will also have the opportunity to become independent in the provision of studies preparing for the teaching profession.

Key Solutions

The words "practical academy" will be reserved for a vocational HEI that meets all of the following conditions:

  • has been operating for at least 10 years
  • the number of students enrolled in the institution is at least 250, of which at least 100 are full-time students
  • at least 50% of academic staff are employed in the institution as the place of their primary employment;
  • provides first-cycle or second-cycle programmes or long-cycle programmes in at least five fields of study
  • provides education in at least one field of study preparing for the exercise of professions, in particular studies preparing for the exercise of medical profession, teaching profession, or a field of study leading to the degree of inżynier or magister inżynier
  • none of the fields of study offered by the university has been assessed negatively as a result of the evaluation of the quality of education conducted by the Polish Accreditation Committee.

The criteria presented will serve to distinguish among vocational HEIs this group of universities, which is distinguished by its stability and position in the educational market.

Changing the name of the university to "practical academy" will not be mandatory. The initiative in this matter will be up to the authorities of the respective university.

Verification of the compliance of a non-university higher education institution with the conditions will be conducted on the basis of data included in the POL-on Integrated Information System for Higher Education and Science pursuant to the rules laid down in the Act.

Vocational universities that meet the statutory criteria will also have the opportunity to provide studies preparing for the teaching profession, without the need to have a cooperation agreement with a university that has a scientific category (after the first evaluation of the quality of scientific activity), and until 31 December 2022, which has the right to confer a doctoral degree - in the discipline to which the study programme is assigned. The exemption from the requirement that a vocational HEI has an agreement will not require it to change its name to "practical academy" as these are independent arrangements.

The new regulations will allow vocational HEIs that are distinguished by their well-established and stable position in the higher education and science system, as well as by the appropriate quality of their education, to become independent in the provision of studies preparing for the teaching profession.

The new solutions are to enter into force 14 days after their announcement in the Journal of Laws.


"Psychological Package" - recommendations for universities on how to help students

17 June 2021

Based on the information provided by universities on the support provided to students during the epidemic, the Ministry of Education and Science has developed the following recommendations for increasing psychological support.

Every student should be able to receive the following assistance at their university.

  • Health-promoting information - the university should develop and make available to students a plan and description of the psychological support offered, including contact details of institutions/persons providing such support (e.g. an up-to-date list of municipal institutions).
  • Information about the course of study - the university should develop and make available to students the means of applying for "non-standard" settlement of individual stages of the course of study, e.g. the procedure for applying for individual organisation of courses, conditions for obtaining leave from classes, increased limit of absences from classes, change of date and form of examination, extension of the credit period.
  • Information on State Aid - providing students with up-to-date information on student grants, scholarships and loans.
  • An organisational unit (e.g. a psychological counselling centre) or a team of people dedicated to counselling and helping students - such a unit (or team) could provide students with possible ways to overcome mental or emotional crises. This role - to a wider extent - can be fulfilled by the university's office for persons with disabilities.
  • Psychological counseling - the university should provide students with the possibility of an individual meeting with a psychologist in person, or alternatively, online. If it is not possible to liaise directly with the relevant professional, the university should establish cooperation with a centre (company) offering psychological/psychiatric assistance. The university should ensure that assistance is provided without the student incurring the cost of the consultation.
  • Cooperation with the students' council - activities in the field of psychological support for students should be undertaken in close cooperation with the students' council functioning at the university (student support groups). Promoting acceptance towards those seeking support (fostering de-stigmatisation).
  • Workshops and trainings - increase in the number of trainings on prevention in the field of mental health, as well as workshops and trainings on soft skills, e.g. dealing with stress and conflict situations, the problem of procrastination, maintaining physical and mental well-being, the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on functioning in society (relations with the society).

The above recommendations were communicated to the Rectors of the supervised universities in a letter from the Minister of Education and Science dated 15 June 2021, in which the Minister asked to monitor the progress of the implementation of the Psychological Package in universities.

Accessibility plus (3rd edition)

1 March 2021

So far, two editions of the competition have already been held (in 2019 and 2020 respectively). In total, as a result of both editions, 121 grant agreements were signed for the amount of almost PLN 470 million. In 2021, additional 31 agreements are to be signed. The latest edition of the Support for students with autism spectrum disorders project, with a budget of PLN 1.7 million, includes activities implemented from 1 March 2021 to 30 April 2023. It is estimated that at least 80 universities will offer specific support to students with autism spectrum disorders.

New Regulation by the Minister of Education and Science on limiting activities by higher education institutions due to the pandemic

26 February 2021

Due to the prolonged pandemic between 27 February and 30 September 2021 functioning of HEIs and other institutions in charge of doctoral programmes is limited. Detailed measures are listed in the new regulation and apply mostly to online teaching.

New regulations on the functioning of higher education institutions and doctoral training providers during the pandemic

Reform status: approved, 29 January 2021

Since 26 January 2021, new regulations have been in force which contain specific solutions concerning the operation of higher education institutions and entities providing doctoral education in 2021 and the academic year 2020/2021 under conditions of an ongoing pandemic. The new regulations concern, among other things, the dimension of practical placements and recruitment to degree programmes.

The changes introduced concern, among others:

  1. abolition of the minimum dimension of practical placements at degree programmes with a practical profile (amounting to 6 months or 3 months - depending on the level of study) and empowering the university senate to make changes to curricula,
  2. the harmonization of the regulations concerning the training of doctoral students with the regulations concerning the operation of a higher education institution, by introducing the possibility of a temporary limitation of the training of doctoral students,
  3. the validity of the doctoral student ID card. It should be maintained also during the period of temporary limitations in doctoral education and 60 days after the end of such limitations,
  4. an increase in the number of members of the Polish Accreditation Committee from no more than 90 to no more than 100.

In addition, the changes have been introduced that:

  1. make it possible for HEIs to amend their admission resolutions concerning enrolment for programmes starting in the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 and in the academic year 2021/2022,
  2. enable public higher education institutions to amend their admission rules to degree programmes starting in the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 and in the academic year 2021/2022 for the winners and finalists of central-level national subject competitions and the winners of international and national competitions,
  3. allow admission to second-cycle programmes commencing in the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021 and in the academic year 2021/2022 for students who present a certificate of completion of studies instead of a diploma,
  4. provide specific rules for amending the regulations of the degree programmes by 30 September 2021 (by removing the requirement that amendments to the regulations be adopted at least five months before the commencement of the academic year and come into effect at the beginning of the academic year, introducing a ten-day deadline for agreeing amendments to the regulations with the student self-government, as well as a simple majority of the statutory membership of the senate when adopting a new resolution if the regulations have not been agreed upon with the student self-government),
  5. empower the rector to change the organisation of the 2020/2021 academic year as defined in the internal acts of the higher education institution,
  6. enable the body running the institution to change the rules of admissions to doctoral schools for doctoral training commencing in 2021.

Legal basis

Act of 21 January 2021 on amending the Act on specific solutions related to preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19, other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them and some other acts.

Over PLN 55 million support for higher education institutions for online teaching

Reform status: approved, 30 December 2020

PLN 55.3 million will be granted for the purchase of tools for online teaching to all public higher education institutions supervised by the Ministry of Education and Science and non-public HEIs financed under the rules of public HEIs. The purpose of increasing the amount of subsidies is to support higher education institutions and academic teachers in providing remote education.

The amount of funding for individual institutions has been determined based on the average number of academic teachers (per FTE) employed in each institution in 2019.

What purpose can the funds be used for?

The funds from the subsidy increase can be used to purchase remote teaching tools used centrally at the HEI level (e.g. IT platform for online classes), as well as to purchase tools to facilitate online teaching by academic staff (e.g. webcams, laptops, tablets, etc.).

The final allocation of funds will be decided by the HEIs authorities - they know best the current needs of the university. It is important that the equipment, which will remain the property of the institution, can be made available to its staff in order to improve online education.



Amendment of the Regulation on Studies concerning the form of instruction


The latest amendment of the Regulation on Studies features a provision on the possibility to teach courses using distance learning methods and techniques and relevant rules for converting ECTS credits. The Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 29 September 2020 amending the Regulation on Studies entered into force on 1 October 2020.

According to the new regulation, in the period from the date of declaring a state of epidemic emergency or a state of epidemic until the end of the semester during which such a state was cancelled, courses as part of study programmes can be taught using distance learning methods and techniques, regardless of the fact if such a form of instruction is provided for in the programme of study.


Regulation posted on the Official Journal portal (in Polish)

Students' scientific circles create innovations

18 September 2020

The Programme "Students' scientific circles create innovations" aims at supporting student scientific circles operating within the university in the implementation of innovative projects and improving the quality of their activity as well as the mechanism of transferring technologies and technical solutions created within their activity to the economy. The Programme provides support in particular for:

  • carrying out scientific research or development works, in particular those aimed at creating or modernising technologies or technical solutions, and at promoting their results,
  • transferring the results of scientific research or development works to the economy,
  • acquisition by members of these circles of soft competences needed to conduct scientific research or development works and promotion of their results, in particular within the scope of commercialisation of these results and related know-how, teamwork and public speaking,
  • purchase of certificates and licenses necessary in the process of commercialization of research or development results and know-how related to these results

As part of the competition settled in May 2021, 128 projects received co-financing of PLN 6,590,695 in total.

Organisation of education in the new academic year Recommendations for HEI authorities


In the academic year 2020/2021, teaching in higher education institutions should be provided in full respect of the current sanitary safety requirements. The principle of autonomy of higher education institutions states that it is HEI authorities that make final decisions as to the organisation of education. However, the Ministry has prepared recommendations and guidelines, which can be seen as a starting point to the development of internal procedures. It is to be borne in mind that the safety of students, doctoral students, class providers and administrative staff must remain an absolute priority.

Classroom-based or remote education?

The way in which higher education institutions organise education in the new academic year depends solely on their authorities. It is them who are best placed to evaluate their ability to organise remote education. They also possess knowledge of the programmes, where education must be provided in the traditional form. Regardless the form they might choose, they have to remember about the current sanitary safety requirements and must be aware of the situation in a particular city or region to make the new academic year as safe as possible to everyone. 

Mixed model

A mixed model where a large part of lectures, tutorials and seminars, as well as some project activities and classes are provided using distance learning methods and techniques is the recommended form of organising education. Other forms of classes are held in classrooms. The coronavirus pandemic requires the observance of specific safety rules. Therefore, HEIs providing direct education must organise it in a way minimising the risk of infection. For example, they can do it by reducing the number of students in groups and by introducing changes to the timetable to avoid the presence of too large a number of people in one place at one time. 

For more information go to:

Project SOWA - Discovery, Imagination and Activity Zones

Status of the reform: pilot project, August 2020

In August 2020, the Copernicus Science Centre and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education launched a project under which a series of Discovery, Imagination and Activity Zones (Polish: Strefy Odkrywania, Wyobraźni i Aktywności - SOWA) will be created to bridge the gap in access to knowledge through the organisation of science exhibitions in smaller centres.

SOWA Zones will be established at already existing cultural institutions, such as community centres, libraries, and museums. Each facility will house an exhibition and a Dabble Station - a space for free experimentation, where various activities will also be held. The local institutions will also receive class scenarios, tested and conducted at the Copernicus Science Centre.

The pilot project will conclude in December 2020. Within its framework, 8 exhibits will be created, all of which will be exhibited and tested by the visitors to the Copernicus Science Centre. The first two Discovery, Imagination and Activity Zones will be created in 2021, and thirty more between 2022 and 2023. Specific locations will be selected in a competition between municipalities and districts, the criteria for which are currently being developed.

The SOWA project is being implemented thanks to funds from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, amounting to a total of PLN 44 million.

STUDIES 2020 Campaign

Status of the reform: ongoing, June 2020

The STUDIES 2020 campaign supports admissions to studies in the 2020/2021 academic year and is conducted via the online portal It includes, among other things, the Career Indicator - a programme addressed to the students in their final year of upper-secondary schools. It includes a free series of online events aimed at helping students to choose a field of study and a university that is right for them. This undertaking was carried out between 22nd and 26th of June on the Internet portal Participants met with students and lecturers and visited the university's virtual stands, where they could download information materials, talk with employees, or listen to lectures, debates and presentations on the most interesting fields of study.

Meetings supporting this year's enrolment for studies were also held in July (from 7th to 10th) and in September, in the Clearing format. The organisers of the Studies 2020 campaign were the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Educational Portal Perspektywy.

HEIs will receive additional 256 million PLN in subsidies

Reform status: approved, 29 May 2020

99 public higher education institutions will receive an increased subsidy this year. The total amount of additional funding equals PLN 256 million. Additional support has been granted because of financial losses incurred by HEIs in connection with the coronavirus pandemic.

Supplementation of documents

Public HEIs have lost some of their revenues in recent weeks, as they exempted students from the payment of some of the fees (because distance learning was provided) and fees for accommodation in halls of residence. The HEIs also had no revenues from the rental of canteens or ad hoc rentals - e.g. of lecture halls and conference rooms. 

Therefore, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education decided to increase subsidies for 9 research institutions, 50 academic institutions, 34 vocational schools and 6 higher education institutions run by churches, religious associations and financed from the state budget.


Communication of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 May 2020 on increasing the amount of subsidies from the budget for maintaining and developing teaching and research potential allocated for 2020


Greater availability of financial support for students and doctoral students

Reform status: implemented, 20 April 2020

With the coming into force of the Act on special support instruments in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, changes were made to the financial awards system for students and doctoral students.

What changes for students and doctoral students are there in the anti-crisis legislation package?

  • During the epidemic, the limit of two hardship grants per academic year is not in force - this means that a student can apply for financial assistance at his/her higher education institution every time his or her material circumstances have deteriorated, e.g. due to loss of income by the student or his/her family member(s).
  • Due to the fact that during the period of suspension of HEIs’ activity there may be difficulties in organising the work of scholarship committees, the hardship grant is awarded by the Rector. If there has been a scholarship committee and a scholarship appeal committee in a higher education institution, they still retain the right to award a social grant, a disabled person's grant and the rector's grant.
  • Applications for hardship grants are assessed in a simplified process - in accordance with the student awards procedural regulations.
  • During the period of suspension of studies for doctoral students enrolled on programmes which commenced before the academic year 2019/2020, analogous rules for awarding hardship grants apply, but the aid shall be granted by the head of the institution which is facilitating the doctoral studies.

Applications for hardship grants shall be submitted to a higher education institution and, in the case of doctoral students studying in scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) or research institutes, to that institute.

We are extending the period of financial support

In the summer semester 2019/2020, due to the difficult situation facing many families, the rule concerning social grants, disability grants, and hardship grants being awarded for a study period not exceeding 6 years was abolished. This means the possibility of financial support for those students who have passed the period of 6 years since the beginning of their studies and therefore would not normally be able to apply for the above-mentioned benefits.

We are reducing the number of required documents

Up until the 30 September 2020, applications for financial awards can be submitted in the form and manner specified by the higher education institution. Therefore, the HEI may introduce additional ways of submitting applications for scholarships and grants. In an instance whereby a student whose monthly income per person in the family does not exceed the amount of PLN 528 per month, the obligation to attach a certificate from a social welfare centre on his/her income and their family's income and financial situation to the application for a social grant has also been abolished. The financial situation of the student will be verified by the HEI on the basis of other available documents.

Support for individuals repaying their student loan

The Act has also introduced support for graduates who received a student loan during their studies and are now repaying it. At the borrower's request, the bank will obligatorily suspend the repayment of the student loan for up to six months, without the need to meet additional conditions and document the borrower's personal situation. The application to suspend the repayment of the student loan is submitted to the bank with which the borrower concluded the agreement. Regardless of this possibility, the borrower may also take advantage of all reliefs in loan repayment provided by the applicable regulations, e.g. loan and interest suspension for up to 12 months due to difficult personal circumstances, reduction of loan instalment to 20% of monthly income.

Information on combating the spread of the coronavirus epidemic should be sought from official sources. We encourage you to follow


Act on special support instruments in connection with the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Ustawa z dnia 16 kwietnia 2020 r. o szczególnych instrumentach wsparcia w związku z rozprzestrzenianiem się wirusa SARS-CoV-2)



Distance learning at higher education institutions

Reform status: changes related to the pandemic, 27 March 2020

For the duration of the suspension of traditional teaching, the majority of higher education institutions has introduced distance learning provision. In order to answer the questions and satisfy the needs of HEIs, the ministry responsible for higher education has prepared recommendations for conducting classes as part of all degree programmes and cycles of studies using distance learning methods and techniques.

Organisation of distance learning

  • HEIs should provide technological infrastructure for distance learning;
  • HEIs should supports the students in their use of ICT tools as part of distance learning;
  • The use of technological infrastructure and tools of other domestic universities and institutions is permitted, provided that they conclude an agreement to that end.

Teaching materials for students

  • HEIs should support the preparation of teaching materials needed for distance learning;
  • Academic teachers or lecturers prepare and provide teaching materials in digital form;
  • Teaching materials are subject to monitoring, e.g. by a course manager;
  • HEIs should have procedures in place that enable monitoring of the quality of teaching materials and the way they are made available, as well as the detection of undesirable phenomena in the process of distance learning;
  • HEIs are responsible for making the distance learning tools available in accordance with the applicable law, including in particular the copyright and licensing laws and GDPR, and ensuring legal and free access to the tool for all participants.

Rights and obligations of the parties

  • Students have the right to full information on the course of distance learning;
  • Students have the right to obtain support concerning the operation of a distance learning system;
  • Students are obliged to regularly participate in distance learning classes in accordance with the rules laid down by academic staff, in accordance with the study regulations;
  • Students are obliged to perform and report all tasks specified by the teacher;
  • If students are absent from classes conducted using synchronous communication technology, they should have access to learning content offline. A course manager can recommend another form of making up classes.

Rights and obligations of academic teachers

  • Teachers are obliged to prepare appropriate teaching materials;
  • Teachers are obliged to develop and make available to all students a detailed description of intended learning outcomes and methods for their verification - if there are any changes in the syllabus as a result of using distance learning methods and techniques;
  • Teachers are obliged to provide students with an accurate work plan;
  • In the case of a complete transition to the remote learning process, academic teachers are obliged to prepare teaching materials ensuring that each student has a workload during classes that is consistent with the number of hours assigned in the study plan and programme;
  • Teachers are obliged to regularly monitor and record students’ learning. The records should confirm the regularity of contacts and interactions with students;
  • Teachers are required to design the distance learning process for students in a way that ensures a workload equal to the number of ECTS credits allocated to a given course;
  • Academic teachers or other persons authorised to teach courses enjoy autonomy in the choice of tools supporting distance learning by students;
  • Teachers have the right to receive support in the implementation of distance learning methods, tools and techniques in accordance with the rules laid down by the university.

Accounting for the teaching load of academic teachers

  • Unless the regulations in force in a higher education institution provide otherwise, 100% of distance learning hours are counted towards the total number of teaching hours in a given year;
  • The number of remote teaching hours included in the total number of teaching hours of a given a teacher equals the number of hours they would teach in a traditional manner;
  • For distance learning purposes, it is possible to increase the number of students in groups attending tutorials, laboratory and project classes and seminars;
  • Unless the regulations in force in a higher education institution provide otherwise, the workload will be settled upon the completion of courses in a given semester and upon confirmation by the head of the organisational unit conducting the courses that all additional conditions defined by the institution have been fulfilled.

Recognition of distance learning outcomes

  • The provision of distance learning services does not contravene Art. 63(1) of the Law on Higher Education;
  • The number of ECTS credits allocated to a specific course included in the programme does not change;
  • One ECTS credit stands for 25-30 hours of student work, including classes using distance learning methods and techniques organised by the HEI and individual work related to these classes.

Assessment of distance learning progress

  • Academic teachers give feedback to students on their progress;
  • The HEI's distance learning platform or other similar tool is used to store feedback on learning progress;
  • Teachers set online consultation dates for students;
  • All activities related to monitoring students' learning and giving them feedback are recorded on the HEI's distance learning platform or by means of other tool.

Summative assessment of distance learning outcomes

  • Academic teachers are required to define methods and criteria for verifying each distance learning outcome;
  • Unless other regulations in force at the university provide otherwise, the verification of distance learning outcomes is an individual decision of the course leader and can be carried out as follows:
  • on a regular basis, on the campus of a higher education institution, taking the form of an oral or written test specified by the course leader, on the basis of which a credit for the course is given.
  • or online - using IT tools.
  • HEIs should ensure reliable verification of learning outcomes -- it can be conducted online or it can take place outside the University premises;
  • Earning credit for all distance-learning courses specified in a student's semester study plan is obligatory and is subject to a final assessment in accordance with the rules laid down in the study regulations of the institution.


  • The diploma examination can take place using synchronous online communication facilities;
  • The diploma examination can be conducted using videoconferencing, videoconferencing application, a remote learning platform or other tools for synchronous group work;
  • The examination board should verify personal data of the student taking the diploma examination;
  • The examination board should draw up a report on the course of the diploma examination. The HEI should make sure that all members of the examination board sign the report.


Recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on education provided using distance learning methods and techniques


Changes in the system of education and training of pre-school and early school education teachers

Reform status: announced, to be implemented 1 October 2019

Starting from the next academic year, a new system of education and training for pre-school and early school education teachers will enter in force. Students who have already started their training are taught according to the previous rules. Changes in the system of education and training of pre-school and early school education teachers will enter into force on 1 October 2019.  Teacher education will be offered as part of a long-cycle master's degree programme in preschool and early-school pedagogy.

New education standards

The changes will be introduced by the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the standard of initial teacher education, which will enter in force on 1 October 2019. The amendment will apply only to those students who commence their studies in October - the remaining ones will continue their studies in accordance with existing rules. Current (or previous) qualification system applies to students who graduated or commenced their studies before 1 October 2019. At present, graduates of first cycle programmes in pedagogy trained to work with children at the stage of preschool or early school education hold qualifications to teach pre-schoolers and primary school grade 1-3 students.

More info:

A new portal for candidates, students and doctoral students has been launched

Reform status: launched, July 2019

STUDIA.GOV.PL is a new portal of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and a unique compendium of knowledge on Polish universities’ educational offer, the quality of education at individual faculties, and the earnings of Polish universities’ graduates created for young people who want to study as part of second and third cycle programmes.

ELA (Ekonomiczne Losy Absolwentów Szkół Wyższych - Tracer Study of University Graduates)

ELA forms a part of the STUDIA.GOV.PL portal and generates automatic reports on every field of study offered by every university in Poland. In recent years, ELA has analysed the situation of more than 1.1 million graduates who completed their studies in the years 2014-2016. It determines how much they earn, how long they look for a job, or how many of them are unemployed.

The system presents data from the Social Insurance Institution and POL-on, an official database on higher education. Infographics, rankings and reports present, among other things, the salaries of recent graduates. The system also compares graduates’ earnings to the situation on local labour markets. So it shows how well off they are and their standard of living.

Faculties, study programmes, universities - Select your studies search engine

The portal features the ratings for 385 universities, 2997 faculties and 5243 study programmes. The Select your studies search engine is another great tool available on the portal. It is based on verified information from four reliable sources. The consistently updated data comes from the POL-on higher education database and is based on degree programme assessments conducted by the Polish Accreditation Committee, assessments of scientific activities conducted by the Committee for the Evaluation of Scientific Units and information provided by universities themselves.

Thanks to such diversified data, it is possible, among other things, to:

  •     search for degree programmes based on subjects taken at the matura (final secondary education) examination;
  •     compare offers of individual universities;
  •     check, which degree programmes have received an outstanding, positive or negative rating from the Polish Accreditation Committee;
  •     see how many foreigners study at a given university;
  •     verify how many academic teachers hold the title of a professor, degree of doktor habilitowany and doktor.


First Polish MOOC - continuation

Reform status: implemented, July 2019

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education in cooperation with the Young Science Foundation has initiated a first Polish MOOC type educational platform. Thanks to 20 million PLN support from the National Research and Development Centre (NCBR) anyone will be able to access  52 newly developed on line courses. The offer includes language courses, coding workshops,  entrepreneurship and marketing courses and even sign language classes. Upon course completion every registered user can receive a certificate issued by the HEI which has prepared the given course.  

The platform was launched last year and now is open to all users, regardless their age, education or residence.

To date only a few courses have been available on the platform.  This will change as the National Research and Development Centre has just announced the winners of the „Towards MOOC” competition in which 77 concepts of  online courses were reviewed. Finally  NCBR has decided on financing 52 best projects.

The total value of all financed projects amounts to 20.6 million PLN. The competition is financed from the PO WER funds for years  2014-2020, implemented in the framework of EFS.

Initiative for excellence – research university

Reform status: announced, April 2019

The reform is aiming to identify and support HEIs which will strive for the status of “research universities”, in order to enter the group of best European and World HEIs.  .

The HEIs will be identified on a basis of an open competition and will be obliged to present a plan of developing and increasing quality of their research activities and quality of teaching which will contribute to the future improvement of HEI’s position on the international research market.  In order to implement this plan selected HEIs will receive higher funding in the years 2020–2026.

HEIs applying for additional funding will have to present an application including e.g. analysis of their own potential and research development plans, in particular related to:

  • better contribution towards development of global research,
  • strengthening of research cooperation with research institution with high position on the international scale,
  • improvement in the quality of teaching of students and doctoral students,
  • improvements of HEIs’ staff policy,
  • improvement in the quality of management of HEIs.

HEIs will be obliged to define their priorities in research areas in which they will intensify their research activities.  

First competition will take place between 15 May and 24 June 2019.

More info on the Ministry’s website.

Accessibility Plus Programme

Reform status: under implementation, April 2019

Uczelnia Dostępna

In the framework of Accessibility Plus Governmental Programme („Dostępność Plus”), a competition Accessible HEI has been initiated („Uczelnia dostępna”). The programme aims at provision of free access to goods, services and possibilities of participation in social and public life to persons with special needs. The Programme measures are initiated and financed in 8 thematic areas: architecture, transport, education, health service, digitalization, services, competition and coordination. The value of investment in this programme amounts to around 23 billion PLN in the years 2018-2025. The programme will be supported by funds from the following sources: European Funds, Norwegian and EOG and national public funds (state budget, funds from territorial self-government and funds provided by the State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled People.

The NCBR competition is aiming at removing barriers in access to higher education through introduction of organisational changes and improvement of competences and awareness of academic Staff which will result in increasing  accessibility of their educational offer to persons with disabilities.

The competition takes place between 15 April and 28 June 2019.

300 million PLN for HEIs in the competition Integrated HEIs Programmes

Reform status: competition, January 2019

10 HEIs will receive 295 million PLN in total for financing of projects which will contribute towards improvement of teaching quality. Results of NCBR Competition Integrated HEIs Programmes (Zintegrowane Programy Uczelni) have been announced. The competition is implemented in the framework of Operational Programme Knowledge, Education, Development (PO WER).

The IH Programme has a total budget of one billion PLN and includes 3 paths. The currently announced results of competition in path III concern the biggest HEIs with a minimum of 20 thousand students. This competition had a 250 million PLN budget which was increased due to the high quality and importance of submitted proposals.

According to the competition requirements projects selected for financing includes at least 4 out of the following modules: study programmes, improving competences of students, placement programmes, high quality support to students in their job seeking activities (e.g. Academic career offices), PhD programmes and management in HEIs. 

The following HEIs will receive funding in the framework of the programme: Uniersity of Lódź, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Kraków, Jagiellonian University, University of Wrocław, Silesian University in Katowice, Warsaw University of Technology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Mikołaj Kopernik University in Torun, Wrocław University of Technology and Silesian University of Technology.

Results for the two remaining paths will be announced in the first 3 months of 2019. Road map includes announcing results for Path II in mid-February 2019 (budget 250 million PLN)  and for Path I in mid-March (budget 500 million PLN).