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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teachers and Education Staff


9.Teachers and Education Staff

Last update: 17 June 2022

Teachers trained for the education system include the following categories: teachers for pre-school education, teachers for primary, basic and secondary education, teachers for non-formal children education, vocational teachers, social teachers, special education teachers, typhlopedagogues, surdopedagogues, andragogues and education management specialists.

The objective of teacher training is to create conditions for individuals to acquire professional competences necessary for successful work at school and develop personalities guided by the values of humanism, democracy, contemporary national identity and renewal who will help their pupils achieve the competence necessary for members of modern society.

The conditions of service of teachers are regulated by the Labour Code, Government resolutions and other legal acts. The responsibility for teachers’ conditions of service lies with the Government, the Ministry of Education and Science, municipalities and management of educational institutions.

Teachers are provided conditions for continuing professional development. As specified in the Law on Education, teachers must upgrade their professional qualifications and are entitled to at least five days a year for attending in-service training (professional development) events. In addition, participation in continuing professional development leads to the increase of salary or career benefits.