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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working in higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.6Other education staff or staff working in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

The law on higher education and scientific research divides the personnel of higher education institutions into academic personnel semi academic personnel and administrative personnel. In accordance with this law semi academic personnel is divided into teaching and scientific research personnel and administrative personnel. Administrative semi-academic personnel assists in realization and support of scientific and teaching activities at all levels of higher education. They are appointed by means of internal acts of the institution.

Administrative personnel categories and salaries are approved by the Administration Board of Higher education institutions based on legislation enforce. Higher education institutions define in their statutes and regulations the procedures for assessment of the work of administrative personnel, motivation policies, training and development policies and policies for disciplinary measures. Administrative personnel in higher education institutions is appointed by means of public competition. Its employment criteria is defined in statutes and internal regulations of respective higher education institutions.

The Law no. 80/2015 foresees numerous bylaws dealing with i) institutional aspects (new agencies to be established), ii) academic content, iii) financial aspects. Subsequently three working groups established by Minister’s orders and consisting of several members with different backgrounds from various departments and HEIs, throughout 2016-2017 have carried on drafting and preparing the entire range of bylaws resulting from this law. Until June 2017 following bylaws (Decisions of Council of Ministers/DCM) have been finalised by the working groups and approved by the Council of Ministers:

  • DCM no. 607, 31.08.2016, “On establishment, structure, organisation and performing of the Nation Agency of Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI)”;
  • DCM no. 903, 21.12.2016, “On defining the qualifying criteria attaining scholarships from students’ support fund for excellent students, students registered in priority study programmes and students in need”;
  • DCM no. 397, 3.5.2017, “On organization and performing of the National Agency of Financing the Higher Education (NAFHE)”;
  • DCM no. 66, 03.02.2017, “On defining the criteria and the procedures for the establishment of medical university services and structures”;
  •  DCM no. 109, 15.02.2017, “On organisation and performing of the Agency of Quality Assurance in Higher Education (AQAHE) and Accreditation Board (AB) and defining the fees of quality assurances processes in higher education”;
  • DCM no. 329, 12.04.2017, “On the position and preferential treatment of the academic staff”;
  • DCM no. 370, 26.04.2017, “On the organisation and performing of the high professional college”;
  • DCM no. 371, 26.04.2017, “On some changes in the DCM no. 1013, date 10.12.2010, “On the establishment of the National Agency of Exams”” (transforming it into the Centre of educational srvices);
  • DCM no. 418, 10.05.2017, “On standards, criteria and procedures of opening, reorganisation, merging and closing of higher education institutions and its branches”,
  • DCM no. 424, 10.05.2017, “On defining the qualifying criteria of selection procedures and nomination of heads of services at medical university structures”.

Further draft DCMs concerning codification of study programmes, elements of study programmes, quality code, methodology of evaluation process by NASRI, financing mode of higher education and scientific research, students’ loan scheme and its qualifying criteria, etc. are prepared and are in the pipeline to be approved by the Council of Ministers.

Various instructions (bylaws approved by Minister of Education and Sports) concerning admission procedures in HEIs, recognition of foreign diplomas, services offered by the Centre of Educational Services, etc. based on Law 80/2015 have been approved and further ones regarding the working time of academic staff, establishment and closing of HEIs, codification and reorganisation of study programmes, etc. are being prepared.