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National reforms in higher education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 21 June 2022


New Courses Launched at the University of Malta

The Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy introduced the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Sector Accounting at undergraduate level. The course covers a wide spectrum of the accounting functionality and provides a systematic process of ensuring that adequately trained public sector accounting staff are available to the Ministries and their respective Departments. The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery launched the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Pharmacology. The course brings together the biological, biotechnological and digital aspects of pharmacology, and equips you with the required skills as recommended by both International Pharmacology associations and major European Universities, whilst keeping in focus the needs of the local and international industry. The Faculty of Theology introduced the Diploma in the Archival and Cultural Appreciation of Ecclesiastical Patrimony which takes its cue from an Introduction to the history of the Church in Malta which goes back to Apostolic times. Studying this tradition allows a deeper understanding on the formation of the national identity, which in many respects (culturally, socially, artistically) is intimately linked with the Catholic faith.

At a postgraduate level, the Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences introduced the Master of Arts in Archives and Records Management which provides specialised training and the required national and international practical and theoretical skillset for archivists and records managers. The course promotes research in the field by integrating traditional and digital theories and practices. The Faculty also introduced the Master of Arts in Library and Information Sciences which is designed to provide specialised training and the required national and international practical and theoretical skills for librarians and information professionals. It provides course participants with an in-depth, advanced study of childhood studies from a transdisciplinary, children's voice perspective. The Faculty of Information and Communication Technology launched the Master of Science in Digital Health designed to expose the student to modern digital technologies that are becoming vital to improve personal wellbeing and to the understanding, prevention, diagnosis and management of illnesses. Designed to establish foundations in pharmacology and toxicology, and provide the skills to manage and apply this information in the clinical, regulatory and pharmaceutical setting.


Sponsorship agreement between Institute for Education and Malta Council for Science and Technology 

The Institute for Education and the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) agreed to co-sponsor a number of students interested in pursuing the MSc in STEM Education and Engagement which will be offered by the Institute for Education as from October 2021. This Master’s degree is a collaboration with MCST and Esplora. Lectures will be held online and at Esplora. 

Free internet access

The Ministry for Education offered free internet for one year to students who were in Year 11 in scholastic year 2019-2020 and continued with their studies in 2020-2021. A €300 voucher was sent to more than 3100 students to be exchanged at internet service providers for free internet. 

Malta Authority for Further and Higher Education 

The National Commission for Further and Higher Education (NCFHE) officially became the Malta Authority for Further and Higher Education (MAFHE) on 8th January 2021, legislated by the new Further and Higher Education Act which came into force on the 1st January 2021. Previously, the NCFHE was legislated for in the same legislation as that legislating for education provision. An Act dedicated solely to the MAFHE separates the regulator from the providers, giving the former more independence as a regulator. As an authority, the MAFHE is also independent from the Ministry for Education.

The MFHEA is an independent, transparent and international authority with the tagline ‘Quality Education for Confident Futures’ that focuses on:  -    Providing accreditation to further and higher education institutions -    Providing accreditation to programmes or courses of studies at further and higher education levels -    Quality assurance of both educational institutions and programmes of courses  -    Recognition of obtained national or international qualifications as well as prospective qualifications  -    Validation of informal and non-formal learning  -    Research and policy recommendation on issues related to further and higher education

Malta Qualification Framework Impact Assessment

In February 2021, the MFHEA published the MQF impact assessment report which identified areas for MQF policy developments. It proposes recommendations for implementing, promoting, and regulating the MQF and any further developments/changes on the MQF. These recommendations have guided the design of the workplan for the EQF-NCP project for 2021-2023. MFHEA is the National Coordination Point for the European Qualifications Framework (EQF NCP) and is responsible for the implementation of the EQF-NCP 2018-2020 project. The MQF impact assessment is one of the project’s main objectives, whose implementation, along with the recommendations for revisions of the MQF arising from such an impact assessment, will form the basis of a systematic MQF review mechanism.

2030 National Further and Higher Education Strategic Vision

The MFHEA developed the Strategic Vision for 2030 which contains the NCFHE recommendations for the national strategy for the coming years as well as the targets the country aims to reach on a national scale and in line with the European Union’s policies for education. The document identified the priority areas and the related objectives forming the direction for further and higher education strategy in Malta for the next decade. It follows up on the Further and Higher Education Strategy 2020 proposed in 2009 and aims at ensuring that the strategy responds to an ever-changing world. In 2021, the MFHEA has conducted a series of consultation exercises to further develop these priority areas and to develop a corresponding action plan. 

Development of the Malta Qualifications Database

In 2021, the MFHEA continued to update the National Qualifications Database which was launched in November 2020, so that includes details on all accredited programmes, information on licensed institutions as well as all the National Occupational Standards related to the Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning. The database is compatible with the Qualifications Dataset Register of the European Commission which allows study programmes in Malta to appear on the EUROPASS portal ensuring a more comprehensive database of qualifications in Europe. The database is expected to fully replace the existing register by June 2021. 

Quality Assurance development in Malta

The MFHEA is taking part in the ‘Supporting European QA Agencies in meeting the ESG’ (SEQA-ESG) project, which was launched in 2020. The main objective of the project is to support European QA agencies and national authorities to establish a quality assurance system in line with the European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), which is one of the Bologna Process key commitments. The MFHEA has developed the Malta National Action Plan that identifies priority areas and related objectives, which are in line with the Authority’s aim of developing and enhancing quality assurance in the Maltese higher education sector and includes the alignment of the agency’s core procedures with the European Standards and Guidelines.

Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology

MCAST launches its first Professional Research Doctorate

The Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) offers a Professional Research Doctorate (DRes) at EQF/MQF Level 8, which is the first of its kind provided at the College. It is a research-based qualification and focuses on the competitive behaviour of small organisations within small island states. The research is expected to support industry making evidence-based decisions through data and information. The Malta Chamber of SMEs and the Richmond Foundation shall be collaborating in the research.

MCAST launches additional Masters Programme 

In 2021, MCAST launched an additional four new Masters programmes namely: Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainable Technology which is of high technical content and is designed to promote higher level thinking skills in various areas of engineering with a special focus on modern low carbon and renewable energy systems. Learners will acquire a broad range of skills in the major engineering disciplines allowing them to work in a senior technical or project management role within industry. The course will also provide graduates a foundation for further study or for a career in an engineering related field. Learners will receive advanced study in both the theoretical and the practical aspects of engineering that builds on previous knowledge and experience.

Master degree programme in Retail which focuses on the learning and practical application of concepts essential for operating a retail business. It develops an understanding of the contemporary retail environment and examine topical issues relating to retail management and marketing. This program assesses analytical skills essential for operating and marketing in an international retail environment. It critically examines international retail development and activity, with a view to putting this knowledge into practice. This programme is aimed at marketing strategists, brand managers, product innovators, retail professionals that have a number of years’ experience in the retail industry or aspire toward securing positions in innovative retail.

Master degree programme in Artificial intelligence for Industry 4.0 which presents the non-computer scientist/business leader with a fundamental and thorough understanding of AI technologies and applies this acquired knowledge toward the strategic deployment of business to bring about competitive advantage. It is aimed at business leaders, executives and professionals involved in strategic road-mapping roles who are responsible for determining direction and equip the organization with the cutting-edge advancements in AI. The design of the programme provides for a technological understanding of AI in the first year, followed up with the business and industry application of AI in the second year.

The MSc in Aerospace Engineering which aims to produce engineers highly skilled in the management, maintenance and conversion of aircraft. It will also provide graduates with the right profile to match recruitment criteria for agencies as well as public and private bodies in the aerospace sector.

Employee upskilling

MCAST is investing in its lecturing staff, who are in possession of a Graduate Teaching Certificate in Vocational Education and Training (GTC in VET) (Level 6), and are interested in furthering their studies by taking a Postgraduate Award in Vocational Education Applied Research 4.0 (Level 7). This award entails following the first theme (15 ECTS) of the PG Cert VEAR starting in October 2021.

IPS Student Scheme

The Institute for the Public Service (IPS) in collaboration with the Malta College for Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), launched the ‘IPS Student Scheme’ which provides students with a paid work-placement (in addition to the stipend). The scheme also includes mentoring. Initially the scheme will accept IPS Students reading for the BA (Honours) Procurement and Finance and the BA (Honours) Public Policy and Management. Upon satisfactory completion of their studies, and through the experience gained, participants will be offered with the opportunity to become full-time employees within the managerial stream of the Malta Public Service.

MCAST enters into Memoranda of Understanding with various entitites

The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) and the Foundation of Social Welfare Services signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the College’s premises in Paola on 30 January 2020. The purpose of this memorandum is to develop and strengthen the collaborative relationship to develop the improved wellbeing of young persons at high risk of social exclusion aged between 16 and 25. This Memorandum is intended to enable young people availing themselves of FSWS’ programmes, namely Opportunity Knocks, Embark for Life and the Adolescent Day Programme to access MCAST’s guidance, educational and professional programmes. Students referred by FSWS will join MCAST’s mainstream courses, while FSWS will support students’ learning by following-up and ensuring full compliance with MCAST procedures and requirements.

Governance for Inclusive Excellence (GIVE)

The Governance for Inclusive Excellence (GIVE) programme, carried out through a collaboration between MCAST and the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, aims to increase participation in the VET sector. The Malta Chamber is informing MCAST of the VET needs of industry, bridging the gap between VET education providers and the business world. GIVE is part of a larger project, involving 12 entities across 4 EU Member States, aimed at designing and developing a European Platform of Centre of Excellence devoted to innovating the VET sector for the social inclusion of individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups. The project will be targeting disadvantaged groups, namely those with a migration background, disabilities, low skills and obsolete qualifications, a drop-out history, special learning needs or a difficult socio-economic background.



In 2020, Further and Higher Educational institutions implemented their own arrangements which enabled examinations and continuation of studies.

Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST)

Launch of the EdTech framework 

The primary function of EdTech is to act as a support tool to meet the needs and demands of educational institutions in their teaching and day-to-day management. EdTech solutions can sustain and enhance communication, experiential learning, information management, curricula development, personalized learning, omni-synchronous learning amongst various other functions.

The innovation model adopted by the MCAST Applied Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC) is one which sees innovation as a pivotal driver, thus pushing MCAST closer to its strategic objectives. Innovation will support MCAST in its aim to enhance the student learning process and advance in new directions and with new methodologies. EdTech is fundamental in reshaping MCAST’s educational landscape to meet the demands of current and future learners. In tandem, it supports the organization across its operations to reach a hybrid campus state in which online education is merged with offline education in an omni-synchronous mode of teaching and learning. The EdTech framework addresses MCAST’s three overarching challenges: Retention, Progression and Automation. This framework contributes towards MCAST’s Strategic Plan 2019-2021 and implemented intelligently through a convergence/divergence methodology visualized above.

Journal of Applied Research and Practice

The aim of the MCAST Journal of Applied Research and Practice is to serve as a platform for showcasing vocational and applied research that is carried out either by researchers and professionals working within MCAST, or with its collaborative partners. The nature of the research and innovative practice that is published is varied in nature to reflect the various aspects of vocational specialization that MCAST is focused upon. It is aimed for researchers, academics and practitioners.


Master’s in Vocational Education Applied Research (MVEAR) 4.0 and Bachelor’s in Vocational Education and Training 4.0 (BVET) - further info in the National Reforms on VET.

MATSEC/University of Malta

Intermediate and Advanced levels exams (leading to tertiary education) were postponed from April to September 2020. Resits examinations were held in December 2020, unlike the customary September.

The University of Malta (UM) held exams in June, as scheduled, with most students examined through online exams, assignments or ongoing assessment. Clinical placements and teaching practice were postponed. The UM) fared extremely well in its shift to online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic, as evidenced by the favourable response given by students participating in a global survey on the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on life of higher education students. The University of Malta ranked first with regards to students' satisfaction with recorded videos and second with regards to the use of video conferences.  This put the students of the University of Malta amongst the most satisfied amongst the students from over 150 universities in 100 countries and 6 continents included in the study. The global comparative analysis generated by the results of this survey will help the research group draw up useful recommendations for policy makers on how to support students in such crises.   

Students' Maintenance Grants to students in higher and further education

As an incentive to ensure that students do not drop out of further and higher education during the period the schools were closed, all students entitled to the students’ maintenance grant, continued to receive the stipend.