Pre-Unviersity Education
- Law No. 69/2015 "On pre-university education in the Republic of Albania" as ammended and relevenat bylaw acts": This includes the legislation and key bylaw acts of pre-university education system.
- Document of Strategy for Preuniversity Education Development 2104-2020, Official Journal 2016, No.2,19 January 2016 [“Dokument i Strategjisë për Zhvillim e Arsimit Parauniversitar 2014-202”, Fletore Zyrtare 2016, Nr.2, 19 Janar 2016]
Higher education
- Law No.80/2015 “On higher education and scientific research in higher education institutions in the Republic of Albania” and respective by law acts
- Decision of Council of Ministers No. 710, dated 1.12.2017 for the approval of the National Strategy for Science, Technology and innovation 2017-2022”