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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management and other education staff

Czech Republic

10.Management and other education staff

Last update: 13 June 2022





Children's groups and childcare facilities for children under 3 years of age

Specific conditions for management staff in children's groups (dětské skupiny) are not set. The provider who can be physical or legal person is fully responsible for the services.

A trader or supervisor who is in charge for a childcare facility for children under the age of three (zařízení pro péči o děti do 3 let) must fulfil qualification requirements that are identical to those which apply to professionals working in these facilities (with the exception of the qualification for ambulance care assistants).



The school headis responsible for the administration and management of nursery schools (mateřské školy), basic schools (základní školy), secondary schools (střední školy) and tertiary professional schools (vyšší odborné školy) or a school facility. At schools which have the legal status of a subsidised organisation or a school legal entity (i.e. most public and denominational schools), the school head is the authorised body. School heads have full responsibility for the quality and effectiveness of the educational process, as well as for the financial management of schools, the recruitment and dismissal of teachers, etc.

The evaluation of schools and school facilities included in the Register of School and School Facilities is provided systematically by the Czech School Inspectorate. School inspectors (školní inspektor), controllers (kontrolní pracovník) and invited persons (přizvaná osoba) carry out inspection activities in schools and school facilities included in the Register of Schools and School Facilities.

At schools and school facilities, there is also qualified staff to provide guidance and advisory service, as well as psychological support. At basic schools, secondary schools and tertiary professional schools, school counsellors(výchovný poradce) and school prevention specialists (školní metodik prevence) are employed. At some schools, school psychologists or school special educational needs specialists (psycholog or speciální pedagog) operate as well.

Other education staff include following categories of employees: a teacher's assistant (asistent pedagoga), educational childcare staff (vychovatel), a teacher responsible for leisure activities (pedagog volného času), and a coach (trenér). In forest nursery schools, non-teaching workers are employed under specified conditions. Schools also employ technical, economic and operational staff. With support from the European Union's Structural Funds, some schools employ school assistants (školní asistent) and some nursery schools' nannies (chůvy).


Higher education institutions

The responsibility for the administration and management of public or state higher educational institutions (vysoká škola) lies with the rector (rektor).



Legislative framework


The requirement on management of the children´s groups (dětské skupiny) are set by the Act on Children's Group. The qualification requirements of the trade or supervisor who is in charge for a childcare facility for children under the age of three (zařízení pro péči o děti do 3 let) are set by the Trade Licensing Act

The Education Act stipulates the competences of a school head and procedure for his/her appointment and qualification prerequisites for worker of the Czech School Inspectorate.

The Act on Education Staff sets prerequisites for performance of activities of education staff (school heads, school counsellors and other education workers).

Responsibilities of a rector of higher education institution and procedures for his/her appointment are stipulated by a Higher Education Act.