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Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.11Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 12 June 2022

Curriculum, Subjects, Number of Hours

The framework curricula include compulsory classes combined in general, sectoral and specific vocational training and classes for extended vocational training. There is a minimum of hours for a school year, which is 1260 hours for full-time education and for the dual system, 882 hours for evening education, 630 hours for part-time education. Everything stated in the previous period is valid.

The system of vocational education and training in Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Education shall prepare the citizens for realisation in the economy and the other spheres of public life by creating conditions for acquiring professional qualification and for its continuous improvement. The system shall include: vocational orientation, vocational training and vocational education and validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences.

Vocational orientation, vocational training, vocational education and validation of professional knowledge, skills and competences shall be carried out for professions and specialities included in the List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training. The list shall be approved by the Minister of Education and Science in coordination with the Minister of Labour and Social Policy, as well as with the respective branch ministers and with the representative organisations of employers and of employees on national level.

The acquisition of professional qualification in the system of vocational education and training shall be regulated by framework programmes approved by the Minister of Education and Science. The programmes shall determine the age and the entry educational and qualification level of the candidates, as well as the contents and the duration of the vocational education and vocational training.

The professional qualification degree for each profession from the List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training shall be determined in accordance with the National Qualification Framework adopted by an act of the Council of Ministers. 

Vocational training may also be conducted by means of training through work (dual training). Training through work (dual training) shall be a form of partnership between a vocational college and one or several employers, which shall include practical training in real working environment and training in a vocational college. 

Vocational colleges are focussed on teaching specific qualifications.  The minimum entry educational level for acquiring the respective degrees of professional qualification shall be completed secondary education. There are no mandatory requirements for studying general education subjects at this level. 

Professions and specialities shall be classified in professional branches and by professional qualification degree. The colleges prepares students according to the requirements set in Framework programme "D" for vocational training for acquisition for IV degree of vocational qualification are with duration of up to 2 years for persons with completed secondary education. For fourth degree - acquired professional knowledge, skills and competences for practising professions which include a wide range of activities of complex nature carried out under changing conditions, as well as assuming managerial responsibilities for the work of other persons and for the allocation of resources. 

Professional qualification on profession shall be acquired when subject to assessment or validation it is established that all units of study results included in the state educational requirement for acquisition of qualification on the relevant profession have been achieved. A credit is a measure of a unit of achieved study results included in the state educational requirement for acquisition of qualification on the relevant profession. Credits may accrue for acquisition of professional qualification on profession and/or be transferred for acquisition of professional qualification on another profession in the same educational branch.

The volume of compulsory vocational training is not less than 1260 class hours and includes theoretical as well as practical training. The learning content for acquiring fourth degree of vocational qualification is set out in State Education Requirements for acquiring qualification in professions and the form of training is specified by the training institution. The state educational requirements for acquisition of qualification on professions shall determine: requirements to candidates; description of the profession; units of study results; requirements to the material base; requirements to the training specialists.

Curricula and syllabi shall be developed on the basis of the state educational requirements for acquisition of qualification on professions. The documentation may be developed as module curricula and module syllabi. 

Vocational training in “D” shall be concluded by examinations for acquiring professional qualification. For completion of “D” Programme the organisation and the content of the examinations shall be determined by the educating institution in coordination with the representatives of the employers and of the employees and when acquiring a professional qualification degree - also according to the state educational requirements for acquiring qualification on professions.

Completed vocational training for acquiring professional qualification degree shall be certified by certificate for professional qualification. The conditions and the procedure for issuing a certificate for legal capacity shall be determined by ordinances of the Minister of Education and Science. Upon request, a person who has acquired a certificate of professional qualification or a certificate of vocational training may obtain a European supplement.

Teaching Methods and Materials

The teaching hours provided for practical training are not less than 50 per cent of the total number of classes for studying the subjects or modules of the sectoral and specific professional training. Everything stated in the previous period is valid.

The main emphasis is on practical training. The law provision is no less than 40% of the curriculum to be allocated for practical training. It can be organised as school placement or real on the field placement. The main teaching method is problem-based learning. Teaching materials are approved by the national education authorities. The commissions for holding the examinations shall include representatives of the educating institution, of the employers and of the employees. The commissions for training through work (dual training) shall also include a representative of the employers. The representatives of the educating institution shall be teachers or other persons carrying out vocational training. The representatives of the employers shall have qualification in the respective professional sphere and those of the employees - qualification and time of service not less than four years in the respective profession. The commissions for holding the examination shall be appointed by the head of the educating institution.