Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level
Local Councils are very active in the field of adult education and lifelong learning programmes and courses. Such programmes are developed and run by the Directorate for Research, Lifelong Learning and Employability and in close collaboration with local industry. A variety of courses (held both in the morning and in the evening) are held at the premises of the Local Councils and/or at the primary schools of the localities.
All state schools in Malta now form part of one of ten College Networks where each College Network is a body corporate with its own legal and distinct personality. This is a level where the Head of College Network can take decisions concerning the schools within the College Network thus ensuring that students entrusted to the schools within the College Network receive their educational entitlement according to their potential in a full, continuous and smooth process of education. The Head of College Network chairs the Council of Heads for the schools within their college. The main aim of the Council of Heads is to nurture a spirit of collegiality in the running of the College as a network of schools while developing a common ethos and identity.
The Education Act stipulates that every town and village should have its primary school. Nearly every primary school has a kindergarten attached to it. Since the reform, middle schools and secondary schools receive students from the feeder primary schools within the College Network.