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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Belgium - Flemish Community

9.Teachers and education staff

9.7Initial education for teachers and trainers working in adult education and training

Last update: 9 June 2022

Adult Education (AE)

The pre-service teacher training courses for nursery and primary and secondary education also apply to adult education [see 9.1]

Adult basic education centres

The pre-service teacher training courses for nursery and primary and secondary education also apply to the Centres for Adult Basic Education [see 9.1]

Part-time education in the arts

The pre-service teacher training programmes for nursery and primary and secondary education also apply to part-time education in the arts [see 9.1]

Vocational training (VDAB)

Trainers (“instruction staff”) of the Flemish Service for Employment and Vocational Training (VDAB) are usually recruited as professionals from the business world but VDAB also recruits teachers who may or may not have undergone teacher training. In addition to instructors, the course participants are also supervised by customer consultants, job application preparation teachers and Dutch as a second language teachers.

Entrepreneurial training SYNTRA Flanders

Teachers in learning time have an educational qualification or acquire a teaching qualification for learning time through an initial in-service training course of at least 120 hours organized by SYNTRA Flanders. (See further BVR of 31 July 1991).

For all other training programmes, the focus is primarily on the practical orientation of the lecturer, with SYNTRA Flanders and SYNTRA taking various initiatives to further develop the pedagogical and didactic skills. There is an integrated competence policy for the relevant players.

The professional knowledge trainers are practitioners who have a pattern of their own or who are employed as entrepreneurial employees in an SME. All general education teachers have a certificate of pedagogical competence.

Agricultural training

The centres call on daytime teachers, staff of agricultural organizations, information workers, etc. as well as teachers with a teaching qualification. For practical themes, teachers are also used whose knowledge is based on experience (e.g. lessons for beekeepers). Teachers must register with the Department of Sustainable Agricultural Development. A concise CV must be provided for registration.

Socio-cultural adult work (SCAW)

Teaching staff in socio-cultural organizations do not need a specific diploma. The initial training for “social-community work” organized by the social university colleges and the disciplines of social pedagogy and behaviour studies, and social work at university level are the appropriate training courses.