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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools

Czech Republic

10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 13 June 2022



Other education Staff

Besides the teachers, education staff of schools and school facilities also include the following categories of employees according to the Act on Education Staff:


They are obliged to participate in continuing professional development. The conditions of service are the same as for teachers. In public schools, they are remunerated according to the uniform salary scale system.


Educational childcare staff

Educational childcare staff works in:

  • school facilities for developing personal interests (in school clubsškolní družina and školní klub)

  • school lodging and boarding facilities (domov mládeže for pupils of upper secondary schools (střední školy) and tertiary professional schools (vyšší odborné školy) and internát for pupils with disabilities)

  • school or school facilities for institutional and protective care (e.g. children's home – dětský domov) and preventive educational care (e.g. the centre for educational care – středisko výchovné péče)

The range of possible qualifications is extensive, the minimum requirement is an upper secondary education with a Maturita examination (střední vzdělání s maturitní zkouškou) in the relevant field.

The prerequisite for working with pupils with special educational needs is completed higher education in the field of special or social education, tertiary professional education in the field focusing on special education, or qualification of educational childcare staff supplemented by the study of the lifelong learning program at a higher education institution focusing on special education.


Teachers responsible for leisure activities

Teachers responsible for leisure activities work in facilities for developing personal interests (in the centres of leisure activitiesstředisko volného času). The minimum qualification requirement is upper secondary education with a Maturita examination in the teaching field (or in another field if education is supplemented by subsequent pedagogical studies), for sub-activities sufficient upper secondary education with a VET certificate (střední vzdělání s výučním listem) supplemented by subsequent pedagogical studies is required.



Coach gain qualification in the relevant fields at higher education institutions (vysoké školy), or at upper secondary education with a Maturita examination or with a VET certificate supplemented with practice in coaching at faculties of physical education. Another requirement is to obtain a certificate (at least) II. class trainer in the relevant area of sport.



Non-education Staff

Apart from the education staff, there are also non-education staff working in schools and school facilities. The category of non-education staff includes:

  • staff in school facilities who ensure its professional activity but are not education staff (e.g. social staff of school guidance facilities, nannies (chůvy) for children in pre-primary education, technical staff in data processing centres, staff responsible for health)

  • staff in schools and school facilities who ensure its operation (i.e. administration, maintaining, service, catering – labour force statistics classes these as technical and administrative staff and operating staff); school assistants (školní asistenti) are also included in this category (funding with the use of EU structural funds)


Conditions of service for non-education staff are generally governed by the same regulations as are valid for education staff of particular school/institution or school facility. However, the Act on Education Staff does not apply to them; therefore, they are not obliged to participate in continuing professional development. Stated legal regulations stipulate legal adjustments for them: pay tariffs of non-education staff are lower than those of education staff. The pay scale for non-education staff has 16 categories and 12 pay grades. They do not have the entitlement to study leave and their holiday is only 5 weeks (or 4 weeks in private schools).