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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff working in adult education and training


10.Management and other education staff

10.7Management staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 23 June 2022

Municipal Adult Education 

Municipal adult education institutions (komvux) are led by school heads and depending on the institution one or more deputy school heads. Adult education comprises all education levels from basic education to higher education, and the qualification requirements for school heads are the same as for school heads of the same level of education for young people (see Management Staff for School Education 10.1). The recruitment and appointment of staff follow the same principles.

Swedish for Immigrants 

Municipalities are required to offer Swedish language instruction to all adult immigrants who lack basic Swedish language skills. This should normally begin within three months of registration of residence in the municipality. Education in Swedish for immigrants (SFI)is to equip adult immigrants with a basic knowledge of the Swedish language. A further purpose of SFI is to teach reading and writing to immigrants who lack basic knowledge of these skills. 


Liberal Adult Education 

Liberal adult education (folkbildning), which has a long tradition in Swedish society, is characterised by great freedom in setting its own objectives, while the Government defines the purposes of the government grants. These include enhancing people's ability to influence their own lives and fostering a commitment to the development of society. Moreover, the funding aims to contribute to evening out education gaps, raising the standard of education and broadening interest in participating in cultural life.

Liberal adult education includes folk high schools, study associations and student organisations in folk high schools. The Swedish National Council of Adult Education (Universitets- och högskolerådet) is responsible for distributing government grants to study associations and folk high schools.

For further information regarding the organisation at local level see 2.7 Administration and Governance at Local and/or Institutional Level