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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.11Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 12 June 2022


Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

The Post-secondary Institutions of Vocational Education and Training (MIEEK) now have the status of Higher Education. The accreditation has been carried out by the Quality Assurance and Certification Body of Higher Education and is a particularly important development in the field of Vocational Education and Training as well as in the wider area of Higher Education. MIEEK will fill the gap left by the termination of the Higher Institute of Technology (ATI) and the inability to satisfy the job market by highly trained professionals. The employment rate of graduates of MIEEK exceeds 85% in many programs, while unemployment rates among other young academics with high academic qualifications are much higher.

A detailed description of both the objectives, the subjects of specialization and the weekly number of teaching hours (theoretical level/laboratory level) for all programs of study for the 2021-2022 academic year is available (in Greek). The districts where the Programmes are offered are also indicated.

The following ten programs of study were offered during the academic year 2021-2022:

  • Specialist baker and confectioner
  • Computer networks and communications technician
  • Electrical and industrial refrigeration installations technician
  • Catering
  • CNC carpentry technician
  • industrial and home automation
  • Organic vegetable production technician
  • Management of purchases and supplies in shipping
  • Dairy & Cheese technician
  • Culinary Arts

The curricula of all subjects are the result of wide consultation and cooperation between representatives of the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance, the Human Resource Development Authority, the employer organizations, and the trade union organizations. The curricula have been specially designed to be relevant to the labor market needs. In order that relevance and flexibility be maintained, the curricula will be systematically evaluated, revised and updated on a continuous basis.     

Teaching methods and materials

Technological and laboratory lessons are included in the curricula of the MIEEK. Teaching takes place in classes of 12 to 18 students, while part of the studies takes place in the industry. The language of instruction is Greek, with the lesson of the "English Terminology" being included in almost all the programs of study.  Teaching is undertaken by secondary school teachers on secondment, as well as subject specialists from the industry by contract. The teachers are committed to follow the official curriculum of each subject of specialization, while they are free to choose the teaching methodology best suited to their students.