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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
European perspective

Republic of North Macedonia

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.6European perspective

Last update: 9 June 2022



EU Twinning Project “Further support to the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework”

EU Twinning Project “Further support to the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework” (MK IPA 17 SO 01 21) started in October 2021. The Beneficiary of the Project is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia. A Consortium of three Member States – Lithuania, France and Slovenia with the expertise of other relevant authorities is responsible for the implementation of the Project. The overall objective of the Project is further strengthening and operationalization of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) aiming to increase the employability, mobility and social integration of workers and learners in the Republic of North Macedonia.


Concept for Inclusive Education

The Concept for Inclusive Education proposes measures and strategies to remove barriers in the implementation of inclusive education and its sustainability. In that sense, it is important for every school to be able to recognize the value of its students' diversity, to find ways to respect everyone, to adapt the teaching to the individual characteristics of each student, to increase and mobilize the existing resources it has, with in order for each student to learn and participate in the overall school life.

In cases where greater difficulties are identified for participation in the educational process, each school should identify the learning barriers that the student faces and offer appropriate strategies to overcome them. This allows each student to have access to teaching and learning, as well as participation and achievement in accordance with their potential.

This model includes transformation / interventions in the curriculum and syllabi, teaching strategies, activities and materials, as well as continuous monitoring of the implementation process of the interventions, at least at three levels of support: general support level, intensive support level and special support level.

The Concept of Inclusive Education was adopted with the Decision of Minister of Education and Science at 6 July 2020. 


“Be IN, be INclusive, be INcluded” project

The Foundation for Educational and Cultural Initiatives "Step by Step" in cooperation with the Association for Promotion and Development of Inclusive Society "Inclusive" and the Association for Services to Persons with Disabilities "Handimak", started implementing the project “Be IN, be INclusive, be INcluded”. The project is implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Bureau for Development of Education, and is funded by the European Union and will last from 01.09.2020 to 31.08.2023. It aims to ensure full and equal inclusion of children with disabilities in regular primary schools, which grow into institutions open and accessible to all children and committed to providing quality education.

As part of the project "Be IN, be INclusive, be INcluded" in this school year scholarships will be awarded to 300 students with disabilities. In addition to the scholarship program for students with disabilities in the primary grades, the following activities will be implemented as part of the project: awareness raising campaigns and promotion of the importance of inclusive education; improving the capacities of the employees in the primary schools for building inclusive educational environments, improving support and accessibility to and in schools for students with disabilities, and providing tutoring support for students with disabilities involved in the educational process.


Grant for Realization of Activities Contributing to the Development and Promotion of Multiculturalism, Multi-ethnical Integration and Tolerance

The main goal of these grants is to promote good practices for activities that maintain harmonious relationships based on respect for differences that bild-up a multiethnic and multicultural society, Such relationship enables the construction of modern, successful and effective educational institutions that will promote multiethnic and multicultural values, individualized approach to students, positive emotional climate and constructive multidisciplinary communication in a pleasant and encouraging school environment. The grants are intended for primary and secondary schools that will realize joint student activities that contribute to development and promoting multiculturalism, interethnic integration and tolerance. The activities can be realized independently in a school where the teaching is realized in several languages ​​of instruction or in partnership with another school. The Ministry of Education and Sciences awarded 95 schools (70 primary schools and 25 secondary schools) with annual grants of 500 Eur for realization of activities contributing to the development and promotion of multiculturalism, multi-ethnical integration and tolerance.


21st Century Schools Programme

To compete in the global job market, skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, digital literacy and creativity are key to success. The 21st Century Schools Programme is launched and funded from the Government of the United Kingdoom and is run in partnership with relevant educational institutions in the Republic of North Macedonia.

The 21st Century Schools Programme is designed to equip students aged 10-15 years with the critical thinking and problem solving skills. Through learning critical thinking and problem solving skills, children will learn practical programming skills and have the opportunity to practice their skills through physical computing.

As part of the programme each school in N. Macedonia and Western Balkan countries is going to be provided with a number of micro bit devices – pocket sized computers which children can programme onto and use across subjects to solve every day problems. It allows students to learn in a fun, interactive and innovative way. Already 65% of the schools in N. Macedonia are equipped with micro bit devices. At the same time the school competitions are organized at the state level where the best students and schools have been awarded with prise.