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Management staff for higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 21 June 2022

Requirements for Appointment

The University of Malta

The governing bodies of the University of Malta (UM) are the Council, the Senate and the Faculty Boards while  the Principal Officers administering and managing the UOM are the Chancellor, the Pro-Chancellor, the Rector, the Pro-Rectors, the Secretary and the Deans and Deputy Deans of the Faculties.

The main functions of the Council, which is the University’s supreme governing body, include the administration of movable and immovable property at the UOM, payment of salaries to academic and non-academic staff and the establishment or removal of Faculties, Departments and Institutes as is necessary to ensure the proper organisation of academic work. The main functions of the Senate include the regulation and  monitoring of research, documentation and examinations in the University and the admission requirements and recognition of qualifications of foreign universities or institutes of higher education such as MCAST and ITS. The key responsibilities of the Faculty Boards is to guide the studies, research and teaching track programmes occurring within each particular Faculty as well as their future development.

The Chancellor is the highest officer of the UM and is responsible for its conformity with the law. The Pro-Chancellor is the ex officio president of the Council and performs the duties of Chancellor whenever this is necessary. The Rector is responsible for the daily running of the UM and is the president ex officio of the Senate and Faculty Boards. The Rector leads and manages all staff, teaching and non-teaching, and all Faculties at the UM and has the power to summon the Council, Senate and Faculty Boards as he/she deems fit. In addition, the Rector also has the authority to award University Degrees, diplomas, certificates and other distinctions. The Secretary is the second highest administration officer of the UM while the Dean of the Faculty is responsible for the daily running and administration of the Faculty under his/her remit.

The Chancellor is appointed for a term of seven years by the President of Malta following the advice and in agreement with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition. The Pro-Chancellor is appointed for a maximum of five years after the Minister’s approval. The Rector is elected by the Council for a term of five years and is the principal academic and administrative officer of the UM. The Pro-Rector is appointed by the Rector for a term of one year. The Dean of the Faculty is elected for a term of four years by the Faculty’s academic staff from amongst the Faculty’s heads of departments and the Deputy Dean is appointed by the Rector for one year after consultation with the Dean of the Faculty who also assigns him/her duties.


The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), The Institute for Tourism Studies (ITS) and The Institute for Education (IFE)

MCAST is governed by a Board of Governors made up of a President, a Vice-President and eight members while the daily running of the institution is managed by the Principal, who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and a Deputy Principal.

ITS is regulated by the Institute of Tourism Studies Act. It is governed by a Board of Governors, a Board of Studies and a Chief Executive Officer.

The Board of Governors is composed of not less than seven and not more than nine members, out of which three are appointed by the Ministry for Education, whereas the rest by the Ministry for Tourism for a cycle of not more than 3 years. The Board of Studies is constituted by the Director of Studies, the academic departments, the Registrar an elected member from the academic staff, an elected member by the students’ council, and two members from the Board of Governors. Finally the Executive Office is presided by the Chief Executive officer and constituted together with the Director Corporate Services and the Director of Studies.

The IFE is run by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who is assisted by an advisory board appointed by the Hon. Minister for Education and Employment.