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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.5Other dimensions of internationalisation in higher education

Last update: 12 June 2022


Global and intercultural dimensions in curriculum development

The founding laws of public universities provide for the admission of foreign students and the cooperation with foreign academic and scientific institutions. Moreover, Law 109 (I)/2005 on the establishment and operation of private universities provides for the provision, by every private university, of graduate and/or undergraduate education of a high standard that accepts international recognition.  

A number of recent developments have further enhanced the international dimension in curriculum development. These include the adoption of the three-level qualifications framework and the diploma supplement; offering, under certain preconditions, programmes in foreign languages by public universities; offering trans-university programmes of studies that are related to European programmes, such as the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses; permitting private universities to offer programmes in Greek and/or a foreign language provided that it is stipulated in the University Charter; and, the decision of the Council of Ministers to introduce a National Qualifications Framework for Cyprus, in line with the QF for the EHEA. 

Partnerships and networks

Partnerships and networks that public and private universities establish with international institutes and organisations further enhance internationalisation in higher education. Main developments include the following:

● University of Cyprus:  The University is a member of the Community of Mediterranean Universities (CMU), the Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe (UNICA), the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), the European University Association(EUA), the Association of Arab and European Universities (AEUA), the International Association of Universities (IAU), the Santander Group (SG) and LEO-NET. It also maintains close contacts with numerous international organisations, including the European Commission, UNESCO, CEPES and the Council of Europe. ● The Open University of Cyprus.  The Open University has established contacts with various international organisations and networks, mainly in the area of open and distance learning, which include the following: The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), the European Distance and E-learning Network (EDEN), the European Association for ERASMUS Coordinators (EAEC), the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), the European Forum for Student Guidance (FEDORA) and the European Office of Cyprus (EOC). ● The Cyprus University of Technology. The University of Technology has established links with the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED), the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA) and the European Quality Assurance Forum. ● European University-Cyprus. The European University Cyprus is a member of Laureate International Universities, a worldwide network of higher education institutions founded in 1998, in the United States. ● The University of Nicosia-Cyprus. The University of Nicosia-Cyprus has established the first UNESCO Chair in Cyprus, for the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue. It is also a member of the European University Association (EUA). ● Frederick University. Frederick University is committed to fruitful partnership and cooperation with other educational institutions, industry, society, and government. ● The Cyprus Institute. Since its establishment, the Cyprus Institute has promoted the establishment of agreements between numerous world-class institutions, which are detailed in the institute’s website.  ● The Cyprus International Institute. The Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health has been established by the Harvard School for Public Health and the government of Cyprus to address key environmental issues in Cyprus and the Mediterranean region.