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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in early childhood education and care


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.1National reforms in early childhood education and care

Last update: 12 June 2022


(April - September)

By Decision № 188 of the Council of Ministers of March 5, 2021, the following were adopted:

National Program "Providing a modern educational environment", whose main objectives aimed at early childhood are: providing conditions for equal access to preschool and school education and improving the quality of the educational process and providing training in road safety by providing on outdoor and indoor playgrounds (mobile areas) in kindergartens and schools in order to reduce accidents with children and students on the roads.

National Program "We succeed together": After the regulation of the possibility for preschool children to work with the support of their parents from a distance in an electronic environment, it became necessary to support kindergartens and schools where compulsory preschool education is provided in two directions. : to share innovative practices for conducting activities with children and families inside and outside the kindergarten / school and to promote children's physical activity. This program also aims to: build a family community within the kindergarten, build a supportive, receptive, safe, multicultural, interactive environment, develop and implement effective measures to ensure a smooth transition of the child from the family environment to kindergarten.

For the sixth year, the new National Program "Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the system of preschool and school education" 2021 includes institutions from the system of preschool education. Modern e-learning methods will be integrated, while emphasizing the training of pedagogical specialists to search for and present appropriate content in the respective age group.

The National Program "Together for Every Child" this year is focused on increasing the scope of children included in preschool education, and the need for this is significantly strengthened by the amendments to the Preschool and School Education Act from 2020 compulsory pre-school education also for children over 4 years of age.

The National Program "Optimization of the internal structure of the staff" aims to increase the cost efficiency of the institutions of the preschool and school education system by optimizing the internal structure of the staff and increasing the attractiveness of the teaching profession.

The National Program "Support to Municipalities for Implementation of Activities for Educational Desegregation and Prevention for Non-admission of Secondary Segregation" has the general goal of providing municipalities with equal access to quality education for children in compulsory preschool education and students attending segregated educational institutions by implementing activities for educational desegregation and prevention to secondary segregation. The specific objectives related to the implementation of activities to provide an educational environment that encourages mutual communication between children in compulsory preschool education, students, parents and teachers, providing free transport for children in compulsory preschool education and for students attending segregated educational institutions, for training, education and socialization in non-segregated educational institutions and providing free teaching aids and materials or electronic devices for distance learning (tablets).

The Sofia Municipal Council adopted an entirely new ORDINANCE for admission of children in the municipal independent nurseries, kindergartens and in the preparatory groups in the municipal schools on the territory of Sofia Municipality in force from March 1, 2021, which determines the criteria and procedure for applying for children in nurseries and kindergartens.


(April - September)

The main priority in the work of the Ministry of Education and Science is the full scope and inclusion of children and students of compulsory pre-school and school age in the educational system, as well as ensuring equal access to education for all children and students.

The admission of children in kindergartens is a problem on the territory of some large cities in Bulgaria. Legislative and financial measures have been taken to solve this problem during the current period. The Council of Ministers has approved and is already working on a Program for construction, extension, superstructure and reconstruction of nurseries, kindergartens and schools for the period 2020-2022, which guarantees healthy and quality learning conditions in the system of pre-school and school education . The indicative budget for the current year is up to BGN 70 million. The same amount of funds are the estimated budgets for each of the next two years (2021 and 2022).

The program has two modules: module 1 "Nurseries and kindergartens - construction of new buildings, as well as extension, superstructure and reconstruction of existing" and module 2 "State and municipal schools - construction of new buildings, as well as extension, superstructure and reconstruction of existing ". Decision № 319 under Protocol № 18 of 23.07.2020 of the Sofia Municipal Council changed the criteria for admission of children to kindergartens and nurseries in Sofia, where the problem is most serious. Decree № 181 of the Council of Ministers of 31.07.2020 for approval of an additional transfer under the budget of the Sofia Municipality for 2020. Promulgated, SG, iss. 70 of 7.08.2020, in force from 7.08.2020, the Council of Ministers approved an additional transfer for other target expenditures in the amount of BGN 50,000,000 under the budget of the Sofia Municipality for construction, furnishing and equipment of kindergartens and nurseries and expropriation and purchase of land and properties to meet the needs of new places in kindergartens in the municipality.

The introduction of compulsory pre-school education for children over 4 years of age is among the government's priorities, reflected in the Government Management Program in the period 2017-2021. In this regard, increasing the scope of pre-school education and improving its quality is a priority policy of the Ministry of Education and Science, in view of the great importance of pre-school education for the prosperity of the individual and society. This is one of the changes by the amending bill to the Vocational Education and Training Act, adopted at second reading. Financial support for parents of children in early childhood and pre-school age is also provided. In addition to the prepared legislative changes, during the current period with Decision № 285 of 30.04.2020 of the Council of Ministers 21 national programs for development of education have been approved.

(January - March)

There are no ongoing reforms in this area.


(April - September)

In May 2019, the Government provided additional funding for activities targeted to work with children and students from vulnerable groups for 2019. On this way are provided the necessary financial resources so that to be implemented more effective measures to support access to education and prevent the risk of children and students from vulnerable groups dropping out of the pre-school and school education system:

  • for staff as members of the teams for coverage and retention in the educational system of compulsory pre-school and school-age children and students,
  • the appointment of a social workers, educational mediators or teacher's assistants,
  • to pay for additional modules for children who do not speak Bulgarian in kindergartens,
  • for staff involved in measures to support access to education and to prevent the risk of dropping out of the educational system of the children and students from vulnerable groups.

From the next school year will continue more active work to attract and involve children and students in the education system. For this purpose, kindergartens and schools in the country will organised permanent teams for prevention of absences without disrespectful reasons. The teams may also include teachers who care for the inclusion of children in the system.

The activities of prevention teams will be aimed at reducing the risk of dropping out. The experts will visit the homes of children and students who are absent for disrespectful reasons. It is foreseen to work actively with parents to ensure the participation of children and students in the educational process.

The teams will continue to be assisted by municipal representatives, the Social Assistance Directorate (Ministry of labor and social policy) and the Ministry of Interior.


A major priority in the work of the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) is the full coverage and inclusion of children and students in compulsory pre-school and school age in the education system, as well as the ensuring of equal access to education for all children and students.

For the coverage and inclusion in the educational system of children and students in compulsory pre-school and school age, the Council of Ministers adopted Decree No. 100 of 08.06.2018, by which is created a permanent Mechanism.

The mechanism regulates the activities of the teams for coverage and the functions of the individual institutions at national, regional and municipal level in the process of searching for and inclusion of children and pupils in compulsory preschool and school age who are not included in education.

A special place is given to regional divisions of education and individual institutions in the system of pre-school and school education, mayors of municipalities and municipal administration in the process of coverage and inclusion in education.

The collaborative efforts of the teams for coverage with parents are leading of this process. In accordance with the general and specific goals of the program, the implementation of two thematic activities is envisaged: Module 1 "Supporting Coverage Teams" Module 2 "Good practices for interaction with parents of pre-school and school education institutions" GOALS OF THE PROGRAMME Common goal: To increase the effectiveness of institutions in the coverage and inclusion of pre-school and school-age children and students in the education system and to improve access to and the quality of pre-school and school education by creating and supporting a favorable educational environment for stimulating and sustainable educational development.

Specific goals:

  • Assistance to the activities of the teams by selection and systematisation of measures for the coverage and retention of children and students in compulsory preschool and school age.
  • Improvement of the communication between representatives of the various institutions involved in coverage teams.
  • Provision of effective communication with the public and publicity of the process of coverage and retaining children and students in the education system.
  • Involvement of parents and other family members in the process of coverage and retaining of the children and students in the system of pre-school and school education and enhancing the upbringing potential of the family.

Expected results:

  • Supported teams in the activities by selection and systematisation of measures for the coverage and retention of children and students in compulsory preschool and school age.
  • Enhanced communication between the representatives of the various institutions involved in the coverage teams.
  • Effective communication with the public and publicity of the process of coverage and retaining of the children and students in the education system.
  • Involved parents/families in the process of coverage and inclusion of children and students in the system of pre-school and school education and increased educational potential of the family.


Module 1 "Supporting Coverage Teams"

The activities of the module are aimed at assisting the coverage teams and the regional divisions of education to interact with the institutions in the following:

  • organizing, coordinating and controlling the implementation of the work of the teams with the participation of representatives of different institutions;
  • developing and implementing a set of measures for each child and student identified as not covered, dropped out or at risk of dropping out of the education system, and interaction with competent institutions to implement an integrated approach;
  • supporting and promoting the work of the members of the coverage teams and the concrete results of the work of these teams.

Module 2. "Good practices for interaction with parents of pre-school and school education institutions"

The activities are related to:

  • Information campaigns on the role of education of children and students among parents and the community in which children live;
  • Activities to involve parents/families in school life and motivate them to educate their children through trainings, group trainings, lectures, etc.;
  • Trainings for parents to recognize, prevent negative effects between children and students - discrimination, aggression, violence, etc.;
  • Organizing initiatives to promote good practices in the interaction of institutions to coverage and integrate children and students in the education system.


Pre-school age is one of the most intensive periods of development in a human life and is associated with the transformation of the content of the initial experience and impressions into differentiated elementary basic knowledge and skills - motor, speech, cognitive, social, play.

Pre-school age is an important sensitive period for mastering basic knowledge and ideas about the world and its patterns. Pre-school age is a period of comprehensive development of the child's personality in all major areas - physical, emotional, mental, social, cognitive and speech, by mastering and refining specific and effective learning approaches, in the context of optimal educational interaction of teachers with the representatives of family and in a kindergarten.

The transition from primary to secondary socialisation during pre-school age is most often associated with the child's admission to kindergarten. The key to the development of kindergarten is to be implemented an effective model for successful adaptation and smooth transition of the child from family environment to kindergarten.


Common goal: Ensuring the overall development of the child's personality (physical, emotional, social, cognitive and verbal) through implementing effective measures to ensure a smooth transition of the child from the family environment to the kindergarten and through mastering and improving the interaction of teachers with the representatives of the family community in kindergarten.

Specific goals:

  • Building a family community within the kindergarten
  • Building a supportive, welcoming, safe, multicultural, interactive environment
  • Designing and implementing effective measures to ensure a smooth transition of the child from family environment to kindergarten
  • Sharing experiences within kindergarten, including with the family.


Developed and implemented Interaction models between the kindergarten and the family community at the admission of the child into the first group in kindergarten (3 y.o. children), which will ensure the overall development of the child personality and a smooth transition from the family environment to the kindergarten. A built-up family community within the kindergartens, as well as in a supportive, welcoming, safe, multicultural, interactive environment.

(January - March)

A new project called "Active inclusion in the system of pre-school education" has been launched under the "Science and Education for Smart Growth" Operational Programme. It will help pay kindergarten fees for children from disadvantaged families.

There will be additional Bulgarian language training, psychological and social support will be provided to children from vulnerable groups and their families. Children and pupils whose mother tongue is not Bulgarian will attend additional lessons. The kindergartens in the country will have the opportunity to organize up to 200 hours in Bulgarian language training. The funds will be provided by two startup projects under the "Science and Education for Smart Growth" OP.

Two new projects give the possibility for more Bulgarian language class to be held, allowing access to more children. Teachers have to make individual assessments to show the needs. The aim is to avoid accumulating educational barriers and for students not to drop out of the system. All children should be covered by an educational institution and provided with additional support.

Under the National Program “Qualification”, the focus of this year's training will be on developing skills for innovation, leadership, education and digital technology and educational research.

The aim of the program "Together with the student's care" is a smooth transition between the kindergarten and the first grade and between the primary and the lower secondary level of primary education. It will support teamwork on planning and conducting joint lessons between primary and lower secondary teachers as well as preparation of materials facilitating the transition from kindergarten to school and from IV grade to V grade.

The program "Supporting Municipalities for Implementation of Educational Desegregation Activities" will support the activities of the municipalities to overcome the processes of segregation. Transport costs for children and students can be funded. Teaching materials, and inclusion of educational mediators to work with parents for joint education will be provided.