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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Legislation and official policy documents


15.Legislation and official policy documents

Last update: 9 June 2022

Law of National education

Law of Education no 1/2011 with its subsequent amendments and additions (only in Romanian language)

The law on quality of Education

Government Emergency Ordinance no. 75/2005 on the quality of education, approved by Law no. 87/2006, with subsequent amendments and completions 

Standards and procedures for external evaluation of pre-university education

Government Decision no. 21/2007 on the approval of the Standards for the provisional authorization of pre-university education units, as well as of the Standards for accreditation and periodic evaluation of pre-university education units

Government Decision no. 1534/2008 on the approval of reference standards and performance indicators for evaluation and quality assurance in pre-university education

Government Decision no. 22 / 25.01.2007 for the approval of the Methodology of institutional evaluation for provisional authorization, accreditation and periodic evaluation of the organizations providing education. Starting with the academic year 2021-2022, new standards and methodologies will be applied, already approved by the Romanian Government and currently expecting to be published in the Official Journal of Romania. 

Standards and procedures for external evaluation of higher education

Government Decision no. 915/2017 of 14 December 2017 on amending the annex to Government Decision no. 1.418 / 2006 for the approval of the External Evaluation Methodology, of the reference standards and of the list of performance indicators of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Essential regulations concerning quality in adult education

Government Ordinance no. 124/2000 on the professional training of adults, with subsequent amendments and completions together with the Government Decision No. 522 / 2003 for the approval of the Methodological Norms for the application of the provisions of the Government Ordinance no. 129/2000 regarding the professional training of adults, with the subsequent modifications and completions, Joint Order (Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour) Nr. 353/5202/2003 approving the Methodology for the authorization of adult vocational training providers, with subsequent amendments and completions.

Evaluation of the teaching staff

Ministerial Order No. 6143/2011 regarding the approval of the Methodology for annual evaluation of the activity of the teaching and auxiliary teaching staff, with the subsequent modifications and completions

School inspection

Ministerial Order of Nr. 5547/2011, regarding the approval of the Regulation for the inspection of pre-university education units, with subsequent amendments and completions

Reports on the State of the Educational System

Reports on the State of the Educational System (realized by the Ministry of Education)

Early childhood education and care 

Law 263/2007 on the establishment and the organisation of crèches, with its subsequent amendments and additions

Government Decision no. 1252/2012 on the approval of the Methodology for the organisation and functioning of crèches and other ante-preschool education and care establishments.