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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.6Other dimensions of internationalisation in adult education and training

Last update: 21 June 2022

The EPALE project (European Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe) has been implemented in Montenegro since 2016. Centre for Vocational Education acts as the National Support Service (NSS). As part of the project implemented during 2017-2018, relevant activities have been carried out both at national and regional level, connecting stakeholders from the field of adult education.

Regional EPALE Conferences and EPALE team meetings represent a joint effort of National Support Services in the countries of the region to contribute to the international networking of andragogues and all of those with professional role in adult education, provide common recommendations for improving this field and develop a plan for future joint actions.

One of the results of the EPALE Project is the first bilingual publication on non-governmental organizations engaged in adult education in Montenegro - The Role of NGOs in Adult Education. Through the EPALE platform, this publication promotes the cooperation of governmental and NGO sector in the field of adult education and invites the participants of the EPALE community to actively discuss and exchange information in this field.

The development of the first Andragogy handbook for teachers carrying out the programme of elementary functional literacy and its publication on the EPALE platform has promoted the national andragogical incentive to improve the work of teachers in basic adult education, in accordance with the Belém Framework and other European actions to reduce the number of illiterate people at national levels. The Centre has created 21 andragogy handbooks for teachers carrying out the primary school programme for adults, presented through seven collections of andragogy handbooks.

The participation in the NSS group within the EPALE community, as well as starting discussion groups and topics for active exchange of information, creates a unique space for expert exchange of opinions and ideas for all professionals in adult education from 36 countries taking part in the EPALE community.

Through the Partner search option on the EPALE platform, unique support has been provided to all stakeholders from the participating countries to start project cooperation with partners from other countries working with the same or similar field.