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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 17 June 2022

The rector (director) of a state higher education institution is the sole management body of the higher education institution acting for and on behalf of the said institution and representing it. The rector (director) is elected (through an open competition), and is appointed and dismissed by the council. The council announces an open competition to fill the position of the rector (director). The rector (director) is considered to be elected if at least three-fifths of all the council members vote for him/her.

Requirements for appointment

Under the Law of Higher Education and Research, a university rector may be a person who has a scientific degree or is an established artist with experience in pedagogy and management. The college director may be a person with experience in pedagogy and management.

Conditions of service

The chairman of the council or other person authorised by the council concludes a contract of employment with the elected rector (director) for the term of office for and on behalf of the higher education institution concerned.

The term of office of the rector (director) is five years. The same person may be elected rector (director) of the same higher education institution for not more than two terms of office in succession and no sooner than five years after the end of the last term in office if that was the second in succession.