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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Czech Republic

14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 13 June 2022






Vocational education of Ukrainian pupils in the Czech Republic

Ukrainian citizens who have been granted the temporary protection have the access to education (incl. vocational fields) according to the Education Act as the Czech citizens. In the response to the Ukrainian crisis, Act no. 67/2022 have been adopted, which implements measures in education (e.g. those related to admission to education or documents proving the prior education). It implements specific measures in education, which are described in the section Education of Ukrainian pupils in the Czech Republic. Various supporting projects are also mentioned in this section.






National tutoring plan

Within the National Recovery Plan and its pillar focused on education and the labour market, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic responds to the negative effects of the failure of on-site teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic by the so-called National tutoring plan.

Secondary schools and conservatories will receive funds for tutoring and supporting needy pupils in their final years.

For more information on the National tutoring plan see the National tutoring plan in 14.2.



Strategy for Education Policy of the Czech Republic 2030+

On 19 October, the government approved the Strategy for Education Policy of the Czech Republic 2030+ (hereinafter referred to as the “Strategy 2030+ ”), which sets out the direction of education development and investment priorities for the next ten years (see also Ongoing reforms and policy initiatives). The aim is to modernise the education system of the Czech Republic in the field of regional education, leisure time activities and non-formal education and lifelong learning. The Strategy 2030+ has two main strategic objectives, which will be implemented through five strategic lines. Within these lines, e.g. the measures in the area of innovation of the system of fields of education will be elaborated. The aim is to modernise the system of vocational fields of education and thus facilitate the transition of school leavers to the labour market and also to support acquiring qualifications already during the studies. For more details, see New Strategy for Education Policy of the Czech Republic 2030+ approved.






Frequently asked questions about education and coronavirus

For more see Frequently asked questions about education and coronavirus in chapter devoted to the National Reforms in School Education.



Distance education as an official form of education and the manual for operation of schools in the 2020/21 school year

In the Czech Republic, the school year 2020/21 will start for all pupils and students on September 1 in schools.

Nevertheless, in August 2020, the government approved an Amendment to the Education Act, which legislatively enshrines distance education as an equivalent form of education.

At the second half of August, the Minister of Education also presented a manual for the operation of schools and school facilities in the school year 2020/21 (manuál k provozu škol a školských zařízení ve školním roce 2020/2021) issued in accordance with the current measures of the Ministry of Health.

For more see Distance education as an official form of education and the manual for operation of schools in the 2020/21 school year  in chapter devoted to the National Reforms in School Education.



Reform of public education funding

In January 2020, the new system of public schools funding has started. The vocational and technical fields of upper secondary schools are also included. The new system significantly reduces the dependence of the allocated funds on a school size and a class size. Among others, it opens up the possibility for a higher degree of division of classes into groups for certain subjects or activities. See details in section The new system of public schools funding has started.



The new National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic is in charge with vocational and further education

The new National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic is, in addition to general education and other areas, responsible for the vocational education, further education, career guidance and counselling, and the link between education and the labour market. The administration of the National Qualification Framework is one of its tasks. For more details, see section The National Pedagogical Institute offers methodological support in regions.




Current calls within the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education

In the area of the school education, including vocational education, following calls were announced within the framework of the Operational Programme, Research, Development and Education: the call Implementation of Regional Action Plans II and the call Inclusive education for socially excluded locations II. For more information, see section New calls within the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education.