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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and Learning in Primary Education


5.Primary Education

5.2Teaching and Learning in Primary Education

Last update: 21 June 2022

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

The National Curriculum Framework (NCF), adopted in 2012, lays out a paradigm shift away from what was a highly prescriptive curriculum towards a framework based on learning outcomes that allows for internal flexibility at school level. It also recommends that rather than having stand-alone subjects, teaching and learning should be construed around learning areas that form the entitlement for all learners.

Thus, the NCF affirms that in the Early Years cycle (comprising kindergarten and the first two years of primary school), emphasis should be given to general competences developed through cross-curricular themes which contribute to establishing the foundations for lifelong learning. Such competences can be translated into learning outcomes expected to be achieved by young children by the time they move to the Junior Years cycle (years 3-6 of primary school).


The Directorate for Quality and Standards in Education (DQSE) was initially responsible for the formulation of the Learning Outcomes Framework (LOF) through a EUR 3.588 million ESF co-financed project, which framework is currently being phased in by the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes (DLAP) and will eventually address all the educational cycles within compulsory education and not just the Junior Years cycle.

The apportionment of time to each subject per week in the various years that make up primary education is shown in the following table. In primary schools a certain level of flexibility is understandable since teachers can decide to dedicate more time to a particular subject if they believe that it would be of benefit to their pupils.


Number of hours dedicated to the different subjects, per week


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


6.5 hours

6.5 hours

4.3 hours

4.3 hours

4.3 hours

4.3 hours


4.25 hours

4.25 hours

4.4 hours

4.4 hours

4.4 hours

4.4 hours


5.75 hours

5.75 hours

5.3 hours

5.3 hours

5.3 hours

5.3 hours


2.5 hours

2.5 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

Social Studies

1.5 hours

1.5 hours

2.25 hours

2.25 hours

2.25 hours

2.25 hours

Expressive Arts

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

Physical Education

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

Science and Technology

0.5 hours

0.5 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

2 hours

Personal, Social and Career Education



0.75 hours

0.75 hours

0.75 hours

0.75 hours

Morning assembly

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

Mid-morning break

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

1.25 hours

Mid-day break

2.5 hours

2.5 hours

2.5 hours

2.5 hours

2.5 hours

2.5 hours


30 hours

30 hours

30 hours

30 hours

30 hours

30 hours


The official guidelines had referred to a total of 4 hours per week dedicated to ‘Other Subjects’ which included handwriting, storytelling, reading sessions, Talk About sessions and Choosing Time for Years 1 and 2. These 4 hours have been allocated to Maltese, English and Mathematics in the above table. Similarly, a one-hour ‘Other Subjects’ for Years 3-6 has been allocated between the same three subjects.

Maltese and English, the two official languages of Malta, are taught at all levels within compulsory education. English starts to be formally taught as from the first year of primary education, although children will have already been exposed to the language at home, in kindergarten and throughout their life outside school.

Thus, bilingualism is considered as the basis of the educational system, entailing the effective, precise and confident use of the country’s two official languages. This goal is to be reached by all students by the end of their schooling experience. Hence, schools are encouraged to adopt a policy of using two languages and to develop a linguistic strategy that reflects the particular linguistic needs of their pupils and to provide effective remedies to individual pupils to overcome their linguistic difficulties.

It is recommended that teachers at primary level use English when teaching English, Mathematics, Science and technology. Code switching is suggested when the use of English poses problems to the understanding of the subject.

The NCF also proposes that in addition to the simultaneous development of Maltese and English, in the later years of the Junior Years cycle, children are encouraged to experience a foreign language awareness programme. The learning of two languages other than the mother tongue from an early age is linked to the development of multilingualism.


Teaching methods and materials 

The NCF asserts that in primary education, children are entitled to a stimulating, happy, safe and caring educational environment that builds on early childhood experiences. The pedagogical approaches to be used are to be ones that promote the development of the young child’s full potential in different aspects of learning. Indeed, primary education aims to strengthen the child’s holistic development enabling each individual learner to acquire the knowledge, concepts, skills and attitudes that facilitate progress from one educational level to the next. In this way primary education prepares each young learner to become a lifelong learner.

Primary school teachers employ a variety of methods for organising teaching and learning. These range from children undertaking individual or group tasks to whole class activities/lessons.

Teachers in the first three years of primary schooling adopt teaching methods such as story-telling, drama, role-play and games. In this way learning becomes an enjoyable experience and pupils are motivated to take an active role in their learning.

The use of eclectic approaches facilitates the achievement of the teaching objectives. Primary school teachers use a combination of approaches to meet the needs of the pupils and to suit the objectives of the curriculum content. Furthermore, the heterogeneous teaching methods employed by the teacher accommodate the different learning styles of the learners.

Teachers in primary schools are encouraged to adopt a problem-solving or inquiry-based approach to teaching subjects such as primary science. Indeed, through the teaching of science, teachers seek to provide opportunities that encourage pupils to develop an investigative approach to solving problems.

Learners in primary education are assigned homework tasks on a regular basis. Such tasks are often a follow-up of the exercises and activities held in class. In the first three years of primary education, teachers assign minimal homework, however this increases in Years 4, 5 and 6. In 2018, the Ministry for Education issued a National Homework Policy intended to guide teachers about the quantity and quality of homework set to pupils. This policy document recommends effective ways and means through which parents/guardians can help children gain the best benefit out of homework.

Textbooks are assigned, on a free-of-charge basis to all pupils in state primary schools. The textbooks related to the different subjects are selected following consultation between teachers, the respective Education Officer (EO) and/or Head of Department (HoD). State colleges can opt to use different textbooks from each other. Indeed, Heads of College Networks can recommend the introduction of textbooks that reflect the educational needs of the pupil cohort within the cluster of schools in the college.

Each primary classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard or an interactive flat-screen panel TV and relevant teaching/learning software. All primary school teachers are provided with a personal laptop computer while pupils from Year 4 to Year 6 all have a tablet which they use at school and at home. The interactive whiteboards/flat-screen panels enable teachers to deliver lessons in which pupils take a more participative role, making learning more engaging and enriched with ICT applications.

Primary school teachers are provided with regular training to facilitate the use of interactive tools and software applicaitons. These measures go hand in hand with the eLearning Strategy for state schools launched in September 2011 that ensures that pupils have access to high quality interactive learning content from school, at home and other places.

Most primary schools are equipped with one or more resource rooms such as a music room; science room; art room; Personal, Social and Career Development (PSCD) room; and special education resource room having specialised apparatus. Such rooms are furnished with specialised equipment and resources for the teaching and learning of related subjects. Furthermore, all primary schools host a school library that provides a selection of books and digital resources, teacher resources and computer workstations to be utilised by both pupils and teachers.