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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Conditions of service for teachers working in early childhood and school education


9.Teachers and education staff

9.2Conditions of service for teachers working in early childhood and school education

Last update: 21 June 2022

The Conditions of Service for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education are the following:

1. Appropriate education, in accordance with special regulations;

2. Montenegrin citizenship;

3. Passed the professional exam for work in educational institutions, working license.

A teacher in a public institution is employed on the basis of open competition, in accordance with the law.

Working conditions in preschools and schools are roughly determined by general labor legislation, the Law on Civil Servants and educational  legislation.

Teacher can be person who besides conditions prescribed by the Law on Labour and the Law on General Education has a work permit ( license). The license is an official document proving the required level of general and professional competencies of teachers. The license is issued after passing the professional exam for work in educational institutions for a period of five years.