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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 9 June 2022

Auxiliary teaching positions in Pre-academic education are established within the Teaching Staff Statute  and are as follows: librarian, ICT assistant, laboratory assistant, technician, school-pedagogue, animator-instructor, instructor for extra-school education, social assistant and music assistant. The Ministry of National Education in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Social Solidarity and Family can establish other auxiliary teaching positions, according to the dynamics of the education system. Based on this provision of the law, school secretary and school-mediator (school-community relationship mediator for certain target-groups) have been added to the existing auxiliary teaching positions.

The minimum requirements regarding initial training of the auxiliary teaching staff are:

  • Librarian: graduation of an educational institution, specialisation librarian or of an educational institution that provides professional training in the specialisation.

  • ICT assistant: graduation of a Pre-tertiary or higher education institution in specialisation.

  • Laboratory assistant and technician: graduation in the specialisation of the position of a post high school or of a high school, followed by a initiation training programme in the conditions established by the The Ministry of National Education. 

  • School pedagogue: graduation of a high school.

  • Animator-instructor: graduation of a higher education institution, a post high school, a pedagogical high school, or of another high school followed by the graduation of the special courses for obtaining the aptitudes attestation for this position.

  • Instructor for extra-school education: graduation of a high school or a pedagogical high school.

  • Social assistant: graduation of a short- or long-term higher education institution, or of a post high school in the specialisation of the position.

  • Music assistant: graduation of a short- or long-term higher education institution, or of a post high school in the specialisation of the position.

The selection, recruitment and appointment process for auxiliary teaching staff is based on open competition (open recruitment procedure). The appointment is accomplished by the head of the school, with the agreement of the administration council.

The structure and the number of workplaces for the auxiliary teaching positions are established by the County School Inspectorates, based on the normative criteria set by the The Ministry of National Education for each category of personnel.

Depending on the size of the school, the following categories of non-teaching staff may be employed (all appointed by the head of school through open recruitment procedure): typist, secretary and chief secretary; accountant, chief accountant; caretaker; cleaning and maintenance personnel.

For every position herein mentioned, the head of school has the obligation to elaborate the exact job-description. The job-description is signed by the employer and the employee and becomes an annex of the individual labour contract.