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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff working in adult education and training


10.Management and other education staff

10.7Management staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 27 June 2022

The administrators of all educational institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Turkey, including the administrators of non-formal education institutions, are assigned with the same regulation. This regulation determines the qualifications of the administrators, what kind of competencies and qualifications the administrator candidates should exhibit according to the school characteristics, their length of service and other working conditions. Accordingly: The appointment of formal and non-formal education school and institution administrators (director, assistant principal, assistant principal) affiliated to the Ministry of National Education was rearranged with a regulation issued in 2021 (Regulation on Assignment of Educational Institutions Administrators affiliated to the Ministry of National Education).

According to Article 5 of the said Regulation (1), the following general conditions are sought for those who will be appointed as a manager: a) To be a graduate of higher education. b) Working as a teacher in ministry staff. c) To have an Educational Administration Certificate. d) To be successful in the exams specified in this Regulation in terms of those who will be appointed to the management for the first time. e) To be qualified to be appointed as a teacher to one of the educational institutions of the same type with the educational institution to which he will be assigned, and to have a course that he can teach in exchange for a monthly fee in one of the educational institutions of the same type with the educational institution to which he will be assigned. f) As of the last day of the written exam application, not being taken from the position of manager as a result of a judicial or administrative investigation within the last four years. g) To have completed, postponed or been exempted from the compulsory work obligation in accordance with the relevant legislation in terms of those who will be assigned to the directors of educational institutions other than places requiring compulsory work.

(2) If some or all teachers will be assigned to the directorships of educational institutions, which are appointed according to the results of the written exam/assessment/practice exam, it is not required to have been appointed as a teacher to these educational institutions by going through the same processes before.

Those who will be appointed as directors must also meet at least one of the following conditions: a. Having served as a manager. b. To have served separately or in total for at least one year as a founding principal, assistant principal, assistant principal and principal authorized teacher. NS. To have served in the branch manager or higher titled staff of the Ministry. In addition to those stated above, a) those who will be appointed as principals in vocational and technical secondary education institutions must be within the scope of workshop and laboratory or vocational course teachers, b) those who will be appointed as principal in imam hatip high schools, must be an imam hatip high school vocational course teacher. In addition, if there is no candidate in the specified conditions, other field teachers can be assigned. In the event that a sufficient number of candidates applying to be appointed as a director cannot be found, the service periods required in the first paragraph of this article are reduced by one year until the need is met (Annex: OG-22/4/2017-30046). 1) Those who will be appointed as Deputy Director or Deputy Director must meet at least one of the following conditions: a. To have served as a principal, founding principal, assistant principal, assistant principal or principal authorized teacher. b. To have served in the branch manager or higher titled staff of the Ministry. NS. Having worked as a teacher for at least two years, including candidacy

The appointments to the educational institutions are carried out by the boards organized in the Ministry, city/towns (MoNE Educational Institutions, Regulation of Appointment of the Administrators, Article 8-12)