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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level


2.Organisation and governance

2.7Administration and governance at local and/or institutional level

Last update: 9 June 2022

General administration at local level


The territorial self-governance is executed by municipalities and higher territorial units (see also chapter Main Executive and Legislation Bodies).


The municipality


  • establishes and dissolves, to the extent of  transferred execution of state administration, the primary schools according to the network of schools  and school establishments,
  • appoints the headteachers of schools and school facilities he had founded, on the basis of the competition, to be carried out by the school self-governing body – the school board; he recalls the headteachers of schools and school facilities it had founded,
  • establishes and dissolves in the process of self-government the basic schools of art, pre-primary establishments, school clubs for children, school centres for free-time activities, catering centres, language schools at primary schools and school service centres,
  • creates the conditions for compulsory school attendance at primary schools,
  • executes administration of schools and school establishments, control of  management of the school financial and material resources and control of  effectiveness of management of municipality property in administration of school,
  • secures premises and material and technical equipment for teaching process, didactit technology, financial resources for operation and maintenance, and investment recourses.

In addition, the municipality:

  • executes state administration at the first level in matters of threatening the early childhood education or neglecting the care for compulsory school attendance,
  • executes, as an educational  authority, the state administration at the second level in matters of primary schools it had founded and where the decision-making at the first level was upon the headteacher,
  • approves contract proposal on rent of school buildings and adjacent premises of schools or school facilities it had founded,
  • discusses with the school board and headteacher of the school or educational establishment the budget and material and technical conditions for activity, personnel, material and social conditions of employees, reports on educational activity, its results and conditions, reports on results of economical management, concept of investment development of schools and school establishments it had founded,
  • approves, at request, school educational programme of primary school and educational programme of school establishment it had founded,
  • handles complaints, incentives and petitions of citizens and guardians of pupils of  schools and school establishments it had  founded, in the set areas.


Educational institutions, administration, management


Education is provided by the school and out-of-school educational institutions within their area of competence. They are the following:

  • primary schools, secondary schools and higher education institutions
  • educational establishments of the central bodies of state administration
  • educational establishments of professional organisations and professional unions
  • educational establishments of municipalities and towns
  • educational establishments of cooperatives
  • educational establishments of civil and special-interest associations
  • educational establishments of churches and religious communities
  • educational establishments of cultural-educational establishments
  • educational establishments of labour organisations,
  • educational establishments of physical and legal entities.
  • Educational Institutions, Administration and Management at Pre-primary level


Pre-school facility


The pre-school facilities is managed by the headteacher, who is also responsible for its activities. In his absence the headteacher is substituted by his deputy. A special kindergarten along with a special school of a different type for equally handicapped children, can be managed by one headteacher. For more information see chapter Management Staff for Early Childhood and School Education.

The Act enables unification of several pre-primary facilities or pre-primary facilities with primary school of the same founder in one legal entity.


Primary school


Primary school is managed by the headteacher who is also responsible for its activities (observance of the legal rules, state and school education programme, professional and educational level of the school work, and the effective use of funds).

The advisory body of the headteacher in educational-organisational questions is the pedagogical board. All teachers of the school are members of the Board.

The School Board is an advisory self-governing body expressing and asserting the public interests and interests of pupils, parents and teachers in the field of education. It is a duty of headteacher to create conditions for establishment and activity of the School Board. The School Board is established at schools according to a special rule.

For more information see chapter Management Staff for Early Childhood and School Education.


Basis school of art


The basic school of art is managed by the headteacher who is appointed on the basis of the result of competition by the appropriate founder. The headteacher of the church or private basic school of art is appointed or recalled by the founder of the school.

The headteacher of the school is responsible for ensuring the observance of generally binding rules, educational plans and curricula, for the professional and pedagogical level of the educational work and efficient and economic use of the school property. The headteacher of the basic school of art may authorise any teacher to manage the school branch.

An advisory body of the headteacher for questions of art is represented by the art council that discusses the problems of art education of pupils. The art council is composed of the school headteacher, deputy headteachers, heads of departments and of subject commissions, eventually, some teachers of the school.

For more information see chapter Management Staff for Early Childhood and School Education.


Secondary school


Secondary school  is managed by the headteacher, who is also responsible for the pedagogical and professional level of educational work, for labour safety and protection, for the economy of the school. The headteacher of a secondary school, which has not been established by the regional board is appointed and recalled by the founder on the basis of school board proposal (the Act No.596/2003 of the Law Code). The headteacher of a secondary school executes state administration at the first level.

The headteacher of secondary school designates class-teachers, educational counsellor and heads of methodical departments or different curricular review groups. He sets up his advisory bodies, namely the pedagogical board, advisory body, methodical departments, different curricular review groups. At art-handicraft schools of applied art, secondary art schools, conservatoires and dance conservatoires he sets up the art council. The headteacher of secondary school enables the set-up and activities of the pupils’ council.

For more information see chapter Management Staff for Early Childhood and School Education.


Higher education institution


Statutory body of the higher education institution is the Chancellor. He manages it and acts on its behalf and represents it outwardly.  He accounts for his activity to the Academic Senate of the public higher education institution and in activities set by law to the Minister. The faculty is represented by the Dean. He manages it and he acts in matters of the faculty. He is responsible for his activity to Academic Senate of the Faculty and for specified activities to the Chancellor. The Chancellor is substituted by Vice-Chancellors, the Dean is substituted by Vice-Deans.

For more information see chapter Management Staff for Higher Education.

The higher  professional education (post-secondary –ISCED 4 or tertiary –ISCED 5B ) are provided by secondary schools according to Education Act.