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National reforms in higher education

Republic of North Macedonia

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022




EU Twinning Project “Further support to the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework”

The EU Twinning Project “Further support to the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework” (MK IPA 17 SO 01 21) started in October 2021. This project is financed by the European Union and will be implemented within 27 months. The budget of the project is worth 1.500.000,00 euros.

The Beneficiary of the Project is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia. A Consortium of three Member States – Lithuania, France and Slovenia with the expertise of other relevant authorities is responsible for the implementation of the Project.

The overall objective of the Project is further strengthening and operationalization of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) aiming to increase the employability, mobility and social integration of workers and learners in the Republic of North Macedonia.

This twinning project is expected to support the effectiveness of the NQF with special focus on:

  • Development and implementation of quality assurance (QA) process/procedures;
  • Transparency and governance of skills and qualifications in a lifelong learning perspective of general, Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher education;
  • Improving quality and better adaptability of education and training in line with the requirements from labor market needs;
  • Linking formal, non-formal and informal learning; and
  • Support the validation of learning outcomes acquired in different settings.

The project consists of the following 4 components:

Component 1 – Quality assurance of education and training in a LLL perspective strengthened.

Component 2 – Support to the further implementation and enhanced capacities of the National Qualifications Framework in accordance with the QA framework.

Component 3 – Operational and administrative capacities of NQF Administration for management NQF communication and awareness raising practices improved.

Component 4 – NQF Digital register interconnection and compatibility on National and EU level improved.



Government Decrees to ensure and regulate higher education provision during Covid-19 pandemic

2020 was earmarked by the COVID-19 pandemic, closure of the universities and HIEs and shift to online teaching and learning. Following the state of emergency declared to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, on March 23, the Government adopted a Decree with legal force for the application of the Law on Higher Education during the state of emergency(Уредба со законска сила за примена на Законот за високо образование за време на вонредна состојба). It regulated different aspects related to the provision of higher education in the country -the execution of study programs, the organization of examination sessions of all three cycles during the state of emergency, accreditations and re-accreditations, the extension of the mandate and bodies at the higher education institutions. Government also adopted three amendments to the Decree (no: 116 from 05.04.2020; no:134 from 22.5.2020 and no: 149 from 5.6.2020). The first Decree amendment was dedicated to the deadlines for validity of the accreditation and re-accreditation of the existing study programs at all three cycles of higher education, as well as the deadlines for adoption of the bylaws/acts foreseen with the Higher Education Law 2018. The second Decree amendment regulated the implementation of the study programs and in-person student’s assessment where there was a possibility for full application of the health protection protocols. The third referred to the maximum co-payment amount of the study costs for state funded students enrolled in the first cycle of studies at a public university in the academic year 2020/2021; enrollment of new students in third cycle studies at study programs in the academic year 2020/2021, the procedure for selection of governing bodies of HEIs and the procedures for selection of bodies whose mandate expires during the duration of the state of emergency.


Implementation of Higher Education Law provisions on Quality Assurance

In March, 2020 the two quality assurance bodies (Accreditation Board and Evaluation Board) were constituted within the Agency for Quality of Higher Education (AQHE) and their staffing started. AQHE works on developing the set of new Bylaws and Book of rules on accreditation and external evaluation of HEIs. Establishing a fully functional Quality Assurance system is still in early stage of implementation.


Measures to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on students

13.06.2020 Based on the Government Decree with legal force for issuing vouchers for young people for digital skills training to improve their competitiveness on the labor market during a state of emergency (Уредба со законска сила за издавање на ваучери на млади лица за обуки за дигитални вештини заради подобрување на нивната конкурентност на пазарот на трудот за време на вонредна состојба), vouchers for digital skills training were awarded to young people up to the age of 29 with at least secondary school attainment. The vouchers were intended to cover up to the 50 % of the training costs in the amount of maximum 30,000 MKD (≈ 500 EUR).

17.06.2020 In order to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on students standard and wellbeing, the Government/Ministry of Education and Science adopted a Decree with legal force for covering part of the costs for studying and part of the accommodation costs for student dorm and for private accommodation (Уредба со законска сила за плаќање на дел од партиципацијата во трошоците за студирање за студенти, партиципација за сместување во студентски дом и партиципација на трошоците за приватно сместување). This measure provided the state funded students coming from low-income family households with one-off, supplemental support in the amount of 6,000 MKD (100 EUR) to cover studying costs, co-payment for accommodation in a dormitory (for those studying outside the place of residence and who have been accepted/gained placement at student dorm) and co-payment for accommodation in a private accommodation (for those studding outside of place of residence and not living at student dormitory/didn’t gained placement at the student dorm due to the health protocols and decreased number of st ).


Actions to improve internationalization

On August 19th, a process of developing a national Strategy for Internationalization in Education was initiated by the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility and the Ministry of Education and Science. The public call for experts available at: The purpose is to define concrete steps (goals, measures and activities) to improve the level of educational internationalization in the country and to bring Macedonian education closer to European practices. It is expected that the consultation process and the first draft strategy to be presented in 2021.


Actions for new Law on Research and Science

In the second half of 2020, a process of developing a new Law on Research and Science has been launched. A working group consisted of representatives from academic and research community was established to recommend new forms of funding of research and scientific projects in the country. The first Draft Law on Research and Science is to be presented and discussed widely with all relevant stakeholders in 2021.


Innovation vouchers to stimulate science

O1.10.2020. The Fund for Innovation and Technological Development (FITD) in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science through grant funding awarded 34 innovation vouchers with a total value of 15 million MKD (≈244.000 EUR) to encourage the development of science in our country. The goal is to open opportunities for young people to participate directly in projects that can shape their careers, and at the same time to enable companies to increase their competitiveness. Innovation vouchers cover up to 80% of the total costs of scientific research services, in a maximum amount of 500,000 MKD. The remaining 20% is the participation of the company, user of the faculty services. The deadline for realization of the funds from the vouchers will be six months. The funds will be used to develop new and improve existing products, processes or services; technical specification, production of laboratory prototypes, development of demonstration prototypes, various types of tests, validation of technology, advisory services related to innovation activity, development and introduction of special software for product or process, as well as for specific training related to development of technological solutions. According to the analysis, 68% are projects of the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”-Skopje, 26% of the University “Goce Delchev” in Stip and 6% of the University of St. “Kliment Ohridski” in Bitola. The companies they will cooperate with are mostly startup companies 71%, micro (16) small (15) and medium (3) size enterprises. 


Continued financial support to academics and researchers

16.10.2020. In order to stimulate professional development of the university staff and encourage them for production and printing of quality research papers, the Ministry of Education and Science through annual open calls continued to provide financial support to academics and researchers for study stays abroad, funding for the participation in international scientific conferences, gatherings and events, funding for printing collections of papers from the scientific gatherings, as well as state subventions for production and printing of scientific research papers published in international journals with impact factor. (In accordance with Article 3 paragraph 1 of the Rulebook "Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia" No. 102/2018)


Continued financial support to students

13.11.2020 Ministry of Education and Science awarded a total of 3.000 (need and merit based) scholarships to 4 major categories and few sub-categories of full time first cycle students studying at public and private universities and HEIs in the academic year 2020/2021. Scholarship applications were submitted through the portal which improved the efficiency of the provision of financial support to students. The annual call for scholarship support is available at:



Implementation of the new Law on Higher Education

The major progress in the implementation of the new Law on Higher education has been made in quality assurance. On December 25th, a Director of the new Agency for Quality in Higher education has been elected by the Parliament and the necessary preparatory steps for establishing of the Agency as independent legal entity has been undertaken.

In November and December, 2019, the election of students’ representatives - Presidents and members of the Student’s Faculties and Universities Assemblies took place. The establishing of the National Council for Higher Education and Research is at early stage of implementation, the objective of the Council is to change the funding model that will positively influence the quality and effectiveness of Macedonian higher education.


Academic staff salaries increase

In September, 2019, the Government decided on 5% salary increase for the public university academic staff employees. Additional 10% salary increase was also decided starting from January, 2020. On October 29th, the Government has decided on 25% salary increase for the employees of the public scientific/research institutes.


Scientific subventions for authors of scientific research papers published in international journals with impact factors

In order to stimulate research papers production and publishing, the Ministry of Education through an open call has supported 199 out of a total number of 242 researchers / domestic authors that published scientific research paper in an international impact factor journal. Distribution of these subventions by scientific fields are as follows: Natural-Mathematical Area-49 papers; Medical Science and Health -25; Biotechnical Science Area-4; Technical-Technological Science-52; Social Science-31 and Humanities-2. This was in line with the Ministry of Education and Science financial plan and Research Program 2020 (“Official Gazette 277 / 2019).


Subsidized student meal

In February, 2020, a Law on Subsidized Student Meal was adopted by the Macedonian Assembly. The purpose of the Law is to improve the student standard and quality of student services through state subvention of 120 MKD (2 EUR per day) for healthy meal or 2,400 MKD (approximately 40 EUR) monthly for all full- time students studying at public and private universities. The students are entitled to subsidized student meal every working day from 8-20 h., with the exception of the state, religious holidays and non-working days;


Improved leaving conditions at student dorm “Goce Delcev” in Skopje

Renovation of the Student dorm “Goce Delcev” in Skopje which represents 30% of the capacities for students’ accommodation was completed. An Agreement (2019-2024) signed for additional 24 million EUR for renovation of seven other student dorms in Bitola, Ohrid, Shtip, Prilep and Skopje.  Every year, a total of 5.500 students are granted place in the students’ dormitories.


Introduction of a new, sustainable funding model of Macedonian higher education is lagging behind, but the analysis and preparatory activities are at advanced stage

Since 2016, “a process of revising the HE funding model has been launched with a purpose to increase efficiency of financial means distribution of universities” (Education Strategy 2018-2025 p.48). The purpose is also to allow for private sector financing, to provide for great transparency in the recruitment and management of the academic staff, to increase accountability of HEIs as well as to provide for development and quality higher education and research. A report with recommended new model of financing has been submitted to the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance by the engaged international consultant and discussed with the Rectors and vice-rectors of public universities. This is expected to be a base for the future work of the National Council for Higher Education and Research for developing the new funding criteria.

As part of the SKILLS project supported by the World Bank activities, the options for higher education financing reform have been outlined into the reports “Design and Implementation of a Sustainable Funding Model for the Macedonian Tertiary Education System’ and “Modern Governance for the Macedonian universities: International trends and reform options” prepared by the international consultant. The reports summarize a range of approaches that should be decided upon in elaborating the new funding system along with new university governance. The decisions are related to the different possibilities in resource mobilization and resource allocation and is linked with preparation of strategic plans by all HEIs at regular intervals as a key component of the process of implementing new funding and governance model of the universities to guide their development and transformation. This would include the definition and monitoring of key performance indicators and, in many cases, extensive reliance on benchmarking.


National Qualification Framework for increased transparency and recognition of HE qualification

On December 5th, 2019, new composition of the NQF Board was constituted. The National Register of Higher Education Qualifications is available at: to ensure transparency and visibility of qualifications. The implementation challenges linked to capacity building, financing and engagement and stakeholder co-operation remain to be addressed. It is expected that the NQF will facilitate recognition of national qualifications abroad (and vise-versa) and improve the labor mobility.





  • Decree with legal force for the appliance of the Law on Higher Education during the state of emergency (Уредба со законска сила за примена на Законот за високо образование за време на вонредна состојба) available at:
  • Decree with legal force for covering part of the costs for studying and part of the accommodation costs for student dorm and for private accommodation (Уредба со законска сила за плаќање на дел од партиципацијата во трошоците за студирање за студенти, партиципација за сместување во студентски дом и партиципација на трошоците за приватно сместување available at:





  • Rulebook for one-off award for publishing scientific paper and compensation of funds paid for publishing of papers;


  • Rulebook for financing of scientific conferences, scientific meetings and artistic gatherings and for participation of domestic researchers at international conferences, international scientific conferences, international art gatherings and study visits abroad;