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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and Learning in Single Structure Education


5.Single Structure Education (Integrated Primary and Lower Secondary Education)

5.2Teaching and Learning in Single Structure Education

Last update: 27 June 2022

Curriculum, Subjects and Number of Hours

Teaching programs are prepared centrally and all schools apply the same teaching programs. Teaching programs are prepared by the related units or the Board of Education and put into effect with the approval of the Minister. Courses are taught in Turkish language in primary education. Teaching programs are reviewed and updated by the Board of Education and related units when necessary.

The courses in the program are divided into two as compulsory and elective. The courses and timetables are arranged with the principle of classes. The numbers of courses and hours in the sense of classes are given in the chart prepared on 12.09.2018 with the numbered 123. The elective courses are chosen by the students in the guidance of parents in line with the interest, aptitude and wishes of students.

In Primary education (primary-secondary), weekly program is 30 hours in primary school. In the first year, 26 hours are compulsory courses and 4 hours are free activities, in 2nd and 3rd years, compulsory courses are 28 hours and free activities are 2 hours. In the 4th year, compulsory courses are 30 hours. As for secondary education, weekly program is made up of 35 hours. Compulsory courses are 29 hours and elective courses are 6 hours.

The weekly program for religious secondary schools is comprised of 36 hours. Compulsory courses are 36 hours in the 5th, 6th and 7th grades and 1 hour is elective course. In the 8th grade, compulsory courses are 34 hours and 2 hours are elective courses.

The total number of hours per week in the special education classes consisting of the students who have visual, hearing, orthopedic disability and mild mental disability and the hours in the special education classes of these students is 30 hours in primary education and 35 in secondary schools. The curricula of special education courses are also implemented. The Special Education Practice Center (I and II Tier), where students with moderate and / or severe mental disabilities are educated, has 30 hours per week. The programs are special education programs which are prepared completely according to the characteristics of the students.   

Teaching Methods and Materials

Primary education (primary-secondary)  methods and techniques in the organization are determined by the teacher. Every teacher is responsible for making necessary preliminary studies based on the curricula related with their course. School textbooks to be used during education are determined by the Ministry of Nationa Education (National Education Basic Law, Article 55). All official and private elementary and middle school students’ textbooks are determined by the Ministry and are distributed free. Textbooks, tools and quality of materials, their preparation, analysis and evaluation and similar issues are regulated according to the "Regulation on Textbooks and Educational Materials" (September 12, 2012 dated Official Gazette No. 28409).

For the textbook training tools to be used, it is essential not to contradict the law and the National Basic Objectives of Education and Primary education (primary-secondary school). Similarly, investigating all educational tools and devices in institutions, and preparing lessons or auxiliary textbooks to enhance the program are regulated through Presidential Decree No. 1, Article 319. The Basic Law (Article 55) and the Chairman of the Board of Education (BOE) are given. In addition, at least one project is prepared by students in the form of individual or group work through teacher guidance in the secondary school and theology secondary school (Regulation of Ministry of Education Early Childhood Education and Primary Education Institutions, Article 22).

The books of the schools where the visually impaired students are educated in the special education classes are printed in Braille and distributed to the students free of charge. Materials including braille tablets, writing pens, abacus, cubes etc. used in schools where visually impaired students are educated are provided free of charge to students.