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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Czech Republic

13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.6Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Last update: 13 June 2022



European, global and intercultural dimension in curriculum development


Where adult education takes place at schools and leads to the attainment of a certain level of education, European issues are incorporated into the curricula to the same extent as in the case of ordinary pupils and students. In other cases, it depends on the focus of the given activity or course.


International programmes

Within the Erasmus+ programme, it is possible to participate in the EPALE platform via the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (Dům zahraniční spolupráce). The platform aims to improve the quality of education offered to the adult population. For more information see the website of the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (Dům zahraniční spolupráce).


Raising awareness of the European Union

In the long term, the Czech Republic has been striving to raise awareness of the European Union activities among its citizens. There are several activities serving this purpose:

Euroskop is an Internet portal designed as the official source of information on news from the EU and news from the Czech Republic relating to EU issues, as well as the structure and activities of the EU.

Eurocentres disseminate information about EU policies and programmes, and about the Czech Government’s activities relating to the European agenda. They also act as an intermediary in communication between the Czech government and citizens in the region. The work of the Eurocentres consist in responding to inquiries from the public; providing up-to-date information materials; facilitating access to relevant European web pages and TV information channels (such as Euronews); raising local and regional awareness of EU programmes; ensuring the distribution of information in regions (schools, libraries etc.); organising seminars; and communicating with the representatives of local administration, media, and other relevant regional entities. In 2005, the Prague Eurocentre was established; the system of regional Eurocentres was built from 2006.

Eurofon is a toll-free line providing information on the EU.

The EUROPEDIRECT network operates in the Czech Republic as well. Established by the European Commission, EUROPEDIRECT provides free general information on the EU and a large number of EU materials, including the printouts of key EU treaties and legal regulations. The network consists of 11 centres that are based in České Budějovice, Pardubice, Olomouc, Brno, Jihlava, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, Kroměříž, Liberec, Most and Prague (European House in Prague). Besides access to computers with Internet, it offers some broadcasts of the Europe by Satellite (EBS) TV information service with latest daily news on the EU. Additional information is available on the Europe Direct website. The activities of individual branch offices in the Czech Republic are complemented by the European House in Prague, the seat of the European Commission Representation in the Czech Republic.

Information on current events in the EU is also available at various Internet portals (e.g. Evropská unie 123 which offers many useful links to Czech and international sources of information on the European Union).

The objective of improving the political culture is also pursued by non-governmental organisations. One of these is the European Values think-tank, which focuses on analysis of the Czech Republic’s direction in the European Union.

The organisers of other events include various awareness raising and cultural institutions (cultural centres, museums, libraries). Lectures and courses often accompany other events such as exhibitions, concerts or festivals. See also Provision of liberal (popular) adult education in Chapter 8.


Teaching of foreign languages

Language education for adults is among others carried out at language schools authorised to organise state language examination. Education is governed by the Education Act, and such schools are part of the education system. For more information about these schools see Language education in Chapter 8.



Partnerships and networks


If adult education takes place at schools the possibility of establishing partnerships is the same as outlined in the section Partnerships and networks in early childhood and school education.


International programmes

The Czech Republic participates in the activities of Erasmus+. Within the Erasmus+ programme, it is possible to carry out cooperation projects (strategic partnerships). They are implemented in order to create, test and introduce new or improved methods in adult education. They promote sharing of the good practice examples. In the Czech Republic the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (Dům zahraniční spolupráce) is in charge of implementing Erasmus+ and a number of other international programmes aimed at supporting education.

The Czech Republic participates in the EPALE platform, which is used for sharing information relating to adult learning. Information can be shared e.g. on various forums or as blog posts comments. Anyone with an interest in this area may participate, e.g. policy makers, teachers, instructors, researchers and academic staff.


Study opportunities for Czech compatriots living abroad

The foreign and cultural policy of each country includes spreading information about its history and present to other countries all over the world. Pursuant to a Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic from 2020 on the continuation of the Programme to Support the Czech Cultural Heritage Abroad in 2021–2025, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports is responsible for fostering the teaching of Czech language and literature abroad. The Czech National Agency for International Education and Research is involved in implementing the programme. As part of this programme, the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research started publishing a Czech-studies magazine Krajiny češtiny).

Compatriots (foreigners of Czech descent) who are over the age of 18 and want to learn the language of their ancestors or to improve their command of Czech can enrol via Czech Embassies in four-week summer courses in the Czech language. Tuition, food and accommodation are provided free of charge. After the completion of the course participants receive a certificate.