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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Developments and current policy priorities

Czech Republic

8.Adult education and training

8.2Developments and current policy priorities

Last update: 13 June 2022

Czech adult education has a long tradition. The beginning of edification activities dates back to the period of the enlightenment. In the course of the 19th century, many cultural-enlightenment institutions and associations were founded. Initially, adult education was rather a matter of individual interest. At the beginning of the 20th century, trade organisations in certain professions (e.g. medical) or fields (e.g. agriculture) became the main providers of such education. In some professions, the system is very well developed. In the 1960s, there was a remarkable development of in-company training. In the 1970s, the research and publication production in the area of adult education started to grow.

At present, adult education covers the field of general, vocational and civic education, and interest-based learning.

Different projects are being developed, e.g. National System of Occupations, National Register of Qualifications, the UNIV projects, etc.



Strategic documents

The main strategic document determining the goals that should lead to the development of adult education and measures how to achieve them was the Strategy of Lifelong Learning in the CR approved in 2007. Adult education issues are further dealt with in many other strategic documents such as Long-term Plan for Education and the Development of the Education System of the Czech Republic (2015–2020), International Competitiveness Strategy 2012–2020 or the National Reform Programme of the Czech Republic 2017.

The document Strategy for Education Policy of the Czech Republic until 2020, approved in 2014, which is a follow-up to different strategic documents, the Lifelong Learning Strategy among them. Part 3.1.6 focuses on the accessibility and quality of further education (mainly on the support of the system of recognition according to the Act on the Recognition of Further Education Results, support of schools, school facilities and libraries as centres of lifelong learning, support of stimulation the demand for further education and better information or support of career guidance in a lifelong perspective).

The Strategy for Employment Policy until 2020, approved in 2014, is another important document. Its main aim is to increase the overall rate of employment. The Strategy for employment identifies four main priorities:

  1. support of access to employment, especially for groups at risk on the labour market;

  2. support of equity of women and men on the labour market;

  3. support of companies and employers to adapt themselves to changing demands of the labour market;

  4. development of public services of employment.

The conception of lifelong learning plays an important role in fulfilment of these goals, mainly by the form of support of further vocational training for applicants and other persons interested in employment or by support of the development of system career guidance and counselling on the labour market.

National Plan Supporting Positive Ageing for the period 2013–2017 is a strategic document under the responsibility of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs that is solving the topic of population ageing and preparation for ageing. Apart from the issues such as how to improve image of seniors in the media, support the development of relations between generations or reinforce the role of family in assuring the care for seniors, it concentrates also on the area of lifelong learning and support of their education. Activities focused on the development of upper secondary educational programmes, universities of the third age and other educational activities or enabling the seniors to participate in projects of international cooperation with another institution and use of international experience are its other measures.

The Strategy of Digital Literacy of the Czech Republic for the Period 2015–2020 was approved by the Government in 2015. The main vision of the Strategy is to develop digital literacy of Czech citizens so that they are able to use the potential of digital technologies for their personal lifelong development, increasing the quality of life and social participation.



Legislative framework

A unified legal framework covering legislation for the adult education area does not exist in the Czech Republic. At present, adult education is governed by many legal regulations and its individual components fall within the authority of a number of bodies.

As far as adult education is concerned here are the following legal regulations and rules:

  1. The Education Act effective from 2005, already based on the concept of lifelong learning, and further amendments. In a new and more accurate manner, the Act defines study programmes alternative to day form of study, reinforces the role of follow-up study (nástavbové studium) and introduces shortened study (zkrácené studium) to acquire secondary education completed with the Maturita examination (střední vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou) or secondary education with the VET certificate (střední vzdělání s výučním listem), enables to acknowledge prior learning (including informal learning) and to acquire even a recognised level of education without prior formal school attendance. The Act also regulates a possibility for further education through courses that do not provide a recognized level of education.

  2. The Act on Verification and Recognition of Further Education Results from 2006 and related amendments and the Decree on Details Stipulated to Carry out Act on Verification and Recognition of Further Education Outcomes. The basic principle of the Act is to enable everybody to verify his or her knowledge and skills regardless of the manner in which it was acquired (within the National Qualification Framework).

  3. The Higher Education Act contains provisions on lifelong learning.

  4. Regulations and rules related to work performance: the Labour Code (professional development of employees), the Act on Employment (provisions on the development of human resources) and following regulations for carrying into effect the Acts (e.g. the Decree on Retraining of Job-seekers and Employees).

  5. Acts regulating qualifications requirements for non-manual professions, e.g. the Act on Officials of Territorial Self-government Units, the acts on courts and judges, on tax consultants, on regulating education of employees in the health sector and others. This legislation also defines special institutions entitled to organise training or examinations. It includes the 2004 Act on Education Staff and the 2005 Decree of the Ministry of Education on In-service Training of Education Staff.

  6. The Act on State Professional Supervision over Occupational Safety and legal regulations related to technical standards specifying requirements for professional competence, requirements for qualifications, regular in-service training or re-examination of employees or requirements for securing occupational safety while performing certain types of work.

  7. The Trade Licensing Act specifies requirements for fulfilling professional competence to acquire particular trading licenses which include notifiable trades (vocational and professional trades) and also permitted trades where a proof of professional competence is required.

  8. The Act on Promoting Small and Medium-sized Enterprise enables to provide support, among others, for education and training in upper secondary school (střední škola) programmes completed with a VET certificate (výuční list), and to enhance professional qualifications of adults.