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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.3National reforms in vocational education and training and adult learning

Last update: 21 June 2022
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The education process in secondary schools started on 1st September, but the duration of the school lessons is 30 minutes, and the curricula is unique and adjusted to that duration. Temperature measurement and hand disinfection at the entrance of the schools are mandatory. Wearing masks is a strict recommendation of the Institute of Public Health and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, but the Ministry cannot return from school any child who does not wear a mask, due to their legal right to education.

New Methodology for assessing the quality of educational work in institutions, designed in cooperation with Bureau for Educational Services (it is in charge of all levels of pre-university general education) was adopted in December 2021. The major change is that evaluations of VET and so-called "mixed" schools (delivering both VET and general education programmes) will be conducted by joint teams of VET Centre and BES evaluators) as these schools have so far been a subject to independent school evaluations by both VET Centre and BES. The quality framework is common for all the primary and secondary schools but there are 13 quality indicators typical for VET schools, based on EQAVET framework. Due to COVID 19 the number of regular school evaluations has been reduced. In order to create a wider pool of external school evaluators for VET schools, criteria for their selection were designed and an open call for external associates - evaluators was issued. There are about 70 applicants who have met the eligibility criteria and their training is underway. The QA department within VET Centre is also working on clarifying and describing the quality indicators defined by the new methodology.

The provisions of the Law on Gymnasium and the Law on Vocational Education have been amended, which refers to the weekly norm of teacher classes.


The Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education in Montenegro (2020-2024) with the Action Plan (2020-2022) was adopted at the Government session held on 17 January 2020. The strategic goal of the development of vocational education is quality and inclusive system of vocational education whichz is the basis for lifelong learning, economic and social integration, personal and professional development of the individual, with an effectiove system of management and financing.

#LearnAtHome Project

Pursuant to the Law on the Protection from Infectious Diseases, at the proposal of the Institute of Public Health on Montenegro, The Ministry of Health issued an Order to take temporary measures to prevent the introduction into the country, suppress and prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus on March 16, 2020.

On March 23, the Ministry of Education started applying the new concept of distance learning. The #LearnAtHome project involved recording and broadcasting lectures, in accordance with the curriculum, from most secondary school subjects.The broadcasting of content for secondary schools was carried out on two channels, the YouTube channel #UčiDoma, a website created for the purpose, as well as on the mobile app. Lectures were recorded and broadcast in the Albanian language as well. The realization of the project ensured the continuity of the teaching process and enabled students to acquire new knowledge, i.e. deepen the already acquired, as well as develop skills.

A new portal eDnevnikMNE was developed for parents, which contains information on the childs grades and behaviour.

Enrollment in secondary schools for the 2020/2021 school year was held in the week of June 29 - July 3. The enrollment process was conducted online on the platform

The begining of the school year, on the recommendation of the Institute for Public Health, was postponed to October 1st, due to the assessment of the health authorities that the beginning of the school year poses a risk to chldrens health, due to the uncertain develop,ent of the epidemiological situation. The decision to postpone refers to schools and kindergartends and the Institute for Public Health and representatives of the education system have defined clear recommendations regarding the behaviour, respect for distande, work in groups, desinfection of educational institutions, etc.

For students of the first grade, the teaching process will be conducted in the classrooms, while students of the second, third and forth grade will follow the lectures online. Communication with studens who follow online classes will take place through the TEAMS platform.

In accordance with the national and European goals of lifelong learning and the legal obligation of adult education and the work of the Directorate for Adult Education, the intersectoral working group prepared in January 2020 the Annual Plan for Adult Education for 2020 and the Report on implemented activities from the Annual Plan for Adult Education in 2019. These documents are an integral part of the Adult Education Plan 2019–2022, which monitors the priority areas, activities and elaborate them in detail. During 2020, 4 new organizers of adult education were licensed, while the license was supplemented by 6 organizers of adult education. 115 organizers of adult education are registered in Montenegro.

Within the project "National Coordinator for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning, Work Plan: Montenegro", implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, within the Erasmus + program, a supplement to the platform with data in the field of adult education was prepared - and

Within the project "Europass - Euroguidance 2018-2020", which is implemented by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports within the Erasmus + program, the following activities were implemented:

1. Manuals have been prepared:

  • "Career guidance and counseling system in Montenegro - Study on promotion, recommendations and examples of good practice in the field of career guidance and counseling",
  • "Guide to the recognition of foreign educational documents",
  • "A Guide on Pupil and Student Rights",
  • "Guide on filling in the Europass certificate supplement"

2. Questionnaires were prepared for different age groups of students in primary and secondary schools 3. A new platform for acquiring new knowledge and exchanging information was created - 4. Webinars were conducted, as follows:

  • Webinar "Improving the quality of career guidance and counseling activities in schools" for career counselors from primary and secondary schools in Montenegro,
  • Digital Week Webinar



The Ministry of Education adopted the Rulebook on the method and procedure of assessment of knowledge, skills and competences in the process of vocational qualification acquisition.The Rulebook prescribes in more detail the method and procedure for assessing knowledge, skills and competences in the process of vocational qualification acquisition, as well as the composition, the method of work and other matters relevant for work of Examination Committee.

The Rulebook defines that the examination knowledge, skills and competences for vocational qualification acquisition is carried out by the Committee in accordance with the Examination catalogue. The Committee is formed by education provider from among the licensed examiners from the list of examiners, on proposal of the Examination Centre. The examination of learners is carried out at the premises of education providers.

The implementation of dual education is continuing in the 2019-2020 school year and around 800 students from all municipalities in Montenegro will be able to acquire practical knowledge with 280 employers, through 20 programs.

The Dual-education Coordination Body continuously monitors the activities taking place in schools and with employers regarding dual education. The collected data are being analysed and recommendations are made to schools to provide appropriate support to employers and instructors.

A Strategy for the Development of Vocational Education in Montenegro (2020-2024), with an Action Plan for 2020-2022 is currently on public debate.

The Strategy will define strategic goals for further development of vocational education, key activities and indicators of success, the way of monitoring the implementation of the strategic document, the way of reporting and evaluation, and other issues of importance for the realization of strategic goals in the field of vocational education, for the period 2020-2024.

The IPA project (SOPEES Service Agreement - Improvement of educational programs and services for the needs of marginalized groups) has started, with the aim of including marginalized groups, oriented towards modularized vocational education programs, teacher training and database improvement.

In 2019, the implementation of the IPA project "Integration of Key Competences into the Montenegrin Education System" began, within which a Dragt Framework of Key Competences in Montenegro is prepared, which will be the basis for the development of appropriate teacher manuals.

New programs are being continuously developed in cooperation with employers and educational institutions. Within the IPA project "Supporting the Economy in the Development of New Qualifications Required for the Labor Market", about 35 occupational standards are under development, which will be included in 12 educational programs. Within the IPA project "Improvement of Educational Programs and Services to Meet the Needs of Marginalized Groups" at least 15 new programs are being adapted.

In accordance with the established dynamics and planned areas of qualification development, during this year 55 occupational standards were developed and adopted by the Council for Qualifications, as well as 50 professional qualification standards and 15 educational level qualification standards.

For the 2019/2020 school year, 15 new educational programswere prepared. The sectors in which the educational programs have been developed are: Construction and Landscaping; Agriculture, Food and Veterinary;Mining, Metalurgy and Chemical Industry; Health and Social Care; Services; Interdisciplinary Areas and Tourism, Trade and Catering.

In line with the European objectives for the concept of lifelong learning, the cross-sectoral gropu prepared in January 2019 the Annual Plan for Adult Education for 2019 and the Report on implemented activities from the Annual Plan for adult education for 2018. These documents are an integral plan of the Adult Education Plan 2019-2022, which follows by priority areas, activities and elaborates on them in detail.

During 2019, 6 new Organizers of adult education were licensed. There are 109 registered Organizers of adult education in Montenegro.