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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in early childhood and school education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.4Guidance and counselling in early childhood and school education

Last update: 12 June 2022

Academic Guidance

The Public Education Act, Vocational Education and Training Act, Level of Education, General Education Minimum and Syllabus Act, Rules for Implementation of the National Education Act, Ordinance No 11 of 28.03.206 for admission of pupils to state and municipal schools, Ordinance No 5 of 08.09.2008 for admission of pupils to art schools regulate the opportunities, order, terms and conditions under which students can continue their education after finishing a certain class, stage or level.

Psychological Counselling

Psychological support is provided by the pedagogical counselors or by in-house psychologists in kindergartens and schools, as well as by the resource centers for support of integrated training and school teams for support of education of children and pupils with special education needs. Guidance is a free-of-charge service within the school setting and can be initiatiated from all parties - parents, teachers, classmates or even the child himself. If the child is hospitalized, an in-house specialist conducts psychological counseling or therapy. The main concern is keeping the dialogue and developing the relations between the child and his relatives - family, parents and immediate environment. Solving complex isues often requires cooperation and team work between the psychologist, specialized pedagogue, social worker and medical personnel. In case of antisocial behavior, specialists from the Juvenille Delinquency Commision and similar local comission also take part.

Career Guidance

Information and vocational guidance centres for pupils and other persons are functioning in accordance with the Vocational Education and Training Act. Centers may be state-owned, private, Bulgarian with foreign participation or international. Their current activity, however, cannot cover the whole country evenly, so that all young people, especially those with special needs, have equal and quality access to career services. A program is being developed that aims at creating positions for experts in career training and counseling in regional career centres. Partnering with school specialists - pedagogical counselors and/or psychologists. they will develop programs for career development for young people. This partnership, together with the assistance of parents and employers in taking important caeer decisions, will guarantee a positive and perspective career orientation on a regional, national and international scale.