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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in general lower secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.2Teaching and learning in general lower secondary education

Last update: 12 June 2022

Section 6.2 concerns teaching and learning issues. Three subsections are distinguished. The first one relates to the curriculum organization, subjects offered and numbers of hours allowed to each subject. The second one focuses on the specialisation of studies and the third one on teaching methods and materials used.  

Curriculum, Subjects, and Number of Hours

At the Gymnasium level, a 3-year program of general education enriched with elements of technical knowledge is offered. All the subjects taught are compulsory. There are syllabuses for each subject, consisting of goals, subject matter and indicative teaching methods and materials. Syllabuses for each subject are devised by a team of experts comprising inspectors and teachers. A new, integrated curriculum for all subjects at all levels of school education, is gradually replacing the existing syllabuses as part of the ongoing Educational Reform.

The new curriculum was applied in June 2008 by the establishment of a Scientific Commission for the Revision of the School Curricula (Επιστημονική Επιτροπή για την Αναθεώρηση των Αναλυτικών Προγραμμάτων) and it was completed by the work of teams of specialists for each subject, consisting of university lecturers and primary and secondary school teachers. The official acceptance and publication of the new curricula were preceded by aψperiod of public consultation.

The new curricula encompass the broad aims of education in Cyprus; i.e. fundamental pedagogical principles; subject related principles; and, aims and objectives and the content for every curriculum subject for all grades. The curricula also encompass elements of teaching and learning methodology; indicators of achievement; methods of evaluation; and, indicative teaching activities.  

The broad aim of the new curricula is to contribute to the development of people that:

• Possess a satisfactory and connective body of knowledge from all areas of science;

• Develop behaviors and attitudes that characterize a democratic citizen; and,

• Possess, to the maximum possible degree, abilities, skills, and competencies that are required in the ‘knowledge society’ of the 21st century, including critical thinking; theoretical thinking and the ability to transfer theory into practice; analytical and planning abilities; problem-solving; creativity; cooperative abilities; optimal and sensible use of ICT; empathy; and, communication skills.

Starting September 1st, 2015, the following changes on the curricula of Gymnasiums were applied in the new timetable:

  • Increase of the number of the weekly teaching periods from 37 to 38;
  • Small variations in the distribution of teaching periods per course.

More information on the new timetable of General Lower Secondary Education is available from the website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

ICT and foreign language learning are a priority in the educational system of Cyprus. The overall goal for ICT is to harmonize initiatives to those of e-Europe and to develop Cyprus potential to be a regional center for providing educational services, including services in ICT. A national syllabus for ICT as a subject in its own right was for the first time implemented in 2002 at all levels of the public education system, while ICT as a tool has been integrated within other subject areas, such as foreign language learning.

In relation to the learning of foreign language learning, two foreign languages - English and French – are compulsory across the three grades of the gymnasium. Their broader aims are parallel to those of modern language teaching and learning, focusing on ‘know-what’ (content syllabus), ‘know-how’ (skills) and ‘know-why’ (cultural awareness and critical evaluation). Language Rooms are gradually being established at the gymnasium level. Modern Language Rooms are multi-functional classrooms that can be used either as a conventional classroom, as a Self Access Centre (SAC) or as a Language Resource Centre (LRC).

Teaching Methods and Materials

Teaching is structured by subject. The Ministry of Education and Culture does not prescribe guidelines for the teaching methodologies used in gymnasia. As all teachers are university graduates and have completed one year of pre-service professional training, they are expected to be familiar with all new teaching methodologies and techniques and to use the best method which meets the needs of the students and the requirements of the syllabus. At the beginning of every school year, special instructions on the use of the syllabus are sent out to teachers or given out as part of seminars facilitated by the Inspectorate of Secondary General Directorate,

Teachers are responsible for assessing the abilities and needs of their pupils and modifying their teaching accordingly. All methods in modern pedagogy are applied according to the subject and a variety of teaching materials and technological aids are used. Small group activities, project work, and computer-assisted learning are encouraged. The system of inspections ensures that teachers are using appropriate and up-to-date classroom methodology in their teaching.

The Curriculum Development Unit of the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus is responsible for the development of books and audio-visual content that teachers and pupils use during lessons. All textbooks, materials, and teaching aids are provided to schools and pupils free of charge. All core teaching texts are the same in the public secondary general system. However, a school may opt to buy and use additional teaching materials.

Homework is one of the topics included in the curriculum that the Pedagogical Institute includes in the books that are used.