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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 13 June 2022
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Meeting on Secondary Education curricula and developments in the field of employment

In a meeting which was held in January 2022, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth (YPPAN) discussed with representatives of Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ΚΕΒΕ), Organization of employers and industrialists (ΟΕΒ), Organization of Greek Secondary Education Officials of Cyprus (ΟΕLΜΕΚ) and the Human Resource Development Authority (ANAD), the secondary education study programs and the developments in relation to the modern needs and employment conditions in the labor market, as well as vocational guidance needs in education. The meeting held was about the necessary changes in the organization of curricula in Lyceums and Technical Schools including internships during studies and development of the Post-Secondary Institutes of Vocational Education and Training (MIEEK), with emphasis on the development of skills (including digital skills) that are necessary in today's world and in line with future trends.  

Implementation of a pilot program STEM in Primary Education.

Pilot program STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Program has been teaching in a pilot program in eight primary schools since the academic year 2021-2022.The operation of STEM program is also planned to be implemented in Secondary Education. The program which states the educational policy and direction promotes an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the learning process. Children are involved in activities that provide them with opportunities to utilize knowledge, concepts, processes and practices in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to address situations and issues related to the world of everyday life. By using STEM methodology, the students complete projects through which they seek, design, elaborate and propose innovative solutions to various issues of the 1-day experience, in a context of coexistence and synergy of the four disciplines.

Online Learning Action on Internet Security

Thousands of students from 300 elementary school classes of Grades 1 to 4 from Cyprus and Greece have participated in the second online educational activity on the topic of Internet security which took place in February 2022, and which was titled: "Athena and Dickie in the Magic World of the Internet”. This event was co-organized, in the framework of the International Safer Internet Day by the Cyprus Safer Internet Center - CYberSafety which is coordinated by the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, and the Safe Internet Center of Greece.  The students, with the help of the authors and heroes of the fairy tales "Athena learns about personal data" and "Dickey in the Magical World of the Internet", were informed in a creative way about the safe and responsible use of the Internet. This event offered the opportunity to elementary students Grades 1 to 4 from Greece and Cyprus to connect and communicate remotely, thus strengthening the good cooperation between the two Secure Internet Centers (Cyprus and Greece). In addition, this effort encourages the relevant bodies of the European Union (Insafe and INHOPE) to exchange views, best practices, experiences and know-how on promoting the safe and responsible use of the Internet, as well as on the exchange and exploitation of educational material, in printed and digital form, between the two Centers.  

Online program for Gymnasium students on mental resilience

The Ministry of education, is continuing in February the series of the Online program "What is mental resilience and how students can achieve it", which is directed to Gymnasium students, and who can participate in their free time. The main purpose of the program is to explain the term "mental resilience" and emphasize the reasons why mental resilience is important as well as on how one can develop this ability, to overcome his/her difficulties in life.  


Planning for Cyprus education of Tomorrow

Programs submitted by the Cyprus government through the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability, have been approved, signaling the design the of Cyprus of Tomorrow.  For the period of 2021-2026, funds of 1.23 billion (€1.23 bn) will be utilized for the National Plan on Cyprus Recovery and Durability. An integral part of Tomorrow's Cyprus is Tomorrow's Education when Cyprus will be free of the pandemic.  An effort has already started for the systematic utilization of digital technology and electronic media in schools, and bioclimatic upgrade for "green" schools.  Participation in the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability with almost 100 million euro (€100 m) will allow the country to accelerate this major reform, which already is in progress and which will transform Cyprus schools in the coming years. Among the reforms and investments included in the Plan of Tomorrow, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth (YPPAN) has planned for four reforms and three investment actions amounting to 96.9 million euro (€96.9 m).

Progress of the Educational Reform and the proposal for the National Education Plan

On November 5, 2021, the Council of Ministers was briefed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth on the progress of the Educational Reform and the proposal for the National Plan for Education. The Council of Ministers was also briefed on the progress in the implementation of the various aspects of Educational Reform, as well as for various reform policies that have been added over the last two years, including the recruitment of more than 1100 teachers through meritocracy through competition. The following characteristics emerge from the research conducted and from the results of evaluations carried out in schools:

  • For Primary education, the fastest increase in Special Education teachers is presented, with 5.5% this year compared with 8.0% in the previous school year.
  • For the school year 2021, in Primary Education, 9.5 students corresponded for each teacher, compared to 10.0 in 2020-21 and 10.4 in 2019-20.
  • For the same year, 6.4 students corresponded for each Secondary Education teacher, compared to 6.7 last year.

In addition, the Council of Ministers was briefed about the following:

  • The procedure for the evaluation of the teaching material and the teachers
  • Private and public education
  • Free breakfast program
  • Suspension of study
  • Special education
  • Analysis of evaluation results
  • Plan for strengthening and effective integration of students with immigration curriculum vitae
  • Special education enhancement and reorganization plan


Responses by the Ministry of Education to the Covid-19 outbreak

In order to counter the Covid-19 emergency, the government of Cyprus decided to suspend the in-school operation of all public and private schools at all levels on March 11, 2020. Within a few days after school closure, teachers were recalled to schools to teach through distance synchronous and asynchronous methods. Teachers worked mainly from home using online tools and were present at the school only when necessary. Existing infrastructure was used to support distance learning. Priority was given to students’ access to a computer/tablet and internet at home. A distance synchronous education programme had been implemented using Microsoft Teams with more than 110 000 teachers and students having access to the software. Intensive online teacher training courses were provided by the Pedagogical Institute of Cyprus. Supportive educational material for all students was uploaded onto the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, (MECYS) web page and on individual school web pages. Public and private television channels supported overall efforts by broadcasting lessons and other educational programmes, especially for younger students. In addition, the website was created in order to support students and to help teachers' efforts in distance learning. The material posted, as well as guidance from other sources, has been useful to parents and guardians trying to support children living at home. According to the government plan for reopening schools, priority was given to the final year of upper secondary education. Students of both upper secondary general education and upper secondary technical and vocational education returned to school on May 11, 2020. Students were divided into two groups and physically attended school lessons on a weekly rotation basis. Primary and lower secondary education schools reopened on May 21,2020, on the same weekly rotation basis. Students in the first and second year of upper secondary education continued to use distance learning methods. Since the reopening of schools, all necessary safety and hygiene measures were taken for the protection of students and teachers, according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health and the safety protocol developed particularly for school operation. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (MECYS) decided that the Pancyprian Examinations (which also determine students’ access to public universities in Cyprus and Greece, or other European and third countries) would begin on June 9, 2020 and that they should be the priority. Upon their return to school, students in their final year focused on the examination syllabus, based on specific guidelines. No other final examinations took place; the final examinations for all years of lower secondary education and the first and second year of upper secondary general and upper secondary vocational education were cancelled. It was ensured, however, that students would acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and competences needed for their smooth transition to the next education level.  

Pilot Program for Certification of the English Language in the Public School

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Athletics and Youth (ΥΠΠΑΝ) is introducing, starting September 2020 with the beginning of the school year, a Pilot Program of English Language Certification in the Public School in order to certify English proficiency with a certification necessary for the modern socio-economic and work environment. The Certification of English Language in the Public School is one of a series of measures adopted by the Ministry of Education for the upgrading of education, responding to modern needs. In partnership with the University of Cambridge, an agreement has recently been signed with Cambridge Assessment International Education, Cambridge Assessment English and British Council for the certification of English language proficiency in public schools. As provided in this agreement, the English Language Certification Program will be initially implemented on a pilot basis for one year, from the school year 2020-2021, at high schools in all Cyprus provinces and will include: continuous training of teachers on the subject, diagnostic test (on-line) in September in children of the 1st grade of Gymnasium and PET (B1) and IGCSE (B2) examination for grades 1 and 3 of Lyceum students respectively. The certification of English within the school is one of the announcements in the Government Program of the President of the Republic, while the decision for the conclusion of the agreement has been taken by the Council of Ministers on November 21, 2018. Following the completion of the pilot application for the 2020-2021 school year, the University of Cambridge will conduct a program evaluation study based on the results. Children will be able to use the certificates both in Cyprus and abroad.  

How COVID-19 affects children

On May 19, 2020, program “How COVID-19 affects children” was presented to the Ministry of Education by the Committee of Experts of the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health. The content of the program included the following subjects:

  • The new coronary and its disease
  • Characteristics of the disease in children
  • How the disease affects Cypriot children
  • Protection at school  

Health Protocol for Primary Schools

The reopening of the Primary schools in the conditions of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 epidemic (COVID-19) in Cyprus, must be done in appropriate, controlled and careful conditions of safety and health, so as to eliminate and / or reduce to a large extent the risk of spreading the virus to both children and staff (primary teachers and other staff) and consequently to society as a whole (parents / guardians, etc.). For this reason, instructions included in the Health Protocol for Primary Schools, will be followed. In the appendix of the Protocol there is a list of actions / controls to facilitate the school units during the planning / implementation of the required actions and the observance of the Protocol. Sampling thermometers must be performed in primary schools as provided in the Protocol. One or two classes / groups will be checked partially each day, so that all classes / groups of students are checked weekly.  

Instructions for Reopening of Special Schools

The Ministry of Education has prepared instructions for the reopening of the Special Schools after the manifestation of the coronavirus. The purpose of these instructions is to inform the staff working in the Special Schools, regarding the symptoms of SARs-CoV-2 coronavirus infection, the necessary actions in case of an outbreak and the preventive measures against the spread of the virus. The Ministry of Health recommends that special attention be paid to Special Schools and in particular: ⦁    To employees, and also to groups of people, especially children, attending these schools and who are at risk more likely to become seriously ill with COVID-19 because of the presence of underlying chronic health problems, such as respiratory, cardiac and other serious health problems. ⦁    To employees, and also to groups of people, especially children, attending these schools due to the difficulty in implementing the necessary precautions and measures in order to prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus.  

Attendance of children of Special Units with escort service during the pandemic Covid-19

Regarding the attendance of students studying in Special Units or whose needs are served by school assistants / attendants, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth decided during Covid-19 pandemic to separate the cases of children into two categories. The first category included children with special needs without obvious vulnerability to serious illness from COVID-19 and it was recommended that they attend school normally. The second proposed category included children at risk for severe COVID-19 disease and it was recommended that these children stay at home and be evaluated by Special Committees.  

Safety and health education for the treatment of Covid-19 in schools

On May 9,2020, program “Safety and health education for the treatment of Covid-19 in schools” was presented to the Ministry of Education by the Committee of Experts of the Epidemiological Surveillance Unit of the Ministry of Health. The content of the program included the following subjects: 1. Introduction to COVID-19 disease 2. Epidemiological data of Cyprus with emphasis on children 3. General precautions and protection measures 4. Special recommendations concerning the school Questions were answered concerning the transmission of the virus, its contagiousness, the mortality rate, and how common and serious it is for children who get sick.  

Safety and Health Protocols for dealing with COVID-19 in Secondary Schools

Safety and Health Protocols which have been audited and approved by the Ministry of Health, have been prepared in relation to the treatment of COVID-19 in Secondary Schools. Protocols have been prepared for the following subjects and put in immediate application: ⦁    Entrance and Exit to the School Teaching Area ⦁    Breaks ⦁    Presence of symptoms ⦁    Cleanliness, Hygiene and Ventilation ⦁    List of actions / control ⦁    Programming ⦁    Handling of vulnerable groups ⦁    Monitoring of any Symptoms ⦁    Access of visitors to the school by parents / guardians ⦁    Keeping distances ⦁    Hand washing and disinfection - Hygiene ⦁    Cleaning and ventilation ⦁    Staff Education / Training  

Safety and Health Protocol for the Pancyprian Examinations 2020

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth (YPPAN) in collaboration with the Health Services of the Ministry of Health, in the framework of the measures taken to deal with the Covid pandemic 19, proceeded to create α special protocol for conducting the Pancyprian Examinations (PE) 2020. The Directorates of the secondary schools / examination centers were requested to ensure the faithful application of the measures by studying the Safety and Health Protocols for the treatment of Covid-19 and the health guidelines published by the Ministry of Health.