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Legislation and official policy documents


15.Legislation and official policy documents

Last update: 9 June 2022

General legislative framework

The Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2021. Strategy for Development of Education in Serbia by 2030 (Strategija razvoja obrazovanja i vaspitanja u Republici Srbiji do 2030. godine) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2021. Action plan for realisation of the Strategy for Development of Education in Serbia by 2030 (Akcioni plan za sprovođenje Strategije razvoja obrazovanja i vaspitanja u Republici Srbiji do 2030. godine) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2010. Strategy for Career Guidance and Counselling (Strategija karijernog vođenja i savetovanja u Republici Srbiji) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2015. Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education in the Republic of Serbia (Strategija razvoja stručnog obrazovanja u Republici Srbiji) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2007. Strategy for the Development of Adult Education in the Republic of Serbia (Strategija razvoja obrazovanja odraslih u Republici Srbiji) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Institute for Improvement of Education, 2021. The Report on Referencing the National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Serbia to the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and Self-certification to the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area (Izveštaj o povezivanju Nacionalnog okvira kvalifikacija Republike Srbije sa Evropskim okvirom kvalifikacija za celoživotno učenje i Okvirom kvalifikacija Evropskog prostora visokog obrazovanja) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development & Institute for Improvement of Education, 2013. National Qualifications Framework in Serbia - National Qualifications System Levels I–V (Nacionalni okvir kvalifikacija u Srbiji- Nacionalni sistem kvalifikacija na nivoima I-V) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2006. Constitution of the Republic of Serbia (Ustav Republike Srbije) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2017. Law on the Education System Foundations (Zakon o osnovama sistema obrazovanja i vaspitanja) (last accessed 17/03/2022)

Regulations on Education

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2010. Law on Preschool Education (Zakon o predškolskom vaspitanju i obrazovanju) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2013. Law on Primary Education (Zakon o osnovnom obrazovanju i vaspitanju) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 1992. Law on Secondary School (Zakon o srednjoj školi) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2013. Law on Secondary Education (Zakon o srednjem obrazovanju i vaspitanju) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2017. Law on Dual Education (Zakon o dualnom obrazovanju) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2019. Law on the Dual Model of Studies (Zakon o dualnom modelu studija u visokom obrazovanju) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2017. Law on Higher Education (Zakon o visokom obrazovanju) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2017. Law on Adult Education (Zakon o obrazovanju odraslih) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2010. Law on Students' Standard (Zakon o učeničkom i studentskom standardu) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2018. Law on Textbooks (Zakon o udžbenicima) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2018. Law on Educational Inspection (Zakon o prosvetnoj inspekciji) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2020. Law on the National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Serbia (NQF) (Zakon o nacionalnom okviru kvalifikacija Republike Srbije) (last accessed 17/03/2022)

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2021. Law on the Student Organization (Zakon o studentskom organizovanju) (last accessed 15/09/2021)

General Bylaws

The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2012. Bylaw on Professional Educational Supervision (Pravilnik o stručno-pedagoškom nadzoru) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2019. Bylaw on Quality Evaluation of Institutions (Pravilnik o vrednovanju kvaliteta rada ustanova) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2018. Bylaw on Quality Standards of Institution’s Work (Pravilnik o standardima kvaliteta rada ustanove) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2018. Bylaw on Additional Educational, Health and Social Support for Children and Pupils (Pravilnik o dodatnoj obrazovnoj, zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj podršci detetu i učeniku) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2018. Bylaw on Individual Education Plan Implementation and Evaluation (Pravilnik o bližim uputstvima za utvrđivanje prava na IOP, njegovu primenu i vrednovanje) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2018. Bylaw on Textbook Quality Standards (Pravilnik o standardima kvaliteta udžbenika i uputstvo o njihovoj upotrebi) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2019. Bylaw on Standards of Career Guidance and Counselling Services (Pravilnik o standardima usluga karijernog vođenja i savetovanja) (last accessed 16/06/2021)

Bylaws on ECEC

The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2011. Bylaw on the Establishment of Enrolment Priorities for Preschool Institutions (Pravilnik o bližim uslovima za utvrđivanje prioriteta za upis dece u predškolsku ustanovu) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2019. Bylaw on Detailed Conditions for the Establishing, Start of Work and Performing the Activities of Preschool Institution (Pravilnik o bližim uslovima za osnivanje, početak rada i obavljanje delatnosti predškolske ustanove) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2012. Bylaw on Standards of Conditions for the Realization of ECEC Programmes (Pravilnik o standardima uslova za ostvarivanje posebnih programa u oblasti predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2018. Fundamentals of the Preschool Education Programme  (Osnove programa predškolskog vaspitanja obrazovanja) (last accessed 16/06/2021) The National Educational Council of the Republic of Serbia, 2006. Bylaw on Preschool Programme Fundamentals (Pravilnik o opštim osnovama predškolskog programa) (last accessed 16/06/2021)

Bylaws on Primary and Secondary Education 

The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2019. Bylaw on the Pupil Assessment in Primary Education (Pravilnik o ocenjivanju učenika u osnovnom obrazovanju i vaspitanju) (last accessed 18/06/2021)    The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2014. Bylaw on Organisation of Full-day Classes and Extended Day Programme (Pravilnik o bližim uslovima organizovanja celodnevne nastave i produženog boravka) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2021. Bylaw on Secondary Schools Admission (Pravilnik o upisu učenika u srednju školu) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2017. Bylaw on General and Art education National Exam (Pravilnik o programu opšte i umetničke mature) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2018. Bylaw on the Programme of Vocational National Exam and Final Exam (Pravilnik o programu stručne mature i završnog ispita)  (last accessed 18/06/2021)  The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2011. Bylaw on the Programme of Final Exam in Primary Education (Pravilnik o programu završnog ispita u osnovnom obrazovanju i vaspitanju) (last accessed 18/06/2021)  The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2019. Bylaw on Closer Conditions, Methods, Activities and Composition of the Career Guidance and Counseling Team in the Secondary School (Pravilnik o o bližim uslovima, načinu rada, aktivnostima i sastavu Tima za karijerno vođenje i savetovanje u srednjoj školi koja realizuje obrazovne profile u dualnom obrazovanju) (last accessed 18/06/2021)  The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2020. Bylaw on Implementation of Practical Teaching and Professional Practice (Pravilnik o realizaciji praktične nastave i profesionalne prakse) (last accessed 18/06/2021)  The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2020. Bylaw on Special Educational Programme (Pravilnik o posebnom programu obrazovanja i vaspitanja) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2020. Bylaw on the Specifics of Implementation, Quality Assurance and Evaluation of Distance Education in Primary School (Pravilnik o bližim uslovima za ostvarivanje i način osiguranja kvaliteta i vrednovanje nastave na daljinu u osnovnoj školi) (last accessed 18/06/2021)    The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2020. Bylaw on the Specifics of Implementation, Quality Assurance and Evaluation of Home-Educated Primary School Students (Pravilnik o bližim uslovima za ostvarivanje i način osiguranja kvaliteta i vrednovanja nastave kod kuće za učenike osnovne škole) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2013. Bylaw on Standards of General Cross-curricular Competences in the End of Secondary Education (Standardi opštih međupredmetnih kompetencija za kraj srednjeg obrazovanja) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2015. Bylaw on Criteria and Standards of Financing of Secondary Education Institution (Pravilnik o kriterijumima i standardima za finansiranje ustanove koja obavlja delatnost srednjeg obrazovanja i vaspitanja) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2016. Bylaw on Criteria and Standards of Financing of Primary Education Institution (Pravilnik o kriterijumima i standardima za finansiranje ustanove koja obavlja delatnost osnovnog obrazovanja i vaspitanja) (last accessed 18/06/2021)   The National Educational Council of the Republic of Serbia, 2013. Bylaw on General Standards of Achievement for the End of General Upper Secondary Education and Vocational Upper Secondary Education for General Education Subjects (Opšti standardi postignuća za kraj opšteg srednjeg obrazovanja i vaspitanja i srednjeg stručnog obrazovanja i vaspitanja u delu opšteobrazovnih predmeta) (last accessed 18/06/2021) 

Bylaws on Adult Education

The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2021. Bylaw on Detailed Conditions Concerning the Programme, Staff, Space, Equipment and Teaching Aids for Acquiring the Status of Publicly Accredited Providers of Adult Education (Pravilnik o bližim uslovima u pogledu programa, kadra, prostora, opreme i nastavnih sredstava za sticanje statusa javno priznatog organizatora aktivnosti obrazovanja odraslih) (last accessed 18/03/2022)   The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2015. Bylaw on Type, Title and Content of Forms and Record Keeping and Type, Title and Appearance of Public Forms and Certificates in Adult Education (Pravilnik o vrsti, nazivu i sadržaju obrazaca i načinu vođenja evidencija i nazivu, sadržaju i izgledu obrazaca javnih isprava i uverenja u obrazovanju odraslih) (last accessed 18/03/2022)   The National Educational Council of the Republic of Serbia, 2013. Bylaw on General Standards of Achievement for Adult Learners in Primary Education (Pravilnik o opštim standardima postignuća za osnovno obrazovanje odraslih) (last accessed 18/03/2022)  

Bylaws on Higher Education

The National Council for Higher Education, 2019. Bylaw on Standards and Procedures of Accreditation of Study Programmes (Pravilnik o standardima i postupku za akreditaciju studijskih programa) (last accessed 18/06/2021)  The National Council for Higher Education, 2019. Bylaw on Standards and Procedures of Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions (Pravilnik o standardima i postupku za akreditaciju visokoškolskih ustanova) (last accessed 18/06/2021)  The National Council for Higher Education, 2019. Bylaw on Standards and Procedures of External Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions (Pravilnik o standardima i postupku za spoljašnju proveru kvaliteta visokoškolskih ustanova) (last accessed 18/06/2021)  The National Council for Higher Education, 2019. Bylaw on Standards for Internal Evaluation Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions and Study Programmes (Pravilnik o standardima za samovrednovanje i ocenjivanje kvaliteta visokoškolskih ustanova i studijskih programa) (last accessed 18/06/2021)

The National Council for Higher Education, 2019. Bylaw on organization, implementation, issuing of certificates and procedure for keeping records in short-cycle programmes (Pravilnik o organizaciji, sprovođenju, izdavanju sertifikata i postupku vođenja evidencije za kratke programe studija) (last accessed 18/03/2022)

Other bylaws

The Government of the Republic of Serbia and Representative Education Trade Unions, 2020. Special Collective agreement for employees in primary and secondary schools and students’ dormitories (Posebni kolektivni ugovor za zaposlene u osnovnim i srednjim školama i domovima učenika) (last accessed 18/06/2021)

The Minister of Education and Sport, 2005. Bylaw on Teachers and Education Staff Licensing (Pravilnik o dozvoli za rad nastavnika, vaspitača i stručnih saradnika) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2012. Bylaw on the Education Specialists’ Programme of Work (Pravilnik o programu svih oblika rada stručnih saradnika) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2017. Bylaw on Continuing Professional Development of Teachers and Education Staff (Pravilnik o stalnom stručnom usavršavanju i napredovanju u zvanja nastavnika, vaspitača i stručnih saradnika) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2011. Bylaw on Standards of Competences in Teachers Profession and their Professional Development (Pravilnik o standardima kompetencija za profesiju nastavnika i njihovog profesionalnog razvoja) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2020. Bylaw on Standards of Competences in Profession of Teachers in Student Dormitory and School with Student Dormitory and and their Professional Development (Pravilnik o standardima kompetencija za profesiju vaspitač u domu učenika i školi sa domom učenika i njegovog profesionalnog razvoja) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2019. Bylaw on Pedagogical Assistant and Andragogical Assistant (Pravilnik o pedagoškom asistentu i andragoškom asistentu) (last accessed 18/03/2022) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2018. Bylaw on procedure of educational institutions in the event of discriminatory behavior and insulting the reputation, honor and dignity (Pravilnik o postupanju ustanove u slučaju sumnje ili utvrđenog diskriminatornog ponašanja i vređanja ugleda, časti ili dostojanstva ličnosti) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2019. Bylaw on a Model Institution (Pravilnik o model ustanovi) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2020. Bylaw on the Methodology for the Qualification Standards Development (Pravilnik o metodologiji za razvoj standarda kvalifikacija) (last accessed 17/03/2022)

The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, 2020. Bylaw on the system for classification and coding of qualifications (Pravilnik o sistemu za razvrstavanje i šifriranje kvalifikacija) (last accessed 17/03/2022) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development and The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, 2016. Bylaw Prescribing More Specific Criteria for the Identification of Forms of Discrimination by an Employee, a Child, a Student or a Third Party in Education Institutions (Pravilnik o bližim kriterijumima za prepoznavanje oblika diskriminacije od strane zaposlenog, deteta, učenika ili trećeg lica u ustanovi obrazovanja i vaspitanja) (last accessed 18/06/2021) The Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, The Minister of Health, The Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs and The Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government, 2018. Bylaw on additional education, health and social support for children, pupils and adults (Pravilnik o dodatnoj obrazovnoj, zdravstvenoj i socijalnoj podršci detetu, učeniku i odraslom) (last accessed 18/06/2021)

Other regulations

The Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2020. Annual Plan for Adult Education 2020 (Godišnji plan obrazovanja odraslih za 2020. godinu) (last accessed 18/03/2022) 

The Government of the Republic of Serbia, 2021. Annual Plan for Adult Education 2021 (Godišnji plan obrazovanja odraslih za 2021. godinu) (last accessed 18/03/2022)

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and Qualification Agency, 2020. List of Qualifications of the Republic of Serbia (Lista kvalifikacija Republike Srbije) (last accessed 18/03/2022)

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2005. Labour Law (Zakon o radu) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2006. Law on Churches and Religious Communities (Zakon o crkvama i verskim zajednicama) (last accessed 18/03/2022) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2005. Law on Criminal Offences (Krivični zakonik) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2006. Law on Local Governments Financing (Zakon o finansiranju lokalne samouprave) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2019. Law on Medical Protection (Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2010. Law on Medicines (Zakon o lekovima i medicinskim sredstvima) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2020. Law on Ministries (Zakon o ministarstvima) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2001. Law on National and Other Holidays (Zakon o državnim i drugim praznicima u Republici Srbiji) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2003. Law on Pension and Disability Insurance (Zakon o penzijskom i invalidskom osiguranju) (last accessed 08/07/2021) The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, 2005. Law on Public Administration (Zakon o državnoj upravi) (last accessed 08/07/2021)