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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 17 June 2022

Akademinė skola - A study subject that has been failed (final mark less than 5 out of 10) by a student in a Higher education institution. 

Klausytojas – a person that is studying in a Higher education institution according to a non-formal program or separate chosen study subjects instead of a whole study program. 

Laisvasis mokytojas – a person that provides individual educational services.

Progimnazija – is a type of school that provides the first part of the secondary education (grades 5-8) or the first part of the secondary education and primary education (grades 1-4 and 5-8).

Vidurinė mokykla - General education schools known as basic schools (grades 5–10 or grades 5–10 and 1–4). Basic schools cater for pupils aged 11–16 to follow the basic education curriculum or for pupils aged 7/6–16 to follow primary and basic education curricula;

Kvalifikacija - qualification – an outcome of any knowledge and skills acquired, which is formally documented, i.e. document certifying obtained formal education is awarded.

Specialusis ugdymas - special education is general and vocational education adapted for persons with special needs and/or health problems. 

Kolegija – a type of higher education institutions that carries out Bachelor degree studies called „Koleginės studijos“ (College studies). Study programs are usually 3 years long at focuses on practical skills.

Numatomi studijų rezultatai - learning outcomes are knowledge, skills and competences that are acquired during a certain period of education. 

Nuolatinės studijos – full-time studies. A single year of full -time studies usually consists of 60 ECTS credits worth of study subjects, but no less than 45.

Ištęstinės studijos – part-time studies. A single year of part -time studies may not consist of more than 45 ECTS credits worth of study subjects. Part-time studies can be one and a half time longer than full-time studies.