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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms related to transversal skills and employability


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.5National reforms related to transversal skills and employability

Last update: 21 June 2022
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In 2019 the implementation of the IPA project "Integration of Key Competences into the Education System of Montenegro" has started. The project lasted 28 months (August 31, 2019 - December 30, 2021). 

The main goals of the project were:

  1. Improving student achievement in relation to key competences for lifelong learning and the quality of work and teaching in primary and secondary education;
  2. Improving the quality assurance system at all levels;
  3. Development of education and professional competencies of teachers both in initial teacher education and in continuous professional development in terms of integration of key competencies in learning with special focus on STEM disciplines.

At the beginning of the project, an analysis of the current state of the curriculum for primary and secondary schools was developed and the results of national and international tests were analyzed. It was concluded that the applicability and functionality of knowledge is not at the required level, necessary for critical thinking, constructive problem solving and commitment and responsibility. The project has integrated all previous efforts, at all levels of education, through a holistic approach, connecting everything that has been developed so far, so that the implementation of project results allows each individual to develop all its potentials and apply what is learned in different situations of learning, work and everyday life.

The project was realized through 5 components:

  1. Development of key policies and framework documents
  2. Curriculum development - Development and review of educational programs, guidelines and assessment criteria
  3. Teacher training (initial and continuing professional development) on key competencies and STEM
  4. Quality assurance
  5. Analysis of input parameters, processes and outputs for STEM.



In 2019 the implementation of the IPA project "Integration of Key Competences into the Education System of Montenegro" has started, within which a draft Framework for Key Competences in Montenegro has been prepared, which will be the basis for the preparation of appropriate teacher manuals.


In regulations and other documents related to education, transversal competences can be recognized under various terms: key competences, general competences, key skills, meta-competences, etc. They are developed through individual programmes and cross-curricular topics within all subjects taught at primary schools, gymnasiums as well as general education subjects at secondary vocational schools. In preschool education, besides being developed through the principal programme, these competences are also developed through special programmes of education for sustainable development and entrepreneurship education designed for children from 3 to 6.

The competence communication in mother tongue is developed through the subject “mother tongue and literature”, which is present in all programmes of primary, general and vocational education.

The existing programmes for preschool, primary and secondary general education, as well as vocational education, involve foreign language learning, which results in development of communication in a foreign language competence. In primary school, English is taught as a first foreign language from the first grade of primary school, whereas second foreign language learning begins in the sixth grade. During secondary general education, students learn two foreign languages as compulsory subjects and a third language as an elective subject; in vocational education it is mandatory to study one foreign language, whereas the second foreign language is optional.

Educational programs of foreign language learning for adults have also been developed. All programs for learning foreign languages have been harmonised with the European Language Framework and accredited by the National Education Council. Programmes of foreign language learning for adult education are implemented by carried out by licensed education providers.

Mathematicalcompetence is developed through the subject “mathematics”, as well as other subjects in which mathematical knowledge is applied.

Digital competence is developed through the subject “computer science” which is taught in all educational programs. In programmes of vocational education, this competence is also developed through other subjects that connect vocational subjects and computer science.

Educational programmes for learning and improving computer literacy for adults have been developed and accredited by the National Council for Education.

Learning how to learn is carried out as a cross-curricular competence, through active methods of teachers’ interaction with students which is a recommended method of work throughout all educational programmes and for all levels of education. The work programme of psychological and pedagogical services involves collaboration with students on adopting new methods of learning, thus these activities contribute to development of this competence as well. The promotion of learning how to learn competence represents an important activity in plans for professional development of teachers at school level.

Social and civic competences that enable students to efficiently and constructively participate in social life and work and develop personal, interpersonal and intercultural competences, are developed through all subjects and the entire educational process.

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning as key competence is present at all levels of education. It is carried out through compulsory and elective subjects and as a cross-curricular theme as well.

Teacher training program aimed at teachers of pre-school institutions, primary and secondary schools titled Entrepreneurship learning - a cross-curricular topic, has been accredited and included in the catalogue for professional development of teachers. Guidance related to the implementation of entrepreneurial learning was provided at all schools in Montenegro.

Entrepreneurship is offered as an elective subject to primary school students. Through entrepreneurship clubs and similar activities schools encourage the development of entrepreneurship competences. Guidelines for the implementation of entrepreneurship learning through compulsory subject programs in primary school have been prepared for teachers.

In the field of secondary general education (gymnasiums), entrepreneurship is an elective subject in the 1st or 2nd grade of gymnasium. Schools organize various activities, such as entrepreneurship clubs and similar, as part of extracurricular activities through which students are encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards entrepreneurship. For gymnasium teachers and teachers of general education subjects at secondary vocational schools, methodological guidelines for the implementation of the cross-curricular topic Entrepreneurship learning as a key competence have been developed.

All heads of primary and secondary schools have been trained to carry out entrepreneurship education through the entire school curriculum, whereas 25% of teachers received training to implement entrepreneurship education as cross-curricular theme.

The development and promotion of entrepreneurship learning as a key competence in vocational schools began in 2004. The content of activities follows the recommendations provided in the EU documents, as well as contemporary trends and positive practices in the field of entrepreneurship learning applied in developed European countries.

In the majority of four-year vocational education programmes, entrepreneurship is a compulsory subject, whereas it is an optional subject in a smaller number of programmes.

More than 70 training companies have been established at 15 secondary vocational schools in which 1200 students and 70 teachers have been involved. Within this subject, students form virtual training companies where they apply the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge. This is a model of a simulated company operating in a competitive business environment with the aim to enable students to:

  • acquire entrepreneurship knowledge and skills;
  • develop a positive attitude towards team work;
  • assume responsibility in decision-making; and
  • link theoretical knowledge with practical work.

Four training companies have been established at the Faculty of Economics in Podgorica, where 60 students of the final year have been involved.

A Handbook for teachers on training companies and a Handbook for students have been prepared, as well as a programme for adult education in the field of entrepreneurship which was adopted by the National Education Council.

Cultural awareness and expression is developed through all subjects and educational work as a whole, primarily through subjects related to music, stage, literary and visual arts.