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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in higher education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.4National reforms in higher education

Last update: 23 June 2022


Strengthened Swedish-British collaboration through the Swedish Innovation and Research Office in London

Sweden's seventh innovation and research office abroad will be established at the Swedish Embassy in London from 1 January 2022. The office will develop and strengthen cooperation between the UK and Sweden on issues related to the Government's life science strategy, export and investment strategy, research and the Innovation Bill, as well as the Government's strategic collaboration program.

In order to maintain Sweden's strong international position as an innovation and knowledge leader, it is important to have developed collaborations with world-leading innovation and research countries. Sweden already has established innovation and research offices at Sweden's embassies in Brasilia, New Delhi, Beijing, Seoul, Tokyo and Washington DC.

The Swedish universities have coped well with the pandemic

A study by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), that had been commissioned by the Swedish government, shows that overall, the universities have coped well with the pandemic under the circumstances. Teaching has been maintained even though the strain on students and teachers has been great. Research and postgraduate education have also continued. In the continued work, it will be important to try to put the Swedish experience in an international perspective and to begin to investigate - as far as possible - the long-term effects that the pandemic will have on the activities at universities.

For more information (in Swedish)



Analysis of the life science sector - to make Swedish life science visible and stronger

The government has decided to commission Vinnova to analyze the Swedish life science industry. The purpose is to follow developments and clarify Sweden's position internationally.

The pandemic has more clearly than ever shown the importance of a prominent life science sector. The assignment to Vinnova, which takes place within the framework of a national strategy for life science, is expected to contribute to strengthening Sweden as a leading life science nation in the long term. 

For more information (in Swedish)

The effects of the pandemic on widening access to higher education shall be monitored

The Government has decided to give an additional assignment to the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) to study in particular the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on widening access to higher education.

In the summer of 2020, the government commissioned UKÄ to follow up the decisions and initiatives taken in connection with the pandemic, as well as what it may have had for any consequences for the university's activities. In an interim report, the authority has shown, among other things, that dropouts have increased during the spring semester 2020 among students from homes with parents without higher education more than within other groups.

UKÄ shall continuously report the results of the follow-up and submit a final report no later than 1 December 2022. 

For more information (in Swedish)

Research, freedom, future - knowledge and innovation for Sweden

In the bill, the government presents the research policy for the years 2021–2024. It covers issues of both research and innovation as well as higher education. The policy is based on the goal that Sweden should be one of the world's foremost research and innovation countries and a prominent nation of knowledge.

The bill includes the following proposal for internationalization and sustainable development.

For Sweden to be a leading research and knowledge nation with research and education of internationally high quality it is required both international cooperation and a high degree of internationalization. Universities and university colleges are part of a global education and research arena and therefore interaction is needed with actors in both high-income countries and in low- and middle-income countries. Reinforced climate considerations must be taken into account in internationalization work.

The Government considers that the current wording on internationalization in the Higher Education Act does not respond to the need for internationalization work that currently exists in higher education and research. Therefore, the government proposes in this bill that the Higher Education Act should be amended so that it is clear that international operations will strengthen quality in higher education and research and contribute to sustainable development. However, international research collaborations may involve certain risks. It is important to ensure the protection of research results because it constitutes a strategic resource in terms of Sweden's economic prosperity and growth. Some research activities at universities and university colleges are therefore worthy of protection activities that are subject to the Security Protection Act.

For more information in Swedish


Corona pandemic consequencies – a follow up on the higher education

The corona pandemic has been a chanllenge for the higher education and there has been a need for quick changes and adjustments. The Swedish Higher Education Authority (Universitetskanslersämbetet, UKÄ) has received a government assignment to follow up the consequencies that the corona pandemic has had on the functions of the higher education institutions due to the decisions taken during the outbreak of the corona virus. Especially interesting should be the quick transition to distance education. Both short term and long term effects on higher education and research are to be studied. 

The assignment is to be reported at latest on 1 December 2022. 

For more information in Swedish.

The Government invests in distance and open online education

60 million Swedish crowns (6 million EUR) will finance the investment in strengthening distance and open online education at Swedish higher education institutions. The intension is to help counter the consequencies of the corona virus on the employment market. Due to covid-19 and insecure employment market there have been record high numbers of applicants to higher education at the same time as there has been a transition to distance education. Additional 30 million Swedish crowns (3 million EUR) will be invested in strenthening the competence for the development of open online education at the higher education institutions. 

For more information in Swedish. 

More ways in with a national test to fulfil the higher education entry requirements

The Swedish Council for Higher Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet) has received 15 million SEK from the Government to develop a national test to fulfil the higher education entry requirements for a test period in 2022-2023. The aim is that a person can demonstrate that he/she has the necessary skills and competencies to fulfil the higher education entry requirements and that way open new ways into higher education. 

The idea is to complement and not replace validation of prior learning.

For more information in Swedish.

Brunnsvik Folk High School first folk high school in Sweden to offer higher education qualifications

By locating higher education within the Arts at a folk high school (folkhögskola) can new groups of students be reached. Brunnsvik Folk High School in Borlänge is the first folk high school in Sweden to get the right to award higher education qualifications. They will award Higher Education Diplomas in Musicology. 

Higher education within the Arts has had difficulties in reducing the existing social bias in recruitment.

For more information in Swedish

Life science strategy for better health and improved competitiveness

The national wealth of Sweden is facing major challenges. These must be dealt with in cooperation between sectors, through new ways of working and by continuous focus on research and system innovation. With the national strategy the Government lays down a long-term framework to strengthen Sweden as a leading life-science nation. 

The Government wants to see more clinical studies within Swedish healthcare. Within its strategy the Government set 30 goals that are considered especially important to reach.

For more information in Swedish