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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
European perspective


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.6European perspective

Last update: 13 June 2022

Integration of children with migrant biography into the Cypriot educational system

The Ministry of Education and Culture has been participating in the European network SIRIUS for the education of children with a migrant biography since 2014. The Ministry has adopted the Network's recommendations to initiate the establishment of an Interagency Committee on the Integration of Children with a Migration Biography into the Cypriot Educational System. In the framework of the work of the Committee, the Policy Paper on the Integration of Children with Immigration Biography was prepared, approved and posted in May 2016 with an action plan for the period 2016-2018. The axes terminology, migration mapping, diagnosis, teaching and evaluation of Greek as a second language, teacher education, anti-racist culture and differentiated measures for the reception and integration were covered in the action plan.

The project "Measures for the Improvement of Social and Educational Integration of Third Country Children in Cyprus" was implemented by the Pedagogical Institute during the period of January 2017 - June 2018. The project aimed at empowering teachers through four actions: the systematic research and evaluation of institutions, measures, and practices, the systematic training of educators and executives in the management of socio-cultural diversity, the operation of a group of mediators and supporters and the training of teachers to enhance the Greek language and multilingualism.

Europe 2020 strategy

Education and training have a prominent place in Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. A headline target has been set for education which specifies twin goals on early school leaving and higher education attainment, while under the European Semester of economic governance, the key messages of the 2014 Annual Growth Survey (AGS), as well as the Country-specific Recommendations, have strong links with education and training. Moreover, the ‘Strategic framework for cooperation in education and training until 2020’ (ET 2020) and the ‘Rethinking education’ strategy focus attention on the major challenges facing European education systems and highlight the areas that need to be improved.

For information on reforms in the EU Member States that are explicitly linked to Europe, 2020 Strategy see the 2017 National reform programs.

The strategic program “Europe 2020” which has already been filed in Parliament by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) includes the following eight strategic objectives for the years 2018-2020:

  1. The development, training and quality upgrading of the human potential of education
  2. The modernization of administrative structures of the education system, both the central administration and the school units
  3. Upgrading the educational content
  4. The support and empowerment of each student with diversity recognition
  5. Strengthening and upgrading technical and vocational education
  6. Strengthening and upgrading tertiary education
  7. The development, promotion, and preservation of cultural heritage and athletic promotion
  8. The effective and active participation of the Ministry (MoEC) in Europe and the rest of the world