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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Population: demographic situation, languages and religions


1.Political, social and economic background and trends

1.3Population: demographic situation, languages and religions

Last update: 21 June 2022

Demographic situation

According to estimates of population in Montenegro number of inhabitants in mid-2016 was 622 303.  Number of children aged 0-17 in Montenegro in mid-2016 was 138 219 or 22.2% of the total population.  Working age population or the population aged 15-64 years is 419 948 or 67.5 % of the total population.

In Montenegro, on the basis of natural increase per 1000 inhabitants, the population increases annually by 1.8. The 1000 population per year made 5.1 marriages, which is the rate of marriages, and the divorce rate is 1.1.

Life expectancy at birth in 2016 was 76.6 years.

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According to the data for four quarter in the 2017, there were 273.2 thousands of active population in Montenegro, out of which there were 229.3 thousands of employed persons or 83.9% and 43.9 thousands of unemployed or 16.1%. The number of persons in employment in comparison with the previous year has increased by 2.3% and the number of unemployed has decreased by 9.1%. There were 226.6 thousands of inactive population and in comparison with the previous year this number has decreased by 0.3%. The activity rate for the 2017 is 54.7%, the employment rate is 45.9%, unemployment rate is 16.1% and the inactivity rate is 45.3%.

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The educational structure of labour force (active population) shows that 61.2% persons have finished the secondary school, followed by persons who have graduated tertiary education 28.5% and persons who finished the primary school or lower education 10.2%. The highest share in the educational structure of inactive persons older than 15 years has persons with completed secondary education, 50.8%; then 39.7% of persons with primary school or lower education and remaining 9.4% have graduated tertiary education. The educational structure of persons in employment shows that the 60.2% persons have finished secondary education, followed by persons who have graduated tertiary education (30.3%), and persons with primary school or lower education 9.5%. The educational structure of unemployed persons shows that 66.7% persons have finished the secondary education, followed by persons who have graduated tertiary education 19.4% and persons who finished the primary school or lower education 13.9%.

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The highest number of labour force (active population) refers to the age group 25-49 years (172.9 thousands). An age group with the highest number of inactive persons is the 65+ group (72.6 thousands of inactive persons).The highest number of employed persons refers to the age group 25-49 years (142.7 thousands). Also, the highest number of unemployed persons are persons of the same age group (30.2 unemployed persons).

Internal migration in Montenegro

The rate of migration in Montenegro is 8.3 which means that for each of 1000

inhabitants 8.3 persons changes their place of residence within the borders of Montenegro.

Total number of population who moved within Montenegrin borders in 2016 is 5 162 inhabitants. Majority of that population are women with 53.8% or 2 778 while men are 46.2% from total number, i.e. 2 384 inhabitants.

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63.23% out of  the total population of Montenegro live in urban settlements, while 36.77% live in rural settlements.

According to the 2011 Census in the structure of the population, in relation to the national or ethnic affiliation, Montenegrins account for 44.98%, Serbs 28.73%, Bosnians 8.65%, Albanians 4.9%, Muslims 3.31%, Croats 0.97%.


Pursuant to the Constitution of Montenegro, the official language in Montenegro is Montenegrin. In official use are Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian and Croatian language.

The Cyrillic and Latin alphabet are equal.

According to the population 2011 Census 36.97% of the Montenegrin population speak Montenegrin, 42.88% Serbian, 5.33% Bosnian, 5.27% Albanian, 0.45% Croatian languages.


According to the 2011 Census structure of Montenegrin population by religion consists of 72.00% of Orthodox, 15.97% of Islamic, 3.43% of Catholics, 3.14% of  Muslim religion and others (agnostics, adventists, protestants, etc.).

Declared atheists are 1.14%. 

Religious communities are equal and free in the exercise of religious rites and religious affairs.

Religious communities are separated from the state.

At up to the university public educational institutions, education is of secular character and the religious activity is not allowed except in the secondary religious schools.