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European perspective


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.6European perspective

Last update: 12 June 2022
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Education and training have a prominent place in the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. A headline target has been set for education which specifies twin goals on early school leaving and higher education attainment, while under the European semester of economic governance, the key messages of the 2014 Annual Growth Survey (AGS) as well as the Country-specific Recommendations have strong links with education and training. Moreover, the ‘Strategic framework for cooperation in education and training until 2020’ (ET 2020) and the ‘Rethinking education’ strategy focus attention on the major challenges facing European education systems, and highlight the areas that need to be improved.

For information on reforms in the EU Member States that are explicitly linked to the Europe 2020 Strategy see the 2017 National reform programmes.


The Strategic Framework For The Development Of Education, Training And Learning In The Republic Of Bulgaria (2021 - 2030) is prepared in line with the perspectives set in current strategic documents at global and European level, which outline the shared vision of high quality, inclusive, value-oriented and lifelong education, training and learning. Significant support in the implementation of the reforms set out in the Preschool and School Education Act has also been provided through the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). As part of the objectives of the Strategy, for the development of competencies in accordance with the changing role of the teacher the implementation of mobility of pedagogical specialists is included /and through the European Erasmus + program/. The mobility of students and staff under European and international programs and the transnational cooperation of education and training providers is also encouraged. Goal 6.5. of the Strategic framework includes the implementation of activities to promote European initiatives in the field of education for sustainable development. Partnerships between vocational schools, universities, businesses and research centers to share facilities and initiatives, as well as involvement in regional, sectoral, national and European networks, will be encouraged. It is also envisaged to develop a credit system and to introduce credits in vocational education and training in line with the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET). The implementation of the set goals of the Strategic Framework will be financed not only from the state and municipal budgets, but from European sources: Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth" 2014 - 2020; Operational Program "Growing Regions" 2014 - 2020; Operational Program "Human Resources Development" 2014 - 2020; Rural Development Program; Recovery and Resilience Facility; Education Program 2021 - 2027; Program "Development of the regions" 2021 - 2027; Strategic Plan for Rural Development 2021 - 2027; Erasmus + program; Financial mechanism of the European Economic Area; Other European and international funds and programs / projects.

The Strategy For The Development Of Higher Education In The Republic Of Bulgaria /2021 – 2030/ has been developed in accordance with the current regulations in the country and the strategic documents. It is in line with the Europe 2030 Strategy, the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning, the Communications of the Ministers responsible for higher education in the countries of the European Higher Education Area. The strategy also takes into account the recommendations of the European Commission for the development of higher education, contained in:

• EC (2017) Communication on modernization of higher education "A new impetus for higher education in the EU" - COM (2017) 0247;

• EC (2018) Action Plan in the field of digital education - COM (2018) 22;

• EC (2018) Proposal for a Council Recommendation on the promotion of common values, inclusive education and the European dimension of teaching - COM (2018) 23;

• EC (2018) Proposal for a Council Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning - COM (2018) 24;

• EC (2018) Communication on artificial intelligence - COM (2018) 237;

• EC (2018) Communication to the European Parliament, the Council,

The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of regions. Building a stronger Europe: the role of policies for youth, education and culture. Brussels, 22 May 2018 - COM (2018) 268 final.

The strategy identifies as one of the challenges for higher education, the intensification of the global supply of educational services in higher education (European Higher Education Area), as well as accelerated internationalization and full integration into European educational and research networks. The European Higher Education Area seeks to promote and stimulate mobility and assist EU Member States in modernizing their education and training systems. The Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training ("Education and Training 2020") is a valuable basis for setting common priorities and helping Member States to modernize their education and training systems. At the same time, for the development of Bulgarian science and educational technologies there are many opportunities to combine national experience in research and teaching with European and international experience. This requires the adoption of measures for the internationalization of Bulgarian higher education and achieving its greater compliance with European and international educational standards. Bulgarian universities use the opportunities of the Erasmus + program, which stimulates learning mobility throughout Europe and contributes significantly to improving personal development and intercultural competences, as well as strengthening European identity. The adopted criteria for quality assessment in higher education have been changed in accordance with European standards and guidelines, which has led to an increase in the number of indicators for measuring quality.

Improving the quality of higher education with a view to digital transformation is also in line with the EU Council Conclusions on Digital Education in European Knowledge Societies and the Rome Communiqué of Ministers of the Bologna Process Member States.

The Law on Amendments to the Recognition of Professional Qualifications Act  (Promulgated - SG, issue 21 of 2021) introduces the requirements of Directive (EU) 2018/958 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 June 2018 on the examination on proportionality before the adoption of new regulation of professions (OJ L 173/25 of 9 July 2018) and requirements of Directive 2005/36 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications.


Bulgaria follows the European perspectives in the development of education. Activities are carried out under various European programs in the field of education. We are working on the goals set in the Education and Training 2020 Framework: making lifelong learning and mobility a reality, improving the quality and efficiency of education and training, promoting equality, social cohesion and active citizenship, enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training. These, as well as other goals: raising literacy, reaching a larger number of children in kindergartens and schools, the smallest possible number of dropouts from the education system, realization on the labor market have become national priorities.

The training in the electronic environment has been introduced and is being worked on intensively. The detailed regulations in this area are forthcoming. The Ministry of Education and Science and the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) launched in March the educational program "With BNT at school" with video lessons, educational videos and films for different classes and ages. At the beginning of April, the National Electronic Library was established. It provides an opportunity to create and share original teaching materials from over 80,000 teachers in the country, 236 experts in various subjects from the Regional Departments of Education and teachers from over 350 Bulgarian Sunday schools from 52 countries in the world. The materials can also be used by the students of pedagogy, who have yet to enter the Bulgarian school, as well as for the education in the higher schools in the country. Teachers can publish in the repository and use materials of their colleagues - didactic and methodical, video lessons, innovative methods, tests, films, exercises, presentations, entertaining pedagogy and projects that include research student work.


There have been no reforms to date in this area.