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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff working in adult education and training

Belgium - Flemish Community

10.Management and other education staff

10.7Management staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 9 June 2022

Adult Education (AE)

A CABE (Centre for Adult Basic Education) is entitled to one director.

A CAE (Centre for Adult Education) may use the points from the points allocation to appoint staff members to the positions of deputy director of secondary adult education and deputy director of higher vocational education.

Part-time artistic education (PAE)

An institution for PAE (part-time arts education) with 200 or more pupils is entitled to a full-time director. In institutions with fewer pupils, the director works part-time.

Vocational training VDAB

The instructors are managed in the centres by service and campus managers, and receive subject-related supported from specialists in the field.

Entrepreneurial training SYNTRA Flanders

Not applicable.

Training in agriculture

A centre must have a branch in the Dutch linguistic area or the Brussels-Capital bilingual area with an office where all data necessary for the oversight and implementation of post-school training activities are available. It must offer full assurances of adequate organisation and planning of the different types of training activity, as determined by the Flemish government.

The general centres must have a central service with adequate technical and business vocational qualifications to organise beginners’ programmes for the different agricultural sectors. The regulations do not stipulate the precise nature of these vocational qualifications.

Socio-cultural adult work (SCAW)

This varies depending on the type of organisation.

In 2009, the sector had 2,167 staff members. Of these, 1,930 staff members or 89.06% were employed in socio-cultural adult work. 1,239 staff members had a subject-teaching role, and 637 staff members had a support role. (Figures from Boekstaven 2009)