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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working in higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.6Other education staff or staff working in higher education

Last update: 9 June 2022

Special teaching and laboratory staff categories

The provisions of law 4009/2011 as amended and in force, regulate issues concerning Special Education Staff (EEP), Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP) and Special Technical Laboratory Staff (ETEP).

Appointment to EEP, EDIP and ETEP positions takes place upon announcement for vacancies and selection of candidates by the department’s or school’s assembly or the senate - depending on the academic unit the position belongs to.  The institution’s organisation determines the terms and conditions required for these positions’ announcement, as well as the staff’s selection procedure and periodic evaluation.  The appointment is published in the Government Gazette.

Presidential decrees released on recommendation of the Minister of Interior, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, specify the salaries, ranking, grading and progress of the aforementioned staff.  They also regulate all issues regarding their employment status, such as establishment, transfer, secondment, educational and other leaves of absence, and any other matters concerning their rights and obligations.

Responsible body for all matters regarding EEP, EDIP and ETEP members is the department’s assembly.  When these positions belong to the school or the institution, the school’s assembly or the senate are the responsible bodies, respectively.

The rector carries out legality checks on matters concerning the selection, progress, transfer and any other change of status of the special teaching and laboratory staff categories.  If the rector considers that a procedure is unlawful for a second time, he/she refers the matter to the Minister of Education and Religious Matters.

EEP and EDIP members are obliged to be present at university grounds 22 hours minimum per week, divided to 4 working days at least.  They offer all kinds of teaching and scientific-research work.  ETEP members are obliged to be present at university grounds 26 hours minimum per week.  They offer all kinds of specialised technical laboratory work.

Special education staff (EEP)

Special Education Staff (EEP) members carry out special educational-teaching work at higher education institutions (HEIs).  This category consists of educational staff teaching foreign languages or Greek as a foreign language, physical education, design as well as other fine and applied arts.

The formal qualifications required for appointment to EEP positions are a university or technological education institute (TEI) degree associated with the cognitive field of the position announced as well as a relevant PhD.

EEP positions belong to the HEI and are distributed to the departments, the schools or the institution by decision of the senate upon opinion of the rector, the deans or chairs of the departments.  By decision of the department’s assembly EEP positions can be distributed to sections according to their cognitive field.

Laboratory teaching staff (EDIP)

Laboratory Teaching Staff (EDIP) members carry out laboratory-applied teaching work at HEIs primarily involving laboratory, clinical and practical exercises in the relevant applied fields of sciences.  PhD holders or A- rank members can teach, be assigned to teach in-depth courses to small groups of students under supervision of the school’s professors.  By decision of the department’s assembly, EDIP members may be assigned independent teaching work.  They may also participate in the supervision of dissertations and other essays.  EDIP members may offer their services to university clinics, laboratories or units located in public or university hospitals.  They may be paid for this clinical work which does not interfere with their teaching duties.

The formal qualifications required for appointment to EDIP positions are a University or TEI degree associated with the cognitive field of the position announced as well as a relevant postgraduate degree.

EDIP positions belong to the HEI and are distributed to the departments, the schools or the institution by decision of the senate upon opinion of the rector, the deans or chairs of the departments.  By decision of the department’s assembly, EDIP positions can be distributed to sections according to their cognitive field.

Requirements for appointment

The appointment to posts of the categories of the previous paragraphs is made, after the announcement of the posts, by  selection of the candidates by the Assembly of the Department or the School or the Senate, depending on the academic unit to which the position belongs.

The terms and conditions for the announcement of these positions, as well as the process of selection and periodic evaluation of the above staff are regulated by the Organization of the institution and until its publication by a regulatory decision of the Senate published in the Government Gazette.

The appointment to staff positions of the above categories is made according to the more specific definitions in the Organization of the institution, by means of a documented act of the rector, which is published in the Government Gazette.

Primary and secondary education permanent teachers (including special education teachers) can be transferred to EDIP and EEP categories in HEIs.

The required qualifications are:

  • To be PhD holders of the same or relevant cognitive field to the HEI’s field
  • To have published work, relevant to the HEI’s field, in international scientific journals and conferences
  • To have performed scientific/applied/research work, relevant to the HEI’s field, in a HEI or research centre in the country or equivalent HEI or research centre abroad, for at least two (2) years after attaining the PhD.

Transfer to EDIP and EEP positions takes place by decision of the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs and is published in the Government Gazette.

Special technical laboratory staff (ETEP)

Special Technical Laboratory Staff (ETEP) members provide infrastructure work to HEIs offering specialised technical and laboratory services so that HEIs’ educational, research and applied work is carried out in the best possible way.  By decision of the department’s assembly EDIP and ETEP members may be assigned independent teaching work.

The formal qualifications required for appointment to ETEP positions, are a university or TEI degree (university education or technological education sector), relevant to the announced position.  The specific qualifications required are specified in the position’s announcement.

ETEP positions belong to the HEI and are distributed to schools by decision of the senate upon opinion of the rector or the deans.  ETEP positions are distributed to departments by decision of the deanship and to sections, laboratories and clinics by decision of the department’s assembly, according to needs.  In special occasions these positions belong to the school.

Serving ETEP members are entitled to be integrated into EDIP category, provided that they meet qualification requirements for appointment to this category at the time of application.  Integration takes place upon proposal of a three-member committee, decision of the deanship and by decision of the rector published in the Government Gazette.

Academic Scholars

As defined by law 4559/2018, scientists of recognized scientific prestige or holders of doctoral degrees or doctoral candidates or of exceptional technical experience, may be employed as academic fellows for the conduct of teaching, clinical and research work, which is determined by the contract signed between the academic fellow and the Rector of the relevant HEI.

The announcement of the positions is made after a request of the Director of the Clinic / Laboratory to the relevant Department and the final approval by the Assembly of the Department.

The duration of the scholarship contract is determined up to one academic year as the case may be, depending on the needs of the Department. The contract may be renewed or extended, but the total recruitment time may not exceed three (3) academic years.

Administrative staff

The institution’s, schools’ and departments’ academic and other functions are supported by the administrative services, which are structured under the institution’s organisation of administrative services and the internal regulation into General Directorates, Directorates, independent and non-independent departments and independent offices.

The members of the administrative staff carry out the administrative and secretarial/registry support of the institution’s administrative, financial and technical services as well as its laboratories, clinics and other functional units, as determined by the institution’s organisation of administrative services.  The administrative staff is selected according to the provisions of law 2190/1994, and falls under the Administrative Civil Servants and Legal Entities under Public Law (Nomika Prosopa Dimosiou Dikaiou -NPPD) Employees Status Code.

The administrative staff is appointed by a rector’s act, which is published in the Government Gazette.

Other services

HEIs include a wide spectrum of units and services that support and enhance their educational, research and social role.  In accordance with the provisions of laws 4485/2017 and 4009/2011 and 4610/2013 as amended and in force, each institution’s organisation provides the establishment and operation, among others, of the following services at institution or school level:

  1. Information service for career issues and career counseling service, for the support of students, in which members of D.E.P. act as study advisors, while monitoring the further professional rehabilitation of graduates
  2. Student protection and security service, staff and property of the Foundation
  3. Support and accessibility service of students and staff of the Institution with special needs.
  4. Legal service.
  5. Service responsible for monitoring the proper execution of all types and objects of contracts drawn up by the Foundation
  6.  Internal audit service of the Foundation
  7.  Technical service
  8. Independent office under the name "Student Advocate".

Innovation and liaison office

Legal Entities under Private Law (Nomika Prosopa Idiotikou Dikaiou -NPID) may be established in each HEI.  An Innovation and Liaison Office operates in each NPID to:

  • Provide university students and graduates with career information and career advice services, supporting them on identifying aptitudes and skills, choosing a career, doing further studies and finding a job
  • Coordinate student internship
  • Organise seminars, lectures, consultation sessions and meetings with mentors on innovation and social action issues for students and graduates
  • Promote students’ innovative ideas that can apply to business or social activities.

Teaching support offices

Teaching support offices are established to use the potential of new technologies in teaching.

Student support services

Student support services provide advice for ensuring the smooth transition of students to higher education and  inform them on the institute’s operation.  They also support  students facing difficulties in order to complete their studies successfully.  Student support services are a constant source of information for prospective students throughout the year.

Support and accessibility service for students with special needs

Mission for this service is to ensure equal access to academic studies for students with different abilities and needs, through built environmental modifications, assistive technologies and access services.

The student advovate

The student advocate is the head of this independent office without requiring payment and may be a professor or professor emeritus of the institution.  The student ombudsman is appointed by the senate upon opinion of the student care committee, for a one-academic year term, renewable if desired.

The student ombudsman has the following responsibilities: 

  • Reviews students’ applications regarding problems they face with the academic and administrative services and seeks solutions
  • Facilitates student’s contact with the Institution and administrative services
  • Reviews reports-complaints of students for violation of law provisions and regulations of the university legislation and ethics  
  • Informs students about their rights and obligations as members of the University Community.


A unified central library operates in each HEI as an independent and decentralized directorate unit under the name of "Library and Information Center".

Its mission is to:

  • Enhance and support the teaching and research activities carried out at the institution
  • Contribute to acquisition, management, provision and dissemination of specific information to the wider national and international community
  • Participate effectively in any activity on education and civilisation.

The institution’s organisation specifies the structure of the central library into branches at school level.  The branches fall under the administration of the central library and operate as a unified service in terms of human resources, development policy and management of financial resources.