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National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 22 June 2022
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PE with Warsaw Academy of Physical Education (AWF) - Active return of pupils to school after the pandemic" - 2nd edition of the Ministry of Education and Science and AWF programme

10 February 2022

In 2022, the programme "PE with AWF - Active return of pupils to school after the pandemic" will be continued with funding of over PLN 36 million.

The results of the first edition of the joint project of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education "PE with AWF" include almost 120 thousand pupils taking part in additional sports activities and over 31 thousand trained teachers, almost 9 thousand Sport Clubs all over Poland and 180 thousand hours of physical activities for children and young people after a long period of distance learning.

The project included two stages: I - Active return to school, II - Sport Clubs. Specialists from the Warsaw AWF, in cooperation with physical education academies from other cities, trained physical education teachers from primary and secondary schools and early childhood education settings.

A total of 51,000 teachers have registered for the programme, of whom more than 31,000 physical education and early childhood education teachers have so far completed the training and received the certificate. The remaining registered teachers will be able to take part in the second edition of the programme.

So far 350 training courses have been conducted in nine physical education academy centres. The courses have consisted of theoretical lectures on health and psychological aspects and practical classes conducted by specialists from the physical education academies.

As part of the second stage of the programme "PE with AWF - Active return of pupils to school after the pandemic", 8.7 thousand Sports Clubs were established, in which over 180 thousand hours of classes were conducted for almost 120 thousand pupils. Many of them were pupils in grades 1-3 from primary schools in rural areas (39%). Children with disabilities also participated in the programme.

"National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030" - tender procedure of the Ministry of Health

9 February 2022

As part of the implementation of the programme "National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030" The Ministry of Health announced a tender procedure "Preparation of materials for pupils and teachers and implementing a pilot as part of educational activities for cancer prevention and the formation of pro-health attitudes in the field of school health education and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the implementation of the Educational Programme for Health in Schools".

The subject of the contract related to the implementation of the Educational Health Programme in schools is a service which includes:

  • Development of a concept of teaching in the field of health education and promotion of healthy lifestyle to be implemented in schools within the framework of health classes for pupils of primary schools in grades 4-8 and students of secondary schools,
  • Design and production of a set of educational materials (publications, handouts and lesson plans for teachers, teachers' guide) and teaching aids for pupils and teachers, and a guide for parents,
  • Carry out a health education pilot with the use of developed educational materials and teaching aids, prepare a report summarising its results with recommendations for the implementation of health education in schools and implement the results of the pilot in the selected educational materials and teaching aids,
  • Update the methodological guide for teachers "School promoting the recommendations of the European Code Against Cancer".

The Ministry of Health, which cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Sport in this regard, is responsible for the implementation of tasks under the programme "National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030".


PLN 180 million for additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support

8 February 2022

From 1 March this year, specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support will be implemented in schools during additional hours. The Ministry of Education and Science will allocate 180 million PLN for this purpose. This amount will allow to realize about 3 million additional hours of classes for pupils. Funds in the educational part of the general subvention for psychological and pedagogical support for 2022 will be increased by 31%. The distribution of funds will be maximally simplified. Support will include the organisation of corrective-compensatory classes, speech therapy, classes developing emotional and social competences, and other classes of a therapeutic nature.

Funds for the organisation of psychological and pedagogical support in 2022

In 2022, funds in the amount of PLN 700 million have been secured for the organisation of psychological and pedagogical support, including:

  • PLN 180 million for additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support - measures planned from 1 March this year
  • PLN 520 million for the first stage of standardisation of employment of psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists, pedagogical therapists and special educators from September 2022 - funds available starting on 1 September 2022.

Additional psychological and pedagogical assistance

From 1 March 2022 public and non-public primary schools, secondary schools and art schools providing general education in the scope of primary school and general secondary school will be able to provide additional hours of specialist psychological and pedagogical assistance. Support will include organization of corrective-compensatory lessons, speech therapy, developing emotional and social competences and other therapeutic activities for pupils, in whom the need for psychological and pedagogical support has been identified.

The classes will be conducted by teachers: psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists, vocational counsellors and pedagogical therapists. Depending on the needs of pupils, they can also be conducted by other specialists.

Detailed issues in this regard will be regulated in the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science amending the regulation on specific solutions in the period of temporary limitation of functioning of units of the educational system in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19.

Organisation of additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support

By 21 February 2022 the school heads will provide the local authority with information on the number of hours of additional specialist classes planned at a given school.

The classes can be conducted from 1st March this year, but it is the school - according to its needs and possibilities - that will decide when they should begin. The classes should be completed by 20 December 2022.

Additional specialist classes will be organised according to the identified needs of pupils, including those starting education in the school year 2022/2023.

Division of funds for additional specialist classes

Financing of additional specialist classes in the area of psychological and pedagogical support will be realized from the reserve of the educational part of the general subvention, which will be increased for this purpose by the amount of PLN 180 million. The distribution of funds among local authorities will take place in accordance with the criteria for the distribution of the reserve for 2022.

The distribution of funds will be maximally simplified and will be implemented by Ministry on the basis of the number of pupils in schools as on 30 September 2021. The funds will be transferred to the accounts of local authorities by the Ministry of Finance. The transfer of funds should take place before the start date of classes.

Financial support for the organisation of additional specialist classes for pupils of non-public and public schools, which are not run by local authorities and for pupils of schools run by natural and legal persons registered by the minister responsible for culture will be provided in the form of a targeted grant.

Amount of support 

Throughout the country, the amount of 180 million PLN allocated to this task will make it possible to provide approximately 3 million additional hours of classes for pupils. Thus, the funds in the educational part of the general subvention for psychological and pedagogical support for 2022 will be increased by 31%.

The estimated number of hours of additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support will be:

  • in a school with 100 pupils - 63 additional teaching hours,
  • in a school with 200 pupils - 127 additional teaching hours,
  • in a school with 300 pupils - 191 additional teaching hours,
  • in a school with 400 pupils - 255 additional teaching hours,
  • in a school with 500 pupils - 319 additional teaching hours,
  • in a school with 600 pupils - 383 additional teaching hours.

First stage of standardisation of employment of specialists

From 1 September 2022, the implementation of the first stage of standardisation of employment of psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists, educational therapists and special educators in pre-schools and schools will begin. Solutions in this area will be introduced gradually, until 1 September 2024.

The scope of specialist staff employment will depend on the number of pupils in the pre-school/school.


Detailed timetable for the introduction of additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support: 

  • by 21 February 2022 – school heads will submit to the local authority, respectively, information on the number of hours of additional specialist classes planned at a given school or an application for a special purpose grant for financing the organisation of additional specialist classes,
  • by the end of February 2022 - the distribution of funds will be carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science and forwarded to the Ministry of Finance. The funds should reach the accounts of local authorities before the commencement of classes,
  • from 1 March to 20 December 2022 - implementation of additional specialist classes.

Legislation: Rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji i Nauki z dnia 8 lutego 2022 r. zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie szczególnych rozwiązań w okresie czasowego ograniczenia funkcjonowania jednostek systemu oświaty w związku z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem COVID-19


"Laboratories of the Future" - expanding the programme and increasing financial support to schools

4 February 2022

"Laboratories of the Future" is an initiative implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister GovTech Centre. As part of the programme, 99% of public primary schools will receive funding for the purchase of modern equipment to develop future competencies, including 3D printers, microcontrollers or recording equipment. Schools can choose equipment from a catalogue of 177 items.

The Minister of Education and Science announced the development of the programme and the inclusion of non-public schools, including Polish schools abroad, and secondary schools in the programme's financial support.

The equipment, which will be distributed to schools, will support the discovery of talents and the development of passions of young people in the areas that interest them. Thanks to modern equipment, pupils will be able to conduct scientific experiments, acquire new competencies and skills that will be important in subsequent stages of education and will help them choose their career paths.

Remote learning up to the end of the winter holidays

26 January 2022

From 27 January 2022 to 27 February 2022, primary school pupils in classes V-VIII and secondary school pupils will take part in remote classes. Continuing education institutions and vocational training centres will also work online. Pupils in primary school in classes I-IV and in pre-primary schools and classes will continue to attend lessons/activities on site.

Legal basis (text in Polish).

Business and management – new subject in Polish schools (starting in September 2023)

20 January 2022

The Ministry of Education and Science plans to introduce a new subject in schools from 1 September 2023. New subject is called Business and management, which starting in 2027 students will be able to choose as an additional subject at extended level in the matriculation (Matura) examination.

The subject will implement and extend the assumptions of the current subject Introduction to Entrepreneurship. It is planned that the current number of hours of obligatory classes for students of secondary schools will be maintained. Business and management will replace the current Introduction to entrepreneurship. In addition to the requirements for the basic level, the core curriculum will also specify the requirements for the extended level, so that students (who wish to do so) may take the Matura exam in Business and management as an additional subject at the extended level. This exam will be held for the first time in 2027.

The introduction of a new Matura subject is a response to the needs and demands made by business and academic circles, as well as the Council for Financial Education and the President's Council for Entrepreneurship.

Introduction of Business and management (BM) teaching at extended level will make it possible for the new subject to include additional contents apart from such issues as personal finance, labour market or economic system, which are already present in the core curriculum of the Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Particular emphasis within BM will be placed on working in groups, analysing practical examples of the experience of Polish and foreign entrepreneurs and developing leadership competences. These are elements present in all business studies, including MBA-type programmes.

The catalogue of teaching materials will be extended by introducing new technologies and digital tools to serve students, teachers and other members of the school community.

Consultations on the core curriculum for the new subject have been already launched. Representatives of business, sector organisations and experts-practitioners have been invited to participate in the work related to the preparation of the Business and management core curriculum. The main assumption of the new subject is to give it a practical dimension and to adapt the topics to the expectations of the labour market and the needs of universities.

Consultations take place online.


Specialized Support Centers for Inclusive Education - pilot program launched

3 December 2021

The pilot implementation of the Specialized Support Centers for Inclusive Education (SCWEW) model was launched on December 3. The program is co-created by the Centre for Education Development. Over PLN 36 million has been allocated for this purpose.

The role of the new centers will be to work more closely with mainstream institutions to better organize activities for inclusive education. As part of the programme, a Coordinating Centre is to be established to oversee the proper operation of the SCWEW network.

The tasks of the centers implemented during the pilot program:

  • consultations and other forms of support for teaching and non-teaching staff of kindergartens and schools in the field of recognizing developmental and educational needs and methods of working with a diverse class, including the use of universal design principles;
  • close cooperation with parents;
  • supporting management staff in developing an appropriate model of functioning as an inclusive organization in order to ensure high quality of education and support;
  • improving the accessibility of the kindergarten and school;
  • co-leading educational activities in a class/group by SCWEW teachers and specialists in cooperation with a teacher/specialist from a mainstream school, respectively;
  • conducting model specialist classes and open lessons in a mainstream school or in SCWEW;
  • organising specialised training, cooperation and self-education networks in cooperation with other entities;
  • maintaining a database of information on institutions and entities providing support in the community;
  • lending of textbooks, specialised equipment, and teaching aids tailored to the needs of pupils.

Every child is to be guaranteed assistance, including psychological and pedagogical support that is tailored to his or her needs. For several years, the Ministry of Education and Science has been working with specialists to develop the best model of interinstitutional support. The SCWEW centers are to be the guarantee that children receive such assistance.

History and the Present instead of Civic Education at the basic level - a new subject in secondary schools from 1 September 2022

9 November 2021

In December 2021, a draft core curriculum for the subject of History and the Present will go to public consultations and inter-ministerial arrangements. The subject will be introduced from 1 September 2022 in class I of secondary school, replacing Civic Education.

The new subject History and the Present will replace the subject Civic Education implemented in general and technical secondary school,  and sectoral vocational schools. Civic Education at the extended level for general and technical secondary school students will remain unchanged.

The content of the subject History and the Present will include issues from the current core curriculum of Civic Education subject and issues of recent history - post-war history from 1945 to 2015: Poland and the world.

The new subject is a supplemented and extended continuation of the course of modern history and civic education taught in class VIII of primary school. There will also be correlation with the core curriculum of history in secondary schools, so that the content of modern history is repeated only as much as is necessary.

The content of the existing subject of Civic Education (basic level) will be put into historical context, which will enable students to better understand complex historical and socio-political processes.

The aim of introducing the new subject is to increase the scope of issues related to recent history in the historical education of students in post-primary schools. Importantly, a compulsory, regular, chronological, full history course for every secondary school pupil will be maintained. Pupils will also learn the basic and enduring principles of social life, including the foundations of state and law.

The core curriculum for History subject at the general secondary school, technical secondary school and Stage I sectoral vocational school will be supplemented with teaching contents - specific requirements covering events from the period after Poland's accession to the European Union (from 2004 to 2015).

The content will be changed in such a way that its implementation in the basic scope will be completed in the first semester of the final year of secondary school.

The total number of hours of compulsory education provided for in Outline Timetables for secondary schools will not change.

The number of hours of the subject History and the Present will be 3 hours in general secondary schools and technical secondary schools, instead of the current 2 hours for the subject Civic Education (at basic level). The number of hours of subject History at the basic level will change from the current 8 to 7.

Laboratories of the Future

15 September 2021

3D printers, microcontrollers, robots, recording equipment and other modern equipment will soon appear in all Polish schools. The largest government investment in modernising education in history has been launched - "Laboratories of the Future". The programme implements one of the postulates of the "Polish Deal" (Polski Ład) and is financed from the COVID-19 Fund.

The initiative announced today envisages that, later this year, local governments running around 12,000 primary schools across Poland will receive funding to purchase modern tools to support the discovery of talents and the development of competencies of the future - such as cooperation, interdisciplinarity, creativity and problem solving. To support schools, the Government will allocate a total of more than PLN 1 billion - first for schools run by local governments, and then also for non-public schools.

Support for more than 3 million pupils 

The support will be granted depending on the size of schools - their leading bodies may receive up to:

  • PLN 30,000 - for schools up to 100 pupils (5168 schools with 292,457 pupils)
  • PLN 60,000 - for schools with 101-200 students (3492 schools with 495,017 pupils)
  • PLN 70,000 - for schools with 201 to 234 pupils (659 schools with 142,467 pupils)
  • PLN 300 per pupil - for schools with 235 or more pupils (4,678 schools with 2,131,451 pupils)

This means that all schools in Poland will receive at least PLN 300 per pupil. Smaller schools will receive additional financial support reflecting their needs, in line with the idea of sustainable development. In total, the initiative will benefit over 3 million pupils, studying in almost 15,000 schools. 

Thanks to the Laboratories of the Future, from 1 September 2022, every primary school in Poland will receive modern equipment, including 3D printers, microcontrollers or recording equipment. The obligation for schools to make them available to students will come into force as of the school year 2022/23, but under the Laboratories of the Future, schools will also be able to choose additional equipment - from tools for manual work, through VR goggles, to teaching aids. The catalogue presented for nationwide consultation has 136 items, but can be supplemented if sufficient demand is reported.

Inauguration of the Council for information and communication technologies in education and higher education and science systems

18 August 2021

On 18 August 2021, the first meeting of the Council for Information and Communication Technologies in Education and Higher Education and Science Systems was held.

Main tasks of the Council

  • Supporting the Minister of Education and Science in the implementation of digital technologies in the educational systems and higher education and science;
  • Providing recommendations to the Minister of Education and Science on activities in the educational systems and higher education and science related to the development of information society and knowledge-based economy in Poland;
  • Initiating activities in the field of information technology education, media education and applications of information and communication technologies used in education systems;
  • Initiating activities in the field of improving the quality of education in the educational systems, higher education and science with the use of information and communication technology tools.

The Council’s first task will be to urgently develop recommendations for the use of digital competences acquired by teachers, pupils and students during distance learning.

Possibility to increase the number of hours of supporting classes - amendment of the regulation

21 July 2021

On the initiative of the Minister of Education and Science, more children will be able to benefit from additional supportive activities.

The most important changes introduced in the new legislation are:

  • the possibility to increase the number of hours of supporting classes (from 10 to 15 hours per school division);
  • doubling the limit of weekly number of hours of supporting classes, which gives schools even more flexibility in organising them;
  • making the provisions regarding organisation of supporting classes in Class IV of a primary school more flexible (in the case of a primary school in which the total number of students in Classes IV-VIII is 60 or more, but in Class IV there are fewer than 10 students, supporting classes in a given subject may be organised in a group with at least 5 students).

More information

Strengthening the role of the school superintendent - proposals for change

11 June 2021

The school superintendent is responsible for ensuring that schools and institutions carry out their educational, pedagogical and childcare tasks properly. They are obliged to take care of the quality of education, as well as to study and evaluate it. For this purpose, they have a specific unit and tools. Therefore, it is important to create such provisions that, when decisions are made at the local level, the superintendent can be given a significant voice in the most important issues concerning the functioning of schools and institutions.

All pupils must be provided with the best possible educational, pedagogical and childcare conditions. That is why it is essential that the head of the school or institution is a person who guarantees the proper implementation of the entrusted tasks. It is also important that they ensure, through their knowledge, experience and attitude, the best functioning and work organisation of the school or institution they manage. The Ministry proposes that the school superintendent, as the authority in charge of pedagogical supervision, should have a greater influence on the appointment, as well as a significant say in the dismissal or suspension of the head of the school or institution in the event of finding deficiencies related to threats to the safety of pupils during classes organised by the school.

Parents should have the right to decide on their child's participation in activities provided by different organisations at school. For this reason, the Ministry proposes the introduction of such a provision whereby the head of a school or institution will be obliged - prior to the commencement of classes conducted by an association or organisation in a school or institution - to obtain detailed information on the plan of activity in the school premises and the outline of the classes and materials used, as well as to obtain a positive opinion from the school superintendent for the activities of such an organisation in the school or institution. Once this has been obtained, the head of the school or institution will be required to provide an adult pupil or the parents of a minor pupil with detailed information on the aims and content of the programme of activities carried out, as well as the materials for the activities, before they begin. In addition, a pupil’s participation in the activity will require the written consent of the parents of a minor pupil or the written consent of an adult pupil.

The proposed solutions grant greater authority to the school superintendent than before. Local self-government will continue to perform public tasks in the field of public education to the extent not reserved by the acts of law for a public administration body such as the school superintendent.

Proposals for change.


The "Forest School with Climate" programme is launched

10 June 2021

Increasing pro-environmental awareness among children through the implementation of educational classes outdoors and conducting activities dedicated to natural environment protection – these are the main objectives of the "Forest School with Climate" programme.

"Forest School with Climate" is a collaborative programme developed by the Ministry of Climate and Environment and the Ministry of Education and Science that aims to inspire students and teachers to take environmentally-friendly actions. The State Forests governmental organisation is also involved in the programme, preparing trails for outdoor games, organising lectures, and more.

The activities provided under the programme are tailored to each season of the year. For the upcoming summer, a series of classes has been prepared, during which children will learn, amongst other things: how to use the forest wisely and not get lost in it, what trails are in the forests and why do foresters mark them, whether it is allowed to spend the night in the forest, which plants are allowed to pick and which should not be touched, as well how to behave in the event of encountering wild animals.

Forest fire protection is another important summer topic that will be addressed. During field activities, children will see water drawing points, learn how the Alarm and Dispatch Points in Forest districts function and what is the purpose of fire lookouts.

Through the implementation of outdoor group activities, the programme will also support the development of interpersonal learning, teamwork and communication skills, as well as logical thinking, creativity, and self-reliance.

Supporting classes for pupils - complete regulations

28 May 2021

Local authorities will receive funds from the educational subsidy reserve for the implementation of supporting classes for willing learners. The President of the Republic of Poland signed the bill on the matter today, and the regulation has also been issued. This allows schools to organise activities from 31 May. Those institutions that do not decide to provide additional lessons before the summer break will be able to do so from September.

The supporting classes are designed to consolidate knowledge and skills from selected compulsory educational classes in general education. They are intended for learners in classes IV-VIII of primary and secondary schools, and will be conducted exclusively on school premises. Classes are open to all students who wish to participate.

The school head, in consultation with the teachers, determines which subjects are to be taught. Classes may be conducted in public and non-public primary and secondary schools, including special schools and art schools providing general education.

Classes will be organised: 

  • exclusively within the scope of compulsory general education activities included in the framework teaching plans for a given type of school; 
  • for groups of not less than 10 learners (in the case of small primary schools - not less than 5 learners). 

As many as approx. 3.4 million pupils may benefit from the classes, for which PLN 187 million has been allocated. The financing is provided through increasing the general subsidy educational reserve.

Detailed regulations on the organisation of classes, deadlines for the transfer and settlement of subsidies, application templates and settlement forms are laid down in the regulation of the Ministry of Education and Science

IT Talent Development Programme 2019-2029

24 May 2021

The IT Talent Development Programme, running from 2019, aims to improve the advanced digital skills of young people - through supporting development in the fields of algorithmics, programming and video game design. Participants in the programme – young people of exceptional talent – improve their advanced digital skills, which are highly sought after in the job market.

The programme is mainly aimed at pupils and students. Additional activities - also at teachers and lecturers supervising them. The total funding pool is PLN 10 million.

Assistance projects are to be implemented in the following areas:

  • Algorithmics and Programming Championships - students.

Support should go to 50 student teams, as well as the lecturers supervising them (1 to 3 persons). Students who are part of individual teams will improve their competences in algorithmics and programming, for example through: participating in classes taught by academic authorities in the field of computer science, taking part in educational initiatives dedicated to the development of digital skills, or completing tasks in computer science and mathematics in the form of cross-team gamification.

  • Video Game Design Championship - Students.
  • Video Game Design Championship - Pupils.

Support should go to a minimum of 25 pupil teams from secondary schools or 25 student teams, as well as the teachers supervising them (1 to 3 teachers per team). Participation in the project will develop skills such as game story design, programming, image and sound processing techniques, computer graphics design, etc.

Non-governmental organisations involved in the development of the IT community in Poland are invited to submit their proposals.

Time table for the return to class-based learning in schools

29 April 2021

According to the time table announced by the Ministry of Education and Science:

  • Starting on 4 May 2021 pupils in grades I-III of primary schools return to class- based learning in all schools in the country.
  • Starting on 17 May 2021  pupils in grades  IV-VIII of primary schools, in post-primary schools, and learners in continuing and vocational education centres start learning on hybrid basis (50% in class 50% online). 
  • Starting on 31 May all pupils and learners will follow class based learning in schools and other educational settings.  

Legal basis

Regulation by the Minister of Education and Science of 29 April 2021 on temporary limitations to the functioning of educational settings in the light of preventing and combating the Covid-19 pandemic.   

Rules for organising and conducting external examinations in 2021-2023

21 April 2021

Conducting external examinations in 2022 on the same basis as the examinations in 2021, and abandoning the threshold for passing the Matura examination at the advanced level in one additional subject in 2023 - these are the most important solutions announced by the Minister of Education and Science.

In 2022, external examinations will be administered largely under the same rules as in 2021.

For the 2022 eighth-grade examination this means that: students will take an examination in three subjects, i.e. Polish language, mathematics and a selected modern foreign language; there will be no additional subject examination (this examination will be held for the first time in 2024)

Further information

Temporary return to online teaching

18 March 2021, 9 April 2021

All pupils in primary schools follow classes online (up to 11 April, prolonged up to 18 April). This approach applies also to sports schools.

Psychological and pedagogical support programme for students and teachers in the pandemic

Reform status: pilot project, 11 March 2021

In April 2021, the Ministry of Education and Science plans to launch a pilot action leading to the development of a specific model for responding to a crisis situation, suitable for work with both an individual student and the whole class. PLN 15 million has been allocated for this purpose in 2021.

A group of researchers invited to carry out this project will conduct a professional diagnosis in schools. Experts will identify problems that students report emerging, they will focus in particular on children and young people with special educational needs. As a result, a model of support to students who are struggling with mental difficulties will be developed.

The researchers will prepare training and materials to help teachers and school specialists, i.e. psychologists and pedagogues, to support students in coping with crisis situations. As part of the training and consultations, experts will present effective methods for working with students experiencing difficulties, and will support teachers in overcoming the negative effects of the pandemic. Students can count on preventive measures and integration activities in classrooms to rebuild peer relations.

Parents are also invited to join the programme, they will learn from consultations e.g. how to help their child cope with the negative effects of distance learning, how to recognise crisis situations and how to deal with them.

In addition to the diagnosis and the development of a specific model of action, in the framework of the programme students will also be able to get individual and group psychological support.

Over 100 000 hours to help students

As part of the initial activities, expert teams will develop survey tools that will be based on questionnaires containing questions in the area of students' functioning at school during the pandemic. Issues raised will include emotional difficulties, coping with long hours in front of a computer screen, peer relationships and risky behaviour.

Researchers will select 1,200 educational institutions from among all primary and secondary schools to be invited to participate in the programme. In each of the institutions a school diagnosis will be conducted. Its results will be used by the school to prepare a detailed educational and preventive programme, and by the experts to develop a model for helping students.

In a given school, three groups of students will be identified in the survey:

  • a group with severe psychological problems: the group will receive psychological support and monitoring;
  • a group with a moderate risk of problem behaviour: the group will be offered opportunity to participate in early intervention psychological programmes aimed at supporting adaptation and developmental difficulties and will be subject to preventive measures;
  • a group with a mild risk of problem behaviour: the group will participate in educational activities and general prevention measures aimed at strengthening students’ capacity and skills to learn and function in difficult learning conditions.

More than 100,000 hours of psychological support are planned for the children and young people participating in the programme so that every student of the school participating in the programme could be able to receive adequate professional support.

10 000 hours of training for teachers

As part of the training and consultations, teachers will learn to identify precisely symptoms of alarming problems that their students might reveal. They will learn, among other things, how to support pupils with high vulnerability, they will also learn methods for: risk prevention and correction, crisis intervention, educational intervention, working with a group, securing digital safety. Also teachers who face various difficulties while teaching online will receive support.

The results of the programme will support all schools

This year's research will cover a specific number of schools, but its effects will be communicated to all schools. Thanks to the diagnosis, experts will describe problems and develop a ready-made model of support intervention and, most importantly, they will indicate what action needs to be taken in a crisis situation. The effects of the pilot programme in the form of ready-made materials will be available free of charge for every teacher on a platform prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Ministry is also planning further activities in the field of student health care including e.g. vision problems/ eye diseases (in March).

Teenage depression educational campaign do not let the child log out of life

22 February 2021

The 15th edition of national educational campaign has been organised by the Forum Against Depression. The campaign Teenage depression. Life online/offline   do not let the child log out of life includes a series of free online training for teachers and an open day with lectures and free consultations with a psychiatrist offered online. The Minister of Education and Science has become a patron of the free online training for teachers.

Education for all – a comprehensive support for every child, pupil and their family

Reform status: proposal, 10 February 2021

The Ministry of Education and Science is working on a new and better formula to support children, pupils - especially those with disabilities - and their families.

3 objectives

  1. To create an interdepartmental system of activities for children, pupils and their families,
  2. To guarantee an access to psychological and pedagogical support for children and pupils on the premises of schools and institutions,
  3. To improve the quality of education for all pupils, including those with disabilities.

Child and Family Centres

Inter-ministerial institutions - Child and Family Centres (CDR) - will be established in each district. The main task of the Centres will be to diagnose the needs of the child and to prepare support for the child and their family.

Psychological and pedagogical assistance  

Every child and pupil must be guaranteed psychological and pedagogical assistance on the premises of the school and institution, which will be adapted to their needs. Specialists in psychological and pedagogical assistance must be present in Polish schools.

In September 2021, a pilot action of establishing Specialised Centres for Inclusive Education at special schools and institutions will start.


Classroom based teaching for the youngest children as of 1 February, on-line teaching for students of other classes - the regulation has been signed

Reform status: approved, 28 January 2021

Pupils of classes I-III of primary schools and children in pre-school education continue stationary education with the principles of the sanitary regime, set out in the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.

Pupils in classes IV-VIII of primary schools for children and young people, primary schools for adults, secondary schools, continuing education institutions, vocational training centres, remedial and educational centres, children's holiday homes and school youth hostels will continue to study remotely until 14 February this year, with the exceptions of vocational training.

Other changes introduced by the regulation

Organisation of remote classes at school for students

As of 1 February, the headmaster will be obliged to continue organising classes for remote classes for students in classes IV-VIII and secondary schools who, due to the type of disability, cannot study at home.

For students who, for other reasons, cannot study remotely at home, the headmaster may organise such classes at school.

Consultations for those taking examinations

School heads may still organise individual or small group consultations for students in the eighth and final grades.

Possibility of conducting so-called mock exams in schools

It will be possible, within the framework of consultations with teachers, to organize at schools the tests to check the level of preparation of students for the eighth-grade exam or the matriculation exam, the so-called trial exams. This solution was introduced at the request of school heads.

In addition, with regard to schools and institutions providing vocational education, the solutions allowing for practical training to be conducted under a sanitary regime in specific organisational conditions have been retained.

The regulation entered into force on 1 February 2021.

Legal basis

Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of 28 January 2021 amending the regulation on temporary restrictions on the functioning of units of the educational system in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19


Pupils back at school - guidelines for grades I-III

Reform status: approved, 18 January 2021

From 18 January pupils of classes I-III of primary schools, as well as pupils of special schools return to stationary education under strict sanitary regime. The guidelines for schools have been prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science, in cooperation with the Chief Sanitary Inspector and the Ministry of Health.

The rules developed are primarily aimed at increasing safety. The guidelines are largely based on the provisions already known for example from September 2020. They include recommendations concerning the principles of organisation of classes, hygiene, cleaning and disinfection of rooms and surfaces, organisation of catering or handling of suspected infections among school employees.

Pupils in classes IV-VIII of primary schools, secondary schools, continuing education institutions and vocational training centres will continue to learn remotely, with exceptions for vocational training.

Remote learning on school premises for students in need of support

The head of the school is still obliged to organise classes at school or enable students who cannot study at home (due to the type of disability or other important reasons) to carry out distance learning at school (applies to mainstream and inclusive primary schools and secondary schools)

Day-care facilities for the youngest pupils

The heads of the schools, including art schools, in which general education is provided within the scope of core curriculum, are obliged to provide childcare services for students in grades I-III.



New dates of winter school holidays: 4 - 17 January 2021

Reform status: new regulation approved, 27 November 2020

In the school year 2020/21 winter school holidays will take place for all pupils in the whole country (no regional variations) on 4-17 January 2021. The relevant regulation on the amendment to the school year calendar 2020/21 has been signed by the Minister of Education and Science.

This solution has been adopted in order to limit the mobility of pupils and their families in the coming weeks. The aim is to limit the number of COVID -19 infections during the pandemic.

More details:

Online teaching has been prolonged up to 3 January 2021

25 November 2020

Classroom based teaching remains suspended up to 3 January 2021 – with some exceptions. Starting on 30 November 2020 sports activities can resume in sports schools as well as vocational practical training in schools offering vocational education.

More details:

More funds for the purchase of equipment for schools under the government's Active Whiteboard programme


Public and non-public primary and secondary schools and these operating abroad can apply for financial support under the next edition of the Active Whiteboard programme. In 2020, the funds will be primarily used for the purchase of laptops with sound and voice processing software. The programme will be funded by the state budget in 80% and the remaining 20% will be own contribution of the supervisory authorities. In 2020, the government will allocate PLN 35 million from the state budget for this purpose.

The 2020-2024 Active Whiteboard programme

The Council of Ministers has adopted a resolution on the establishment of a government Active Whiteboard programme for the development of school infrastructure and students’ and teachers’ ICT competencies in the years 2020-2024.

A total amount of PLN 361,455,000 will be assigned from the state budget in the years 2020-2024 for the Active Whiteboard programme, including  PLN 35,000,000 in 2020.  The programme will be funded by the state budget in 80% and the remaining 20% will be own contribution of the school supervisory authorities, with the exception of support for investment purchases, in which case the own contribution will increase to 50%.

Online teaching for primary and post-primary school pupils – changes in the functioning of schools

Reform status: implemented gradually starting on 19 October 2020

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic post-primary school pupils have classes online. Some exceptions are permitted in the case of special schools, dormitories, vocational and continuing education settings – mostly in organising practical classes and work placements.

More details:

Further changes to schools’ functioning have been introduced since 24 October 2020, when pupils in grades IV-VIII of primary schools and adult education settings (including vocational ones) move to online classes. Since 9 November 2020 this measure applies also to  pupils in grades I -III of primary schools.

The online teaching is planned until 29 November 2020. ECEC settings including pre-school classes in primary schools continue classroom based activities.

Computer and video games in schools - pilot programme

Status of the reform: pilot programme, 8/09/2020

The main objective of the pilot programme is to develop digital competence in programming, and safe, effective and responsible use of computer and video games, and to provide schools with game-based learning resources. The schools will first introduce pedagogical innovations. Next, research on the effectiveness and efficiency of the applied solutions will be conducted. At the final stage, e-materials in the form of computer and video games will be posted on the Integrated Educational Platform

Measures to facilitate the operation of schools in the new school year - a regulation signed


One-to-one instruction can be provided without direct teacher-learner contact. Moreover, the duration of classes provided remotely can vary between 30 and 60 minutes, and teachers can modify weekly timetables - as stipulated in the legal solutions that have been adopted for this school year. They are meant to facilitate the organisation of education during the pandemic.

One-to-one instruction

The Minister of National Education has signed two regulations:

  • one amending the Regulation on obligatory one-to-one one-year pre-school preparatory classes for children and individualised teaching for children and young people,
  • the other amending the Regulation on one-to-one instruction for children and young people (applies to students attending existing upper secondary schools and receiving one-to-one instruction).

In the school year 2020/2021, one-to-one instruction does not have to involve direct teacher-learner contact. A request to this end can be submitted to the headteacher of a kindergarten or school by children’s or learners’ parents or by adult learners.

The introduction of such measures will enable kindergarten or school headteachers to organise classes using distance learning methods and techniques. This kind of classes will still have to be provided involving one-to-one contact between a teacher or teachers and a child or a learner.

This solution will make it possible to use distance learning methods and techniques to organise all obligatory one-to-one one-year pre-school preparatory classes or classes involving individualised teaching, which respect the number of hours indicated in the provisions of the amended regulations. It will also enable the organisation of classes combining both direct teacher-learner contact and other means of communication, for example distance learning methods and techniques.

The provisions clearly state that such classes can be introduced by kindergarten or school head teachers only upon a request submitted by children’s or learners’ parents or by adult learners. Such an organisation of classes will be possible regardless of the education model already adopted for the duration of the pandemic (classroom-based, hybrid, remote).

It is also worth mentioning that in the school year 2020/2021 one-to-one one-year pre-school preparatory classes and individual teaching can also be provided in the traditional way, that is involving direct teacher-learner contact.

Duration of classes provided remotely

In this school year, classes provided remotely will last 30 to 60 minutes. However, the principle that the basic class length is 45 minutes remains valid.

Moreover, having sought the opinion of their teaching staff, school headteachers can temporarily modify weekly timetables or semester timetables with regard to classes provided by their education institution to include these provided using distance learning methods and techniques or other ways of providing such classes.

Good practice in distance education – Guide published by the Ministry of National Education

Status of the reform: implemented, 25/08/2020

The Ministry of National Education has published a guide entitled Good practices to be adopted by education system institutions at the time of preventing, counteracting and fighting COVID-19. The guide was prepared on the basis of information collected by chief education officers from headteachers. The publication features guidelines on how to organise distance education and blended learning.

School year 2020/21 - returning to schools

Reform status: approved, August 2020

In order to enable the safe return to schools during the ongoing pandemic, appropriate legal regulations, sanitary guidelines of the State Sanitary Inspectorate, Ministry of Health and the Ministry of National Education, as well as guidelines for headteachers of public and non-public schools and institutions located in the red and yellow zones have been prepared, which in the event of an epidemiological threat will allow the implementation of actions and measures appropriate to the situation. Flexible solutions have been put in place, such as the possibility of mixed or distance learning - both for the entire school or individual departments. Additional protective measures such as masks, disinfectants and automatic dispensers, along with non-contact thermometers, will be provided to schools.

Safe return to schools

The Ministry of National Education, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Chief Sanitary Inspector of SSI, has undertaken a number of activities aimed at a safe return to traditional classroom-based learning in schools and educational institutions from the 1st of September.

Guidelines and recommendations

On the 5th of August this year, the Minister of National Education presented the Guidelines for public and non-public schools and institutions (Polish: Wytyczne dla publicznych i niepublicznych szkół i placówek), which will come into force from the 1st of September 2020.  They will apply to the organisation of schoolwork for children and young people attending schools in the traditional classroom-based system. In addition, we have also prepared recommendations for the headteachers of public and non-public schools and institutions located in the red and yellow zones. The organisation of school work in these areas will take into account the guidelines of the Ministry of National Education, the Ministry of Health and the SSI for public and non-public schools and educational institutions, as well as current restrictions resulting from the legislation pertaining to zones. The headteachers may introduce additional organisational arrangements relating to the functioning of the school environment, e.g. staggered hours for entering the school and starting classes for each form/department in order to reduce the number of people congregating in one place, banning group outings and school trips, and having temperature checks for members of staff.

Legal regulations

On 12th of August this year the Minister of National Education signed drafts of five legal regulations that will allow schools and institutions to introduce appropriate, tailored solutions in the event of an epidemiological threat. Thanks to the changes which have been introduced, the headteachers of schools and educational institutions have been equipped with tools allowing for the appropriate organisation of classes at school, especially when an epidemiological situation may threaten the health of students.

After receiving affirmation from the District Sanitary Inspector and the approval of the governing body, headteachers of schools will be able to flexibly implement a mixed model of teaching or distance learning for all students or a given group of students. The headteachers will be able, for example, to suspend the activities of a given group of students, a form, department, an educational stage or the whole school or institution, either for all of the classes or just for individual activities. They will also be able to introduce distance learning, if it is deemed appropriate.

Supporting schools and institutions with protective measures

Thanks to the cooperation with the Ministry of Health, schools all over Poland will receive over 50 million masks and 5 million litres of disinfecting liquids, as well as nearly 75 thousand non-contact thermometers.

E-resources and e-materials

The Minister of National Education has made the Integrated Educational Platform available to schools and educational institutions. It was intensively developed and utilised during the period of temporary restrictions on the operation of schools and educational institutions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From the 1st of March this year, until the beginning of August, the number of platform views totalled over 109 million. The number of page views in the period March - June averaged around 1 million views per day.

The platform currently offers over 7,400 educational materials, nearly 3,200 lesson plans and 105 curricula - in total, there are over 12,000 resources. These are materials intended for all stages of education, both general and vocational.

In the new school year, the platform will be developed both in terms of supplementing new teaching materials, as well as launching new functionalities, including a video call function. 

During the summer holidays, the Ministry of Education announced two calls for proposals on e-materials for general and vocational education. This undertaking was conducted within the framework of EU funding. There is a plan to announce another call for proposals for the creation of e-materials for modern foreign language learning in September.

Support for pupils who are distance learning

Since April 2020, local governments have been able to apply for funds for the purchase of equipment, which is necessary for students and teachers to carry out distance learning. As part of the Distance Learning programme, 2,786 local governments (out of 2,790 eligible entities) received government support amounting to over PLN 187 million. In May, the government launched the second edition of the programme – Distance Learning+, under which (up until the 7th of August 2020) 2,334 municipalities have received support exceeding PLN 171 million.

As a part of an additional undertaking, the government will allocate PLN 130 million for the purchase of computers for children who are in institutional and foster care. The recipients of the support are children from orphanages and other residential care institutions for children.

The new edition of the Interactive Whiteboard programme for 2020-2024

The new edition of the Interactive Whiteboard programme for 2020-2024 includes schools educating students with special educational needs, as well as situations in which teaching and learning is conducted via the medium of distance learning.

In 2020, it will be possible for governing bodies and school headteachers to purchase only one type of teaching aids - laptops, up to a maximum amount of PLN 14,000. In the event of a recurrence of the epidemiological threat, this action will enable the implementation of distance learning.


In the new school year, teachers will receive another pay rise. In connection with the increase in the base rate for teachers, the draft regulation provides for an increase in the minimum basic salary for teachers of 6 percent as of the 1st of September 2020.

In line with the proposed changes, the minimum rates of basic remuneration for teachers with a master's degree and pedagogical training will be set as follows:

  • trainee teachers PLN 2949 (increase by PLN 167),
  • contract teachers PLN 3,034 (an increase by PLN 172),
  • appointed teachers PLN 3,445 (an increase by PLN 195),
  • chartered teachers PLN 4,046 (an increase by PLN 229).

The regulation was signed by the Minister of National Education on the 27th of August this year.

Inclusive education

In the 2020/2021 school year, the Supporting Quality Improvement in Inclusive Education in Poland project will be continued. This project is being implemented under the Structural Reform Support Programme of the European Commission in cooperation with the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. The aim of the project is to prepare legislative and organisational solutions aimed at improving the quality of inclusive education in Poland, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

We are also planning to develop a model of Specialist Centres for Supporting Inclusive Education, plus a Coordination Centre, along with their pilot trials. In addition, there will also be a pilot trial for the provision of the services of assistants for students with special educational needs. Both of these projects will be implemented under the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development.

In cooperation with the Centre for Education Development (ORE), we have also started to develop a database of good practices for working with students with diverse educational needs, especially in the realm of distance learning. We are also planning training courses for psychological and pedagogical counselling staff and the pilot trial of functional assessment solutions, as well as training for inclusive education staff.

The Good Start grant

In the 2020/2021 school year, parents will be receiving the Good Start grant for the third time. This is a single annual support payment amounting to PLN 300, due each school year, contributing towards a school starter kit for every child attending school, regardless of the parents' income. The application for the payment under the Good Start programme can be submitted via the website, the Electronic Services Platform of the Social Insurance Institution (PUE ZUS) and via electronic banking channels.


Legal solutions required to organise school work during an epidemic are now complete - the minister has signed the regulations

Reform status: amended legislation, 12th of August 2020

On the 12th of August this year, the Minister of National Education signed 5 draft regulations which, in the event of an epidemic threat, will allow schools and educational institutions to introduce appropriate solutions adapted to the situation.

Thanks to the introduced changes, the headteachers of schools and educational institutions have been equipped with tools allowing for the proper organisation of classes at school, especially if the epidemiological situation threatens the health of students. After receiving the affirmation of the District Sanitary Inspector and the consent of the governing body, headteachers will be able to flexibly introduce a mixed model of education in schools and educational institutions or switch to a distance learning model.

Amended legal acts:

Regulation of the Minister of National Education on safety and hygiene in public and private schools and educational institutions (Polish: Rozporządzenie MEN w sprawie bezpieczeństwa i higieny w publicznych i niepublicznych szkołach i placówkach). The headteachers at schools or educational institutions can suspend classes which can potentially endanger the health of students due to the current epidemiological situation. The legislation will make it easier for headteachers to suspend classes as appropriate to the situation, after obtaining the consent of the governing body and on the basis of the District Sanitary Inspector’s affirmation. It will be possible to suspend all classes or individual classes, it is also possible to suspend activities for a group, educational group, department, form, educational stage or the whole school or institution. Text of the Regulation.

Regulation of the Minister of National Education on the temporary limitation of the functioning of institutions within the education system in connection with the prevention, counteraction and combatting of COVID-19 (Article 30b of the Act on the Education System) [Polish: Rozporzączenie MEN w sprawie czasowego ograniczenia funkcjonowania jednostek systemu oświaty w związku z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem COVID-19 (art. 30b upo)]. The introduced regulations allow for the suspension or limitation of classroom-based learning and the introduction of distance learning or other methods of conducting classes as determined by the head teacher. Text of the Regulation:

Regulation of the Minister of National Education on special solutions during the period of temporary limitation of the functioning of institutions within the education system in connection with preventing, counteracting and combatting COVID-19 (Article 30c of the Act on the Education System) [Polish: Rozporządzenie MEN w sprawie szczególnych rozwiązań w okresie czasowego ograniczenia funkcjonowania jednostek systemu oświaty w związku z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem COVID-19 (art. 30c upo)]. The regulations set out detailed solutions for the functioning of schools during the epidemic in Poland, including during the period of suspension of classes by the schools’ headteachers, in accordance with national standards related to safety rules in connection to combatting the COVID-19 epidemic. In the event of an epidemiological threat, the headteacher of an educational institution, after obtaining affirmation from the District Sanitary Inspector and with the consent of the governing body, may partially or fully suspend the classroom-based work of that institution and determine the manner of carrying out its tasks, including the manner of carrying out the suspended classes - using the methods and techniques of distance learning or other means of teaching those classes. The tasks of headteachers, including the heads of schools linked with Polish diplomatic missions, which are related to the organisation of education with the use of distance learning methods and techniques or in any other way agreed with the governing body, have been further specified. Education with the use of distance learning methods and techniques will be possible both in relation to general education and vocational education and training.Text of the Regulation

Regulation of the Minister of National Education amending the Regulation on the organisation of education for children of Polish citizens temporarily residing abroad (Polish: Rozporządzenie MEN zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie organizacji kształcenia dzieci obywateli polskich czasowo przebywających za granicą). The headteachers of schools located abroad and the heads of schools linked with Polish diplomatic missions may suspend classes for a fixed period of time if the health of students is at risk due to the current epidemiological situation. The decision can be made with the consent of the governing body.Text of the Regulation

Regulation of the Minister of National Education amending the Regulation on the types of other forms of pre-school education, conditions for creating and organising these forms and the manner of their operation (Polish: Rozporządzenie MEN zmieniające rozporządzenie w sprawie rodzajów innych form wychowania przedszkolnego, warunków tworzenia i organizowania tych form oraz sposobu ich działania). Classes conducted in other forms of pre-school education may be suspended by the governing body or the headteacher in a situation of security risk, including due to the current epidemiological situation. Such decision requires the consent of the governing body after obtaining an affirmation from the State Sanitary Inspector. The body exercising pedagogical supervision should be notified about the suspension of classes.Text of the Regulation

Safe return to schools. Organisation of the school year 2020/2021 during the current epidemic

State of reform: guidelines, 5th of August 2020

The most important measures prepared for the new school year during the pandemic are: flexible education models, powers available to school headteachers in the event of a COVID-19 infection threat in schools and educational institutions, State Sanitary Inspectorate's guidelines for schools and educational institutions and the Ministry of National Education's legislative and information calendar.

Guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector

The Ministry of National Education presented guidelines for schools and educational institutions developed jointly with the Chief Sanitary Inspector of the State Sanitary Inspectorate (SSI) and the Minister of Health, which will come into force from the 1st of September 2020. These guidelines apply to the organisation of the work of schools and educational institutions, including those dedicated to students with special educational needs.

The guidelines contain general and specific recommendations related to, inter alia: organisation of classes at school, distribution of meals, hygiene, cleaning, disinfection of rooms and surfaces, and how to proceed in instances of suspected infection among students and school staff.

The main guideline is strict adherence to the basic principles of hygiene: frequent hand washing, covering nose and mouth during sneezing and coughing, avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth, mandatory covering of the mouth and nose by any third parties entering schools or educational institutions, and regular cleaning of the premises. Students and pupils will not be required to wear face masks in the classroom. Wherever possible, it is recommended that work is organised and coordinated in such a way as to maintain social distancing between individuals at school.

Head teachers at schools and educational institutions can begin to prepare internal regulations or procedures for the operation of the schools and educational institutions during an epidemic, based on the issued guidelines. By mid-August, the Chief Sanitary Inspector, in consultation with the Ministry of National Education, will develop detailed recommendations regarding procedures for District Sanitary Inspectors in the event of an outbreak of infection in a given school. These will depend on the degree of infection in a given area and will be appropriate to the existing circumstances. Affirmation from the District Sanitary Inspector will be of key importance for the head teacher of a school or educational institution and its governing body in the transition to a ‘mixed’ or  a ‘distance learning’ education system (also known as options B and C in the operation of schools and educational institutions).

Options for the functioning of schools and educational institutions during the pandemic in the event of confirmed COVID-19 cases in a given area

Option A - traditional form of education

The traditional form of education is carried out at schools. Guidelines of the SSI, Ministry of Health and Ministry of National Education for schools and educational institutions apply. In the event of an epidemiological threat, the headteacher of a school, after obtaining affirmation from a District Sanitary Inspector and with the consent of the governing body, may partially or fully suspend the classroom-based work of the school or educational institution. In such an instance, two educational variants will be allowed: option B and option C.

Option B - mixed (hybrid) form of education

Headteachers will be able to suspend the activities of a group, section, division, class, educational stage or entire school or institution with regard to all of the educational activities or individual classes and introduce distance learning. This will depend on the epidemic situation in a given area, school or institution. The decision will be made by headteachers after obtaining the approval of the governing body and the affirmation of the District Sanitary Inspector. Given the need for such decisions to be made quickly, the aforementioned opinions can be obtained in writing, verbally, by e-mail or telephone.

Option C – distance learning

The headteacher of a given school or educational institution makes a decision to suspend classroom-based learning for a certain period of time and introduce distance learning throughout the school. In this case, it will require the consent of the governing body and affirmation from the District Sanitary Inspector. The Minister of National Education still retains the right to impose limitations on classes in schools across the country.


Supplementation of the core curriculum with the subject Latin Language and Ancient Culture

19 July 2020

The Ministry of National Education has supplemented the core curriculum with the Latin Language and Ancient Culture. The subject will be available to students in the first grade of general upper secondary school and technical upper secondary school as an optional subject. The regulation in regard to this matter was published in the Journal of Laws.

The implementation of the subject Latin Language and Ancient Culture will be carried out at basic level in grade I in general upper secondary school and technical upper secondary school and is scheduled for one hour per week.

The main assumption of the proposed core curriculum of this subject is to equip students, under the guidance of the teacher, with the tools necessary to read simple Latin texts. The aim of the classes is also to show students the influence of Latin and Greek-Roman culture on the European languages and culture of later centuries. The core curriculum is primarily intended to give teachers an opportunity to convince students of the importance of those humanistic issues and of the attractiveness of the subject matter.

The core curriculum considers the Latin language to be a code that the European elite has used for centuries, and one that requires specific competencies to be read. The proposed core curriculum recommends training primarily in skills, rather than communicating declarative knowledge of the language and its grammatical structure. Pupils are to recognise and understand selected, basic forms of linguistic expression.

Apart from Latin and ancient culture, students of the first grade of general upper secondary school and technical upper secondary school can choose philosophy, art or music. Each of these subjects are conducted as a one hour class per week.

The published regulation also supplemented the description of the conditions and methods of implementing the core curriculum in the subject of Latin Language and Ancient Culture.

Legal basis

Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 24 June 2020 amending the regulation on the core curriculum of general education at general upper secondary schools, technical upper secondary schools and stage II sectoral vocational schools


Government support for disabled students for the purchase of textbooks and education and training materials

Reform status: approved, 14th of July 2020

In the coming school year 2020/2021, more than 45,000 students with disabilities will be able to take advantage of a grant funding the purchase of textbooks and education and training materials. This is envisaged in the Government programme of support for disabled students in the form of subsidising the purchase of textbooks, educational materials and training materials in the years 2020-2022. The regulation on this matter was published in the Journal of Laws.

The Government support programme

Support in the form of subsidising the purchase of textbooks and education and training materials is one of the forms of implementing the mission of equalising educational opportunities, improving the quality of education for disabled students, and thereby increasing their educational opportunities.

In the years 2020-2022, the programme will cover students with visual impairments; deafness; hearing impairment; mobility impairments, including aphasia; autism, including Asperger's syndrome; mild, moderate or severe intellectual disabilities; and students with multiple disabilities (in the case of disabilities from among the above-mentioned list), who have been officially assessed as having special education needs that cannot be met in a mainstream school.

It is estimated that between years 2020 and 2022 approximately 131,520 pupils will receive funding under the programme, of which 45,141 in the school year 2020/2021, 45,522 in the school year 2021/2022 and 40,857 in the school year 2022/2023.

How much grant funding is available?

Grant funding for the purchase of textbooks and education and training materials for one student will amount to:

for students with a moderate or severe intellectual disability and for students with multiple disabilities (in the case where they are students with disabilities from the following list of disabilities: visually impaired; deaf; hard of hearing; with mild intellectual disability; with motor disabilities, including aphasia; with autism, including Asperger’s syndrome; with moderate or severe intellectual disability) attending special needs school providing vocational training in the school year: 2020/2021, 2021/2022 or 2022/2023up to PLN 225

for students who are visually impaired; deaf; hard of hearing; with mild intellectual disability; with motor disabilities, including aphasia; autism, including Asperger's syndrome; and students with multiple disabilities, if they are disabilities from among the list of disabilities which were mentioned above, attending

  • in the school year 2020/2021 stage I sectoral vocational school or first grade of stage II sectoral vocational school;
  • in the school year 2021/2022 stage I sectoral vocational school or stage II sectoral vocational school;
  • in the school year 2022/2023 stage I sectoral vocational school or stage II sectoral vocational school.
up to PLN 390
for students who are visually impaired; deaf; hard of hearing; with mild intellectual disability; with motor disabilities, including aphasia; autism, including Asperger's syndrome; and students with multiple disabilitiesup to PLN 445


The body coordinating the Government programme of support for disabled students in the form of subsidising the purchase of textbooks and education and training materials in the years 2020-2022 is the Minister of National Education. A total of PLN 54 million has been planned for the implementation of the programme in 2020–2022 amounting to PLN 18 million each year allocated from the earmarked reserves of the state budget. In the event of an increase in the number of students eligible for the programme, this amount can be increased.

Legal basis

Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 26 June 2020 on detailed conditions for providing support to disabled students in the form of subsidising the purchase of textbooks and education and training materials in the years 2020-2022


Main directions for implementation of the state educational policy in the school year 2020/2021

Reform status: approved, 7 July 2020

Based on Article. 60 sec. 3 point 1 of the Act of 14 December 2016 - Education Law (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 910), the Minister of National Education established the directions for the implementation of the state's educational policy in the 2020/2021 school year:

  1. Implementation of the new core curriculum in secondary schools, with particular emphasis on science and mathematics. Developing the independence, innovation and creativity of students.
  2. Implementation of changes in vocational education and training, with particular emphasis on adult education.
  3. Providing high quality education as well as psychological and pedagogical support to all students, considering the diversity of their development and educational needs.
  4. Utilisation of digital tools and resources as well as distance learning methods in educational processes. The safe and efficient use of digital technologies.
  5. Educational activities of the school. Guiding towards values, shaping attitudes and respecting social norms.


Podstawowe kierunki realizacji polityki oświatowej państwa w roku szkolnym 2020-2021 Podstawowe​_kierunki​_realizacji​_polityki​_oświatowej​_państwa​_w​_roku​_szkolnym​_2020-2021.docx 2.37MB Podstawowe kierunki realizacji polityki oświatowej państwa w roku szkolnym 2020-2021 Podstawowe​_kierunki​_realizacji​_polityki​_oświatowej​_państwa​_w​_roku​_szkolnym​_2020-2021.pdf 0.19MB



Disciplinary liability of teachers - changing the regulations

30 June 2020

As announced, on Tuesday, June the 30th, a bill amending the Teacher's Charter and some other laws was submitted for public consultation and inter-ministry consultations. The amendment focuses in particular on the improvement of existing arrangements for disciplinary liability of teachers.

The changes proposed by the Ministry of Education are the answer to the requests presented by education circles concerning the need to modify the method for notifying the disciplinary commissioner about committing an offence that violates the rights and welfare of the child, and the period over which disciplinary action can be initiated.

As far as disciplinary liability of teachers is concerned the following proposals have been formulated:

  • extending the time limit for notifying the disciplinary commissioner about a suspicion that a teacher has committed an offence against the rights and welfare of a child to 14 days and specifying cases in which no notification should be made;
  • specifying the deadline for submitting a request to initiate disciplinary action and change the period over which disciplinary action can be initiated;
  • specifying in more detail the provisions concerning the suspension of a teacher or headteacher from their duties.

The desired effect of proposed solutions will be streamlining of preliminary investigations and disciplinary proceedings against teachers.

The bill contains amendments to other laws:

  • Act of 7 September 1991 on the system of education (O.J. of 2019, item 1481, as amended);
  • Act of 14 December 2016 Education Law (O.J. of 2020, item 910);
  • Act of 22 November 2018 amending the Education Law, Law on the system of  education and certain other acts (O.J. 2018 item 2245, as amended).

The bill also aims to enable the Minister of Education to carry out activities stimulating the development of innovations at schools. It is planned that the measures will promote good practices in the field of innovation at schools, organising competitions in which the most interesting and effective, from the point of view of education, pedagogical innovations will be rewarded. The new regulations will also improve the minister's cooperation with units conducting research into the possibilities of expanding the scope of innovative solutions implemented in individual schools on the whole system of education.

The bill, together with its justification and impact assessment, was published on the website of the Public Information Bulletin of the Ministry of National Education and Government Legislation Centre.


Work of the Ministry of National Education on regulations on teachers' disciplinary liability

Reform status: proposal, 4 June 2020


The Council of Ministers’ legislative work is focussing on a bill amending the Teacher's Charter act and some other acts. The amendment to the bill concerning teachers' disciplinary liability has been prepared in response to educational community’s expectations. In the near future the bill will be submitted to public consultation.

One of the requests presented was the need to modify the method for notifying a disciplinary commissioner about committing an offence that violates the rights and welfare of the child, as well as the time limit over which disciplinary action can be initiated.

These issues were worked on by the Team for the Professional Status of Education Staff, which is composed of representatives of the government, teacher trade unions and local government corporations.

The following amendments of the Teacher's Charter are assumed:

  1. Extending the time limit for notifying a disciplinary commissioner about a suspicion that a teacher has committed an offence against the rights and welfare of a child to 14 days and specifying cases in which no notification should be made.
  2. Amendment to the provisions of the Teacher's Charter act specifying the deadline for submitting a request to initiate disciplinary action and changing the time limit over which disciplinary action can be initiated:
    • setting a maximum time limit for a disciplinary commissioner to submit a request to initiate disciplinary action (such a request can be submitted no later than within 4 months of pursuing the inquiry);
    • regulating issues relating to disciplinary action - it will not be possible to initiate it after the expiry of six months of the date on which the body at which a disciplinary committee of the first instance operates became aware of the offence (except for acts constituting a criminal offence);
    • repealing the provision stipulating that, if the offence infringes the rights and welfare of the child, disciplinary action can also be initiated after the expiry of three months of the date on which the body became aware of the offence breaching the dignity of the teaching profession or the duties referred to in Article 6 of the act;
    • reducing from 3 to 2 years the time limit from committing an offence, after the expiry of which disciplinary action cannot be initiated (except for offences constituting a crime).
  3. Clarifying the provisions on suspending a teacher or headteacher in the performance of their duties by specifying that a headteacher is not obliged to suspend a teacher and a school governing authority does not need to suspend a teacher acting as the headteacher in the performance of their duties if a disciplinary commissioner in a request to initiate disciplinary action requests the imposition of a penalty of reprimand with a warning and, at the same time, the seriousness of the offence committed by them is of minor importance and it is not advisable to suspend them.

In the Ministry of National Education, work is continued on further legislative  changes, including disciplinary liability of teachers, professional advancement, teachers' salaries, and distance learning. Due to the current epidemic situation in Poland, the meetings of the Team for the Professional Status of Teachers have been postponed to a later date.

After the resumption of the Team's work, the needs and directions for wider systemic changes will be discussed with teachers' trade unions and the local government, and draft solutions will be subject to wider public consultation.


Distance Learning and Distance Learning+ Programme

Reform status: approved, May 2020

2741 out of 2790 local governments (98%) submitted applications for co-financing the purchase of laptops for students and teachers through the Distance Learning programme announced at the end of March. All applications were approved.

  • Number of schools which received support: 12,851
  • Number of teachers who received support: 31,387 (2019 figures: 587,936 - this is the total number of teachers, including pre-school teachers).
  • Number of students who received support: 205,715

More information available at

The action is financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Digital Poland 2014-2020 to the amount of PLN 186 million.

In May 2020, the Distance Learning+ programme was launched. Municipalities could apply for money for the purchase of equipment required for remote learning. Submitting the application guarantees the receipt of funding ranging from PLN 35,000 to 165,000.

The Ministry of Digital Affairs informed that Distance Learning+ is another programme in which the Ministry, together with the Digital Poland Project Centre (CPPC),  helps students and teachers to access the equipment necessary for conducting distance learning. In total, over PLN 367 million has been allocated for this purpose.

PLN 180 million was allocated to co-finance the purchase of equipment through the Distance Learning+ programme. It is the equivalent of 51,000 laptops or 120,000 tablets. Municipalities could apply for support, and the amount of funding (from PLN 35,000 to 165,000) depended on the number of families with multiple children living in a given municipality and benefitting from municipal support.

The principle of the programme is as follows: the equipment is purchased by the municipality and allocated to the students or teachers who need it most. When the schools re-open, the equipment will be handed over to the school, where it will be made available to all pupils.

Submitting an application for funding guarantees receipt of the grant.

Money received through the programme may also be used to finance not only the necessary software, but also equipment insurance, mobile internet access or other reasonable expenses (e.g. accessories).

On the website of the Digital Poland Project Centre (CPPC), you can find, among other things, full documentation of the programme, the application form, a contract template and an information guide – which is a compendium of knowledge about the programme.

The action is financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Digital Poland 2014-2020.


Principles for administering examinations in 2020 - legal regulations

Reform status: implemented, 19 May 2020

Procedures, dates and descriptions of activities related to conducting external examinations in 2020: upper secondary school leaving (matura), primary school leaving, vocational and vocational qualification examinations - these are the main topics covered in the Order of the Minister of National Education signed on May 19.

Principles for administering examinations in 2020 - legal regulations

This school year, the upper secondary school leaving examination in compulsory and optional subjects will be carried out as a written examination only.

Matura exam results

An upper secondary school graduate will pass the examination and will be awarded a school leaving certificate if s/he scores at least 30% of the points that can be obtained for each compulsory subject for the written part and takes the written part of the secondary school leaving examination in at least one additional subject.

Oral examination for graduates from previous years

Graduates who declared that in in 2020 they would take a matura oral examination again will not be able to enter for it. They will be awarded an upper secondary school leaving certificate, provided that in the previous years they have obtained at least 30% of points to be scored in each compulsory subject for the written part and have taken the examination in at least one additional subject.

Graduates who do not obtain the required 30% of points in 2020 will have to take an oral examination in compulsory subjects in subsequent years, if they want to resit the exam.

Examination supervising team

The chairman of the examination team will appoint from among its members teams responsible for supervising the primary school leaving examination and the written part of the matura examination.

In 2020, in the case of the upper secondary school leaving examination, the team supervising the written part of the examination in a given examination room will be composed of at least two teachers. One teacher should work at the school where the examination is conducted (and act the team leader), the other one should be employed at another school or education institution.

Also in 2020, if there are more than 30 students in an examination room where the primary or upper secondary school leaving examination is conducted, the number of members of the supervising team shall be increased by one person for every subsequent 25 students.

Other solutions

The Order also lists changes related to the administration of the following examinations: primary school leaving examination, upper secondary school leaving examination, vocational and vocational qualification examination.

New solutions have also been introduced with regard to post-secondary schools. New dates have been set for examination-related activities to be carried out by headteachers, district examination boards, and members of supervising teams. These include, e.g. the process of revoking an examination, raising objections, reviewing the examination papers that have been checked and assessed, examining an appeal submitted to the Examination Arbitration College, filing a statement on taking a resit exam. The regulation also described the principles for examiners training, the rules of appointing a team to supervise a given exam or a subject team. We have also indicated the deadlines for issuing certificates.

Examination schedule

The primary school leaving examinations will be conducted from June 16 to 18. Additional dates are set for July 7-9. The examination results will be announced by 31 July. The schools will receive certificates by this date.

The written part of the upper secondary school leaving examination taken by graduates of all types of schools will commence on 8 June 2020 and will be carried out until 29 June. No oral exams will be conducted this year.

Additional dates for upper secondary school leaving examination are set for July 8-14. The results of the examinations conducted on the main and additional dates will be announced on August 11. The resit examination will be administered on September 8 and the results will be known by September 30.

The vocational qualification examinations (Formula 2012 and Formula 2017) will be carried out from June 22 to July 9. The vocational examination (Formula 2019) is scheduled for August 17-28.



Additional PLN 180 million for purchase of equipment for students and activities of the Ministry of National Education in the scope of distance learning

Reform status: implemented 11 May 2020

The Ministry of National Education has directed an additional PLN 180 million to purchase computer equipment for students and teachers. This is another example of the joint efforts of the Ministry of Digital Affairs and the Ministry of National Education to support distance learning.  Among the activities undertaken by the Ministry of National Education regarding distance learning are also the free Internet platform, the Polish Education Network (OSE), the government programme entitled Interactive Whiteboard (Aktywna Tablica) and teacher training.

A figure with inscription - Additional PLN 180 million for the purchase of equipment for students

Thanks to this, tens of thousands of tablets and laptops have already been distributed to local authorities.  Distance learning is a huge effort on the part of teachers. It requires new knowledge and going beyond standard lesson preparation. Distance learning is also a big challenge when it comes to equipment.

This is another act of support for local governments in building a digital school which comes in line with  the government's Interactive Whiteboard programme, the Polish Education Network (OSE), and the free Internet platform.

An additional PLN 180 million for distance learning

Recently, PLN 187 million has been transferred under the Distance Learning programme aimed at supporting online learning. This week, we are launching the Distance Learning+ programme, which translates into an additional PLN 180 million in funding. This time the local authorities will be able to apply for higher amounts of support, from PLN 35 thousand to PLN 165 thousand. Under the Distance Learning programme, the support available was ranging from PLN 35 thousand to PLN 100 thousand.

The co-financing grant criterion will be based on the number of families with multiple children living in a given municipality and benefitting from the municipal support. The only difference from the previous programme is that only municipalities will be able to receive the support, while both municipalities and districts were able to participate in the original Distance Learning programme.

The funding will cover, as in the previous programme, not only the purchase of both computers and laptops, but also software, equipment insurance, mobile Internet access and other reasonable expenses related to distance learning (e.g. accessories).

2731 out of 2790 local governments (98%) have submitted an application for funding under the Distance Learning programme, which was announced at the end of March. All of the applications were approved.

More information is available at

E-materials of the Ministry of National Education

For years, the Ministry of National Education has been carrying out work for the creation of generally accessible and modern educational digital resources. Pupils and teachers can use them free of charge.

Resources for those at all stages of general education and for vocational education and training have already been created and are still undergoing further development. The materials are created while taking into account WCAG accessibility standards, so they can be used by students with special educational needs. All these resources are currently available at

Free education platform

The education platform epodrę is receiving a record level of interest from students and teachers. The website offers teachers and students materials and functionalities that they can utilise at work and for distance learning respectively.

The platform consists of over six thousand educational materials for all stages of education, both general and vocational. Almost every learning material includes open questions or interactive exercises.

All content on the epodrę Internet platform is available via a web browser and does not require installation of additional software. After logging in, users can search for material by keywords or by browsing through the content of the software base. The searched materials can be saved as favourites in the user’s profile and shared with students.

A number of possibilities - platform

On the epodrę Internet platform you can find: curricula, lesson plans and additional e-materials to be used at school or for independent student work as well as links to external resources prepared by third parties, such as the Institute of National Remembrance or the Office of Rail Transport,  together with a description of the content, along with materials in the form of e-books, which were created in the Human Capital Operational Programme. Some of the content has been assigned to the new core curriculum and is available in the form of separate materials.

Teachers can provide students with ready-made, existing material available on the platform, or their own, created either from scratch or based on existing e-material, to which they can add an external resource, e.g. a link from YouTube, or Editor tools available for teachers allow them to modify or create their own e-materials. Teachers also have access to a module that allows them to monitor students’ progress.

In addition, the platform publishes materials and information that are useful to schools in conducting distance learning, e.g.:

  • a guide for schools on distance learning,
  • a list of materials and tools useful for language learning,
  • information about electronic versions of textbooks and teaching materials made available by publishers,
  • materials of external entities intended for general and vocational education and for students with diverse educational needs.

Thanks to the new solution, we have brought the Ministry of National Education's platform closer to the experience already known to users from online shops - the ‘folder’ function for creating materials works in a similar way to a shopping cart.

Let us remind you that the Integrated Educational Platform currently offers over six thousand educational materials, intended for all stages of education, both general and vocational.

We are pleased with the great interest on the part of students and teachers who are eager to use materials recommended by the Ministry of National Education during distance learning. Approximately half a million users utilise the resources available on the platform on a daily basis.

We are constantly improving the service by introducing new functionalities, such as real-time contact between teachers and students and the ability to add comments to the viewed materials. Teachers not only can use the already available e-materials, but also create their own content and share it with students.

Currently, each user can submit their observations and comments through the form available on the platform. Their questions are also analysed, with particular emphasis on the period after the implementation of new functionalities. Based on this data, both the interface and naming are being optimised.

The Integrated Educational Platform has an easy-to-use material sharing system, and its functions after integration with the Educational Information System (SIO) are much more user-friendly.

Guides for students and teachers on distance learning

To support teachers and headteachers, as well as students and parents, we have prepared guides on distance learning. The first of them, Distance Teaching (Kształcenie na odległość), are guidelines, recommendations for use while working with students. The next one was developed in cooperation between the Ministry of National Education and the Personal Data Protection Office and contains advice and information on personal data security, which should be kept in mind when using techniques and methods related to distance learning. The materials are available on the website of the Ministry of National Education:

Distance teaching. Guide for schools

Personal data safety during distance learning

Free online teacher training

Free online training entitled Lesson: Enter (Lekcja: Enter) offers support in getting acquainted with the techniques and methods of remote work for teaching staff. Teachers of primary grades 1-3, and teachers of humanities, mathematics and natural science, arts, and computer science from primary and secondary schools can participate in them. The training participants are enrolled by the school’s headteacher. Detailed information about the project, including a list of entities to which you can apply for training, can be found atń – website for students and teachers

The Ministry of National Education together with the Ministry of Digital Affairs and NASK have prepared proposals for conducting distance learning with students for teachers and headteachers. You can find there topics for every day and for every subject, as well as suggestions of materials based on which you can remotely conduct classes for primary and secondary school students.

Our intention is to make the website not only an inspiration for teachers, but also a support tool in their work. Hence, among other things, there is the concept of the 'timetable' containing proposals of content for each day. However, it is just a suggestion. We leave teachers with the full freedom to pick and choose published lessons and topics.

Guide for headteachers and teachers on digitisation

The summary of initiatives implemented in the area of school digitisation and actions taken by the Ministry of National Education in connection with the coronavirus pandemic are the most important issues of the new guide for school headteachers and teachers. The publication includes a description of the platform, as well as a list of information materials and websites useful for online learning. The material also introduces training projects for teachers in the field of improving digital competencies and activities increasing the role of information and communication technologies in the teaching process.

The publication contains a description of information materials in the field of distance learning, including the guide by Ministry of National Education on the organisation of distance learning, as well as a guide dedicated to data security prepared by the Personal Data Protection Office in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education.

The Digital teaching materials section contains a detailed description of and a list of materials prepared by the Central Examination Board and the Education Development Centre. This section also introduces websites useful for online learning as well as the educational offer of the TVP tv station.

The subsequent part of the material includes a description of training projects for teachers focusing on raising digital competencies and other projects implemented in the field of school digitisation, such as the Interactive Whiteboard programme and the Polish Education Network (OSE).

The Interactive Whiteboard government programme

Between 2017 and 2019, the Interactive Whiteboard (Aktywna tablica) government programme was implemented to develop school infrastructure and the competencies of students and teachers in the field of information and communication technologies.

The programme was addressed to all primary schools, and its objective was to:

  • equip or supplement schools qualified for the programme with teaching aids necessary for the implementation of curricula using ICT;
  • provide students from primary schools which qualified to the programme access to teaching aids, in particular interactive whiteboards with a projector, speakers or other devices enabling the transmission of sound or interactive touch screens to train the competencies of students and teachers in the use of ICT and to develop students' interests and talents as part of extracurricular activities;
  • provide students, as well as their teachers, with training enabling effective use of interactive whiteboards or interactive touch screens.

For the purchase of teaching aids, schools could receive a maximum amount of PLN 14 thousand. The school governing authority was obliged to make a minimum contribution of its own to the sum of PLN 3.5 thousand.

Within the framework of the programme, primary schools were equipped in particular with: interactive whiteboards, projectors, and loudspeakers, as well as touch screens.

In total, in 2017-2019, more than PLN 163 million from the state budget was allocated to the Interactive Whiteboard programme, which represents support for 12,016 primary schools in Poland and abroad.

The next edition of the programme is planned to be launched in 2020. Work on its final shape is in progress.

Project “School with TVP” (Szkoła z TVP) and live lessons

Polish Television (TVP), in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, has been intensively supporting educational activities aimed at children and young people since the beginning of the suspension of classes in kindergartens, schools and educational institutions. It has launched the "School with TVP" campaign addressed to primary school pupils from grades 1-8. The materials are broadcast from Monday to Friday on public TV channels. The "School with TVP" project is sponsored by the Ignacy Łukasiewicz PGNiG Foundation.

The lessons can be viewed on four channels: TVP3, TVP Rozrywka, TVP Sport and TVP Historia in two programme blocks: morning - always starting at 8:00 a.m. and a repeat - at 12:30 p.m. The schedule of "School with TVP" is available on a dedicated website - All aired materials are available on in specially prepared services devoted to each individual grade of the primary school.

TVP Kultura, TVP Sport, TVP Rozrywka and TVP HD began broadcasting educational materials addressed to secondary school students. Lessons can be watched daily, from Monday to Friday. The main broadcasts take place on TVP Kultura and TVP HD from 9am to 1 pm. Repeats are aired on the same day at 5pm on TVP Sport and TVP Rozrywka.

Polish Education Network (OSE) – Internet and equipment for schools

The Polish Education Network project has been implemented since 2017. It is a joint initiative of the Minister of National Education and the Minister of Digital Affairs. The project operator is NASK. The main objective of the OSE is to enable all schools access to a safe broadband Internet connection.

By the end of March 2020, 19.6 thousand schools had declared their willingness to join the OSE, and 18.6 thousand had filled out technical questionnaires, which paves the way for schools to join the OSE. Over 14.5 thousand school headteachers have already signed contracts for OSE services. There are already nearly 12,563 schools connected to the OSE, 7730 of which exclusively use the services of the OSE.

Additionally, the OSE operator has already donated 4 thousand laptops to 250 schools selected by the Ministry of National Education from among the winners of the competition, as schools with the greatest hardware needs. In the following weeks of April, the next instalment is planned to be distributed - almost 8 thousand laptops will be distributed to 764 schools.


Health sciences, climate protection and economics to be discussed during form periods

Reform status: planned, 13 April 2020.

In accordance with draft amendment to the Ministry of National Education's regulation on framework curricula, starting from September 1, in primary and secondary schools topics of social importance will be discussed during form periods.

Last April, the amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 3 April 2019 on framework curricula for public schools (O.J., item 639) was submitted to public and inter-ministry consultation. 

Taking into account the requests of many circles and entities (including the Minister of Health), the amended regulation lists topics concerning major social problems (health, law, finance, climate and environmental protection), which in particular should be highlighted and discussed during classes with the form teacher in primary and secondary schools starting from the school year 2020/2021.

Because of civilisation-related challenges and threats of the modern world, the need to pay special attention to issues that shape health promoting attitudes and strengthen students’ knowledge on climate protection or highlight the benefits of knowledge of the law and financial resource management, is justified. Discussion on these topics during form periods can be held with the participation of experts in a given field, volunteers, representatives of associations and other organisations whose statutory goal is to educate or expand and enrich teaching, educational, caring and innovation-related activities of the school.


New solutions to make distance learning easier – amendment to regulations

Reform status: approved, March 2020

The possibility for local authorities to loan distance learning equipment to students and teachers free of charge, decisions made during remote teaching staff meetings, changes in the organisation of subject olympiads, competitions and tournaments, the possibility to submit documents online or announce the results of student enrolment procedures on school websites– these are the most important changes contained in the amendment of an order of the Ministry of National Education.

Clarification of the way in which schools and institutions carry out their tasks

The introduced changes result from the need to clarify the way in which the tasks of schools and educational institutions are carried out at a time of temporary limitation of their operations. The amendment concerns the Order of the Minister of National Education of 20 March 2020 on special solutions in the period of temporary limitation of the operations of the education system organisational units in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19 (O.J. item 493).

Local authorities can lend equipment to students and teachers free of charge

School governing authority can lend to students and teachers, free of charge, on the basis of a civil law contract, equipment necessary for distance learning. School headteachers can be authorised by the school governing authority to carry out this task.

A remote teaching staff meeting can make binding decisions

At a time when the operations of schools and other institutions are limited, teachers meetings can make decisions remotely, using various means of electronic communications.

Collegial bodies of education system’s organisational units can adopt decisions by circulation. The only requirement is such that all decisions taken must be recorded in the form of minutes, notes or otherwise.

These solutions will allow for exercising the powers of a teaching staff meeting, such as giving opinions on the organisation of the school’s or other institution's work or amending the statutes, without teachers being physically present at school. This regulation also allows for the use of electronic communications by a headteacher when conducting activities related to the preparation of a school’s comprehensive education plan.

New legal regulations on distance learning

Reform status: temporary, starting 25 march 2020.

Legal regulations that make it possible to provide distance learning during temporary restrictions on the operation of schools and educational institutions in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19 have been amended. The principles of distance learning and provided opportunities for student assessment and classification have been defined. The new legislation will be in place from 25 March 2020 to 10 April 2020.

What should distance learning look like?

At a time when the operations of schools and educational institutions are restricted due to epidemiological threats, teaching is provided in a form of distance learning.

In the event when difficulties with the organisation of classes arise, the headteachers, acting in consultation with the school governing authority, should determine a different way of conducting them. They must also inform the chief education officer about the selected method.

Headteachers are responsible for organising distance learning at a given institution. They are obliged to inform parents how the learning will be organised. Teachers have an opportunity to verify the curriculum used so far in order to adapt it to the selected distance learning method.

Students' safety and psychophysical abilities are a priority

Headteachers must also agree with the teachers the weekly scope of material to be covered by each form, with taking into account, among other things, the even work load with classes on each day, the diversification of the classes and the students’ psychophysical abilities. Headteachers are also to determine the forms of contact or consultation between the teachers and parents and pupils.

When organising distance learning for students, the headteachers must be mindful of the principle of safe use of electronic communication devices by students. This means that the selection of tools for this form of education should take into account current medical recommendations concerning screen time (use of computer, TV, telephone) and the availability of relevant devices at homes, the age and stage of development of pupils/students, as well as their family situation.

Distance learning delivery modes

Distance learning can be provided by offering materials prepared by the teachers, in particular those recommended by the Ministry of National Education (especially these available on educational platform), the Central and District Examination Boards, as well as the public television and Polish radio programmes.

In the case of children attending kindergartens and primary school grade 1-3 pupils, the teachers are obliged to inform parents about available materials, as well as possible ways and forms of learning at home.

Free platform with educational materials

The platform is an IT tool, on which free educational materials are posted. We encourage students, parents and teachers to explore the resources posted there and make extensive use of them.

All contents are available through a web browser and do not require installation of additional software. Additionally, the platform offers to logged-in users, i.e. all students and teachers who open an account on the platform, a module for tracking learning progress.

A headteacher of a school or other institution who decides to use the platform can open accounts for students and teachers on it. The regulations allow the processing of students' and teachers' data for the purpose of opening the accounts.

Assessment of students’ work

Headteachers must agree with the teachers how the students’ knowledge and progress will be monitored and verified.

Distance learning and vocational subjects

Vocational training classes will be conducted mainly in the scope of theoretical vocational subjects and, to a limited extent, also in the scope of practical classes, only if the curriculum of a given occupation provides for such a possibility.

Adapting the practical training curriculum

We have introduced provisions that allow for the modification of practical training curriculum so that a part of it that cannot be taught as part of distance learning could be learnt in subsequent years, and some of the classes to be taught in subsequent years can be learnt online in this school year.

Students of technical secondary and post-secondary schools will have an opportunity to serve their apprenticeships until the end of the school year 2019/2020.

Acting in agreement with the employer, young workers trained at stage I sectoral vocational schools will be able to serve their practical training until the end of the current school year or in subsequent school years. Employers will keep their entitlement to the training cost funding.

Continuing education providers

All forms of out-of-school continuing education, including those carried out so far in the form of a theoretical further training period for young workers, can be carried out at as remote learning. On the other hand, practical training courses that cannot be provided can be attended when the difficulties are resolved.

Organisation of special needs education

We also provide opportunities for special needs education online. When offering distance learning, teachers and specialists are obliged to adapt the ways and methods of work to the needs and capabilities of pupils/students, including these resulting from individual educational and therapeutic programmes.

 In the case of students with moderate, considerable or severe intellectual disability, teachers will be required to inform parents about the available materials and possible forms of learning to support the pupil/student/participant in remedial classes. The same applies to parents of children benefiting from early development support.

Teachers' work

During the period of temporary suspension of classes, the obligation for teachers to provide work on the school premises is limited, except where it is necessary to carry out classes with students online or otherwise, or where it is necessary to ensure continuity of school operations.

Rules of accounting for the working time of teachers and classes taught using distance learning methods and techniques or other forms of education

Teachers conduct classes using distance learning methods and techniques or any other form of education within the framework of their current weekly teaching hours and educational and care giving activities conducted directly with students or on their behalf. Once this number of hours is exceeded, these activities can be counted as overtime.

The school headteacher's task is to determine the rules for including in the working hours individual classes taught using distance learning methods and techniques or other forms of education.

Teachers who conduct classes using distance learning methods and techniques or other forms of education are remunerated for work including the components and numbers specified in their entitlements. Teachers receive overtime payment for classes conducted in excess of their weekly mandatory hours.

On the other hand, to teachers who do not perform work within a certain period of time for reasons attributable to the employer provisions of Article 81(1) of the Labour Code apply. It stipulates that an employee who is ready to perform work and has been prevented from doing it for reasons attributable to the employer is entitled to remuneration for the time of non-performance of work, in accordance with relevant classification in grade.

Thus, over the period when teachers do not work for reasons attributable to their employer, but are on standby duty, they retain the entitlement to basic salary at the amount resulting from their classification in grade and the function-related allowance.

Administration and service staff

The limitation of the obligation to provide work on the premises of a kindergarten, school or other education institution also applies to administration and service staff, except in the cases where it is necessary to ensure continuity of operation of these institutions.

The headteacher decides on the organisation of work of these staff members. The headteacher can instruct staff members to perform remote work, provided that the nature of the tasks performed by them allows it. If it is necessary to ensure the continuity of the institution’s operations, they can also instruct staff members to carry out specific tasks at the premises.

However, if for reasons attributable to the employer, an administration and service staff member does not provide work over a certain period of time, they are at the disposal of the headteacher and ready to resume work.

Legal basis:

The Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 20 March 2020 on special solutions in the period of temporary restriction of the operations of the education system organisational units in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19.

The Order of the Minister of National Education of 20 March 2020 amending the Order on temporary limitation of the functioning of the units of the educational system in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19.


Planned legislative changes concerning inclusive education

Reform status: planned, February 2020

Since July 2018, Polish Ministry of National Education has been implementing a project called Support for improving the quality of inclusive education in Poland as part of the European Commission's Structural Reform Support Programme (SRSP).

The project has been implemented at the request of the Minister of National Education. The aim of the support, which is specified in the request, is to provide the Ministry with support from the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education (EA) in the process of designing legal solutions and implementation measures that will allow to improve the quality of inclusive education in the daily practice of Polish kindergartens and schools. Inclusive education is understood as the provision of high quality services to all students with different educational needs who learn in kindergartens, schools and in their places of residence.

The implementation of the project is related to the work initiated in 2017 aimed at providing comprehensive solutions that will improve the quality of education. Actions taken under the project supported the work of the Team for the development of a model of education for students with special educational needs (the Ministry Team).

The first stage of the project was completed in February 2019 with producing recommendations on necessary changes in legal regulations and implementation measures to be undertaken in order to achieve the goal assumed by the Ministry of National Education. The recommendations were developed on the basis of an analysis of existing legal solutions and educational policy and conclusions of meetings with representatives of various stakeholders (headteachers, teachers, parents, students, representatives of school supervisory bodies, universities and local government units, other ministries, the Children's Commissioner, and the Commissioner for Human Rights). The recommendations were subject to public consultation in the form of meetings and through the online platform launched by the Ministry of National Education. The participants of the consultations supported the recommended directions of changes and implementation measures.

The second stage of the project started in September 2019 and it is scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2021. The aim of the second stage is to develop, based on the recommendations produced at the first stage, draft principles for legislative changes and public consultation of the draft. The results of this work will form the basis for initiating legislation aimed to improve the quality of inclusive education in Poland. The next step will be a broad public consultation concerning the principles developed during the workshop. The whole process will end with draft legislation and a description of the pilot programmes, which will support the implementation of solutions that will improve the quality of inclusion in the system of education in Poland.

The project involves regional meetings to which the following stakeholders are invited: headteachers, school, kindergarten and other education institution teachers and other staff members, students, parents, representatives of school supervisory bodies, universities and employees of other sectors who cooperate with education in carrying out tasks for the benefit of children and their families. Representatives of the European Commission, the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education and the Ministry of National Education will also take part in the meetings. The meetings are organized in cooperation with the regional chief education officers.

The results of the activities carried out under the SRSP project are used in other activities of the Ministry of National Education, which aim to implement changes with the view of improving the quality of education for all students in Poland, including those with disabilities. The recommendations developed at the first stage of the project are used in projects implemented under the governmental programme Accessibility Plus, which is a pilot programme for dedicated centres that support inclusive education (the new role of mainstream and special needs schools), piloting services provided by assistants to students with special educational needs and staff training.

The Ministry of National Education also cooperates with the Ministry of Regional Funds and Policy in the implementation of the project entitled Accessible school space, which provides for the development of accessible school standards and improving accessibility of 150 schools.  The principles for legislative changes and implementation measures developed at the second stage of the project, carried out in cooperation with schools, will be taken into account in the preparation of proposals for the Ministry activities in the new EU financial perspective.

"Lesson: Enter" – a digital project

Reform status: project, 16 January 2020

Teachers and school heads from all over Poland have been invited to participate in a project „Lesson Enter” („Lekcja: Enter”). The initiative aims at the development of digital competences in Polish schools. Over 75 thousand teachers will be trained within this project – they will learn how to use ICT during every day work with pupils. Enrolment has been open since the beginning of January 2020, and first training sessions will take place in February.

The project aims at developing teachers’ digital competences and increasing the importance of ICT in the teaching process. One of the crucial aspects is to prepare teachers for developing their own e-materials and using the existing ones available at the web page

The project is supported by the EU funds and implemented by three institutions which won the competition Orange Foundation, Foundation for the development of the Information Society and the Institute of Public Affairs.

„Lesson: Enter” project is dedicated to all types of teachers. The project leaders have designed 9 different training paths. Early childhood education and care teachers, teachers of humanities and sciences, artistic subjects but also ICT can participate - from both primary and post-primary schools.

In the framework of this project every teacher will undergo a 40- hour training, prepare two lesson scenarios with the use of ICT and teach a class in his/her school. Participants will have access to a special educational platform, will use webinars and tutorials which will show them how to use different tools and applications in everyday school activities.

School heads will be additionally invited to take an advantage of  an online module „Active lesson with ICT”. Its purpose is to support them in the preparation of implementation plan of digital teaching methods in the given school.  

Organisation of training sessions is left to the grant holders discretion (e.g. CPD centres).  

Detailed information including a list of institutions offering the training sessions is available at section „For school heads”.


Lessons on health will start in the new school year

Reform status: proposal, 15 January 2020

Deputy minister of health has agreed with the representatives of ministry of education that lessons on health topics will be introduced in schools in the school year 2020/21. Health topics will not be taught as a separate subject but will be introduced e.g. as part of so called hours with home room teachers.

Introduction of a school subject „Knowledge about health” has been included in the National Oncological Strategy which is under intersectoral consultation at present.  

The Commissioner for Patients' Rights has appealed for an introduction of a school subject „Knowledge about health” into the school curricula. He has proposed the following teaching content and skills to be taken into consideration while teaching it:

  • Healthy lifestyle;
  • Rights and duties of patients;
  • Basic information on the health care system;
  • Basic information on support to persons with long term illnesses;
  • Learning about chosen illnesses – information on treatment, reactions to diagnosis (e.g. flu, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, allergy, infectious diseases);
  • First aid;
  • Basic information on healthy diet;
  • Stress reduction methods;
  • Assessment of pro-health measures and the importance of sport;
  • Knowledge on vaccinations and check- ups recommended for particular age groups;
  • Health related definitions e.g.: patient, medical product, dietary supplement, cosmetic.

The Commissioner recommends introduction of such subject into school education at different levels starting with early school education.

More information on



Training schools

Reform status: EU-funded competition by the Ministry of National Education, October 2019

The Ministry of National Education has started a competition addressed to bodies running at least one public school to launch a training school.

A training school is a place which offers future teachers an opportunity to test in practice the knowledge they had gained during their studies, and provides qualified teachers with the opportunity to work out and improve their work skills.

The model for the training school was developed by the Education Development Centre with the aim to provide teachers with effective teaching strategies and methods, in particular those suitable to develop student key competences and universal skills. The development of the project involves cooperation with a university and the involvement of at least one educational institution such as: a pedagogical library, a psychological and pedagogical counseling centre or a teacher training institution.

The maximum value of one project cannot exceed PLN 1 347 747 (Source: POWR.02.10.00-IP.02-00-003/19). Within that framework extra teaching aids necessary for the operation of the training school will be provided to existing school subject laboratories.

Indications for state educational policy in the school year 2019/2020

Reform status: announced

Indications for state educational policy in the school year 2019/2020

Main indications for the state educational policy for the coming school year as established by the Ministry of National Education:

  • Prevention of addictions,
  • Development of digital, mathematical and entrepreneurial skills and creativity,
  • Implementation of core curricula in sectoral vocational education.

The Minister has also defined tasks for regional education authorities in the area of pedagogical supervision:

  • functioning of visual monitoring systems in schools,
  • organisation of individual classes,
  • psychological –pedagogical support,
  • correlation between sectoral vocational education and a new classification for vocations.

The Minister has also defined the areas of monitoring and supervision for regional education authorities:

  • implementation of compulsory physical education classes,
  • transfers of students to special education settings,
  • introduction of innovation to schools and implementation of core curricula for sectoral vocational education.

Pełny opis kierunków polityki oświatowej

The amendment to Teachers’ Charter Act has been approved for implementation

Reform status: approved 4 July 2019

The Act of 13 June 2019 on amendment of the Teachers’ Charter Act (Karta Nauczyciela) and other related acts was approved on 4 July 2019. Among others it provides for an increase in teachers’ salaries in September 2019, a new allowance for beginner teachers, a guaranteed minimum of 300 PLN allowance for home room teachers, shortening of the professional advancement path and reverses some recent (2018) changes to the teachers’ appraisal system. 

Appraisal of teachers is no longer obligatory, but the opinion of parent’s council in this process becomes compulsory. Appraisal of teachers upon completion of induction phase is also restored.

The following elements of professional advancement path were also amended: time required between completion of one stage in the process and beginning of the following stage was reduced to 9 months for trainee teacher aspiring to the post of contract teachers, to 2 years for contract teachers aspiring to the post of appointed teachers and to one year for appointed teachers aspiring to the post of chartered teachers.  

The same regulations have been applied to teachers working abroad in schools with the Polish curriculum (szkoły polonijne). Most regulations will be implemented starting 1 September 2019.

New technologies at schools

Reform status: implemented, July 2019

In the school year 2018/2019, 3690 schools benefited from the government's "Active Whiteboard" programme. They received total funding amounting to PLN 51.2 million. With these funds, schools can purchase multimedia devices replacing traditional blackboards in classrooms, as well as projectors and loudspeakers. The programme is scheduled to last 3 years (2017-2019), and PLN 224 million has been allocated for its implementation in the state budget.

Free e-learning resources and e-materials

The educational portal offers free educational resources. The portal is being systematically expanded to feature e-resources for general and vocational education and training. New functionalities are developed to allow teachers and students to collect their own materials, modify existing ones, create new interactive educational content, and to share, comment on and review it. Moreover, e-materials for artistic education are being developed, as well as those aimed at developing key competences and interests of students. Also a competition was announced for the development of 10,125 e-resources for basic and advanced courses in physics, chemistry, biology, geography, Polish, history, philosophy, civics, mathematics, and computer science taught at four-year general secondary schools and five-year technical secondary schools. Plans for additional contents include multimedia resources to support career guidance for all age groups (data on occupations and qualifications, videos featuring individual professions, student and graduate statistics, tools and materials useful for career guidance counsellors, resources to be used by students, their parents and other adult users of the system). The plans also include the development of 800 e-resources for vocational education and training.

Digital competences of teachers

In 2018, nearly 17,000 teachers participated in contact seminars, training workshops in the regions, professional development workshops and on-line courses on teaching programming to primary school grade 1-3 students, all these as part of the eTwinning programme. More than 800 teachers were trained in the use of Information and Communication Technologies and cybersecurity. In order to support teachers, the Centre for Education Development has prepared a publication entitled Teacher training in programming at the first and second stage of primary school education, programming lesson scenarios for the first and second stage of primary school education, as well as 30 other lesson scenarios. Within the Digital Poland programme, 75,000 teachers of general education subjects (including mathematics) will be trained in using and creating their own e-materials. The project worth PLN 50 million will be carried out until 2023.

Implementation of the National Educational Network

The school year 2018/2019 is another year of providing broadband Internet access to schools within the National Educational Network  (Polish: Ogólnopolska Sieć Edukacyjna - OSE). There are 8,900 schools registered in OSE. In 2019, about 12 thousand schools will be provided Internet access. According to the Act on the National Educational Network, in 2020 all schools in Poland will have free, fast and safe Internet access, and students and teachers will be able to take full advantage of new forms of digital education.

Information System on Education

Since 1 March 2019, one integrated system of information on education has been in operation. Works on the National Educational Data System are under way. The new system will eliminate the need for making multiple entries of identical data in different systems, e.g. by school heads or employees of district examination boards.

mStudent Card

mStudent Card has been developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Affairs. mStudent Card is a free, mobile version of a traditional student card and it can be stored on students’ mobile devices. In order to make the mStudent Card available to students, a school head or other person designated by him/her needs to fill in a form posted on the website of the Ministry of Digitial Affairs.


School Health Services Act

Reform status: approved

On April 12, 2019, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland passed a law on school health services. This is the first legal act to standardise the scope of health care for students. The act was adopted to ensure equal access to preventive health care and to dental care, i.e. to ensure uniform service levels, to all students regardless of their place of residence and the type of school they attend. It also aims to improve the efficiency of publicly funded health services. Coordination of activities and improved communication between service providers form an important element of changes envisaged in student health care. The act provides for ensuring health services at schools and guarantees children and youth access to dental surgeries. Preventive health care is provided to students until they reach the age of 19 and in the case of students holding special needs education certificates until they complete secondary education. Dental care is provided to students until the age of 19. Health services are provided by: school nurses, school hygienists and dentists, in the scope of dental care. The place of health services provision:

  • preventive health care services will be provided by a school nurse or a school hygienist in a surgery located at school,
  • dental services will be provided by a dentist in a dental surgery at school, a dental surgery located outside the school or a mobile dental surgery (bus).

Parents will have the right to choose another place for dental services to be provided by a dentist. Dental services, in the scope stipulated in the act, require the consent of parents or students who are of age. A school governing authority provides to students access to a surgery offering preventive healthcare at school and a dental surgery. In the absence of a dental surgery at school, the school governing authority will conclude an agreement with a provider of dental services to children and youth, in which it will determine the manner of organising the provision of such services. The act defines the scope of cooperation between:

  • parents and a school nurse/school hygienist,
  • school health service providers: school nurse/school hygienist, primary care team, dentist,
  • entities providing organisational conditions for such care: head teacher, school governing authority, teachers and other school staff (school counsellor).

The act also provides for the organisation of health care at school for chronically ill or disabled students. Such care will be provided by a school nurse or school hygienist who cooperates with a general practitioner, parents, adult students, head teacher and school staff. Such cooperation will consist in establishing the way, in which care will be provided to students, which will be adapted to their health condition in a situation when administering medicines and performing other activities during a child's stay at school are required. Moreover, the Minister for Health can publish a notice featuring recommendations for providing care to chronically ill or disabled students at school prepared by relevant national associations or medical societies, which bring together medical specialists in a given field of medicine, in accordance with their statutes. School health care is financed by the National Health Fund.


New standards for teacher education

Reform status: proposal

The government is preparing new standards for initial teacher education. The Government Legislation Centre has just published a draft regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education to that end. A strong emphasis is to be placed on practical training and the adaptation of the education process by teachers to special education needs of their students. The presented draft defines the standard for initial education of teachers, including preschool teachers, early-school education teachers, special school teachers, special form teachers and teachers conducting classes for children and students with special education needs (details are included in annexes to the regulation). The need to prepare new regulation resulted from the expiry of current legislation covering these topics. Moreover, as indicated by the Ministry, starting on 1 October 2019 fields of study such  as preschool and early-school pedagogy and special needs pedagogy will be offered in the form of one-cycle master's degree programmes, so it was necessary to define separate standards for initial education of preschool and early-school teachers (grades 1-3 of primary school) as well as special school teachers, special form teachers and teachers conducting classes for children and students with special education needs. As announced by the Ministry, new standards “aim at ensuring high quality of education and proper selection of learning outcomes in order to optimally prepare students for practising the teaching profession, with taking into account its specific character." The proposed solutions place special emphasis on practical training, as well as on education in the field of special education needs and adaptation of education process by teachers to cater for special educational needs of students - reads the explanatory memorandum. The ministry stated that the academic year 2018/2019 was the last year in which universities offered initial teacher training on the basis of former rules (the existing programmes will continue their offer on the basis of former curricula). The new standards are to be applied from the academic year 2019/2020.


Increasing the number of hours at headteacher’s disposal

Reform status: approved in April, comes into force in September

Increasing the number of hours at headteacher’s disposal, which can be devoted to developing interests and talents of pupils and students at every stage of their education, increasing the number of hours devoted to vocational education and training and introducing Latin and ancient culture into the catalogue of optional subjects in a 4-year general upper-secondary school and a 5-year technical upper-secondary school are the main amendments of the regulation on framework teaching plans for public schools.

On 3 April 2019 the Minister of National Education signed the regulation on framework teaching plans for public schools. The signed regulation was sent for publication in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland. The regulation will enter into force on 1 September 2019.

Increasing the number of hours at headteacher’s disposal is in line with the request made by the Minister of Education to trade union representatives in January 2019. It will be one additional  hour at the first, second and third stage of education (in general and technical upper-secondary schools). These additional hours are to be used for the development of students’ interests and talents.

In technical upper-secondary schools, the hours at headteacher’s disposal can also be used for classes related to the development of occupational competences and for the teaching of individual subjects at an advanced level, if education in the occupation forming part of trade education requires that.

The regulation also introduces the following changes to framework teaching plan at technical upper-secondary schools:

  • the number of hours devoted to vocational education and training was increased from 51 to 56 (over a five-year period of instruction) and the number of hours at headteacher’s disposal was increased from 3 to 4 hours  (the hours were reallocated within the existing number of hours);
  • technical upper-secondary students can choose one subject taught at an advanced level, and if the headteacher of a given technical upper-secondary school avails of  human resources, organisational and financial capabilities, the students will be able to choose the second subject taught at an advanced level (also using the hours at the disposal of the headteacher). The number of hours devoted to the teaching of subjects at an advanced level has been reduced (from 14 hours to 8 hours) so as to enable the headteacher to identify the subject to be allocated at least 6 hours or 8 hours per week (over a five-year period);
  • changes have been introduced to the use of hours at the headteacher’s disposal, which in technical upper-secondary schools can be allocated for the teaching of subjects at an advanced level, if education in the occupation forming part of trade education requires that;
  • the number of hours of occupational training in the highest grade of technical upper-secondary school was reduced from 9 to 7 hours (weekly) shifting these hours to lower grades, so that students of the fifth grade of technical upper-secondary school can take occupational examination in January or February of a given year. 

The regulation modifies framework teaching plans for trade upper-secondary schools and  post-secondary schools because of the change in the organisation of education in these types of schools.

Starting from 1 September 2019 post-secondary schools and from 1 September 2020 trade upper-secondary schools will no longer be divided into schools for youth and schools for adults, and they will offer full-time and part-time education.

A meal - at school and at home in 2019

Reform status: beginning of implementation, January 2019

On 1 January 2019 a programme called „A meal - at school and at home” („Posiłek w szkole i w domu”) was launched. The programme includes support to the elderly, the disabled and children from families in difficult circumstances. The programme’s budget has been earmarked at 550 million PLN a year. 40 million PLN a year will be directed to schools in the framework of the module dedicated to the organisation of school cafeterias.  The total programme’s  budget for the programme’s duration will amount to 2.75 billion PLN.

The „A meal - at school and at home” programme is inteded to suport local authorities financially in providing food to the locals in need. The programme offers support  in such forms as serving meals, financial support dedicated to the purchase of food, and provision of food products. Support to pupils will take a form of serving hot meals in school cafeterias. This will help to improve supervision over the quality of products and the process of preparing meals.

The programme supports bodies managing public primary schools (including artistic ones) in organising school cafeterias and other premises where children can have their meals. This measure refers to both improvement of already existing cafeterias as well as establishing new ones.   

Interestingly the head of regional administration (wojewoda) can increase the amount earmarked for this type of support by 5%. This applies to those schools which run their own kitchens and cafeterias.   

The Programme’s implementation is planned for years 2019-2023.