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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 21 June 2022
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The Strategy of digitalization of the education system 2022-2027, with the Action Plan for 2022 and 2023has been adopted. The Digitalization of the educational system should encourage greater use of ICT in teaching in order to improve the quality and inclusiveness of the teaching process, but also to influence the development of digital competencies of students and employees in educational institutions. In addition, it needs to improve and modernize all processes in the education system, from electronic pedagogical records to data exchange and the launch of a range of electronic services for citizens and other institutions. In this regard, three strategic goals have been identified:

  • improvement of the Education Information System,
  • development and improvement of the digital ecosystem and development and
  • Improving digital skills and competences.  

The Digital School Online Learning Platformhas been launched. The Digital school is a platform for learning, teaching, communication and cooperation in the digital environment. It is the basis for creating a secure, supportive, efficient and comprehensive digital education system. The digital school is designed to bring together learning resources for children and adolescents, parents, carers, educators, teachers and other professionals in the education system, as well as to support everyone in developing digital skills through the use of digital tools and distance learning services. Also, the Digital School includes an information portal and a web directory of educational resources on the Internet. It is designed to ensure continuity of learning and reduce the gap in access to learning resources through a sustainable, high-quality and long-term solution for digital learning, which is complementary to teaching and learning in the classroom and supporting children, educators, teachers and families.

An Analysis of the education sector in cooperation with UNICEF is under way. This report presents a comprehensive analysis of the education sector (ESA) in Montenegro and serves as an input for the future development of a long-term evidence-based education sector plan for Montenegro to ensure quality education for all. ESA is a joint venture between the Ministry, UNICEF and a consulting team led by company Sofreco that supported the analysis. The focus of the analysis is on early childhood education, primary and secondary education. The recommendations are: to Strengthen the strategic planning function within the Ministry and work on an integrated Comprehensive Education Sector Reform Plan (ESP) which would cover all levels of education; Enhancement of fairness and enrollment rates at all levels; Further improvement of the quality of education; Creating a favorable and empowering environment.  



156 teachers were involved in the recording of the teaching content in the second semester of the school year 2020/2021 year, for lessons in the Montenegrin language, and 47 class and subject teachers were involved for teaching in the Albanian language. About 3,100 lectures from 20 subjects were recorded.

Priority contents for primary and secondary schools for the school year 2020/2021 year were broadcast on television channels, YouTube channel #UčiDoma and on the portal, sorted by levels of education, subjects and classes.

Enrollment in the first grade of primary school began on April 1, 2021, and can be done electronically, via the website or at school. Also, enrollment of students in primary music schools was done electronically.

On 27 May 2021, the Parliament of Montenegro passed the Law on Amendments to the Law on Primary Education, which stipulates the right to free textbooks for primary school pupils, at the expense of the state budget. 

With regard to the educational process during the pandemic, the second meeting of the Working Group for the organization and monitoring of the educational process during the pandemic COVID-19 was held on 24 August 2021.  The education process in schools started on 1st September, but the duration of the school lessons is 30 minutes, and the curricula is unique and adjusted to that duration. Temperature measurement and hand disinfection at the entrance of the schools are mandatory. Wearing masks is a strict recommendation of the Institute of Public Health and the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports, but the Ministry cannot return from school any child who does not wear a mask, due to their legal right to education.


The Program for Supporting Talented Students (2020-2022)was adopted in January 2020. The Program is a continuation of activities in the field of work with students who show a preference for specific areas. The overall objective of the Program for the Development and Support of Talented Students (2020-2022) is to create systematic conditions for quality primary and secondary education and upbringing of talented students. 

#LearnAtHome Project

Pursuant to the Law on the Protection from Infectious Diseases, at the proposal of the Institute of Public Health on Montenegro, The Ministry of Health issued an Order to take temporary measures to prevent the introduction into the country, suppress and prevent the transmission of the new coronavirus on March 16, 2020.

On March 23, the Ministry of Education started applying the new concept of distance learning. The #LearnAtHome project involved recording and broadcasting lectures, in accordance with the curriculum, from most primary school subjects. About 1,700 lectures were recorded. 182 from 35 schools participated in the realization of the project. The broadcasting of content for primary school was carried out on two channels, the YouTube channel #UčiDoma, a website created for the purpose, as well as on the mobile app. Lectures were recorded and broadcast in the Albanian language as well. The realization of the project ensured the continuity of the teaching process and enabled students to acquire new knowledge, i.e. deepen the already acquired, as well as develop skills.

A new portal eDnevnikMNE was developed for parents, which contains information on the childs grades and behaviour.

Enrollment in primary schools for the 2020/2021 school year began on May 18, 2020. Appointments for childrens testings were scheduled electronically.

The begining of the school year, on the recommendation of the Institute for Public Health, was postponed to October 1st, due to the assessment of the health authorities that the beginning of the school year poses a risk to chldrens health, due to the uncertain development of the epidemiological situation. The decision to postpone refers to schools and kindergartends and the Institute for Public Health and representatives of the education system have defined clear recommendations regarding the behaviour, respect for distande, work in groups, desinfection of educational institutions, etc.

For students from the first to sixt grade, the teaching process will be conducted in the classrooms, while students from the seventh to the ninth grade will follow the lectures online. Communication with students who follow online classes will take place through the TEAMS platform.

From the second semester of the school year 2020/21, schools, in accordance with the spatial possibilities, have the opportunity to implement the educational process in the institution for all pupils or to have groups of pupils that rotate weekly, having the possibility to follow the teaching process either at school or online. Classes at the school are cumpolsury for all first-cycle pupils (I, II, III grade of primary school) and preferably IX grade.



The Government of Montenegro adopted the Strategy for Inclusive Education in Montenegro (2019-2025). The Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Ministry of Health, Bureau for Education Services, Centre for Vocational Education, representatives of education institutions and non-governmental sector took part in its preparation.

The Strategy determines further steps towards the development of education for children with special educational needs. The document continues on with the implementation of measures from the Strategy for Inclusive Education covering the period from 2014 to 2018 and relies on the binding international principles, standards and recommendations of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

The vision of the Strategy for Inclusive Education is to be operationalised through the following strategic objectives:

  • Providing access and applying equity in education with peers for all children, through the necessary cross-sectoral support;
  • Ensuring equality and continuity of inclusive education through successful cooperation within and between sectors and the transition from one level of education to another;
  • Supporting and improving the quality of inclusive education by strengthening school policies, culture and practice.

After adopting the Strategy of Inclusive Education 2019-2025, a Working group for monitoring has been established and it is working on the regular basis. The Book of rules for the orientation of SEN children has been improved and harmonized to the Law, Strategy and it is more oriented to the functional assessment.

In school year 2019/2020, the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach of teaching has been introduced in four new classes of the first grade of primary schools. Since this is an approach that continues from year to year, at this moment CLIL teaching is being conducted in 12 different primary schools, in four classes from first to third grade. In September 2019, the CLIL training has started for a new group of teachers who are going to perform the CLIL approach in education the following school year.

A program to support talented students (2020-2022) was drafted. The current Strategy for the Development and Support of Gifted Students (2015-2019) was intended to create a supportive environment in the school and provide a chance for each child to develop their capabilities or exceptional abilities to their full potential.

The Government of Montenegro has adopted the Program for the Suppression of Peer Violence and Vandalism in Educational Institutions in Montenegro with the Action Plan for 2019-2021. The goals are: Improved prevention of peer violence in educational institutions and reduced occurrence of vandalism in educational institutions. Physical protection services will be organized in 30 educational institutions to prevent vandalism and violence.

Guidelines and procedures have been developed to provide a safe environment for children with special educational needs, staff in resource centres has been educated.

The Ministry of Education has adopted the Rulebook on the methods of grading students in elementary school. The Rulebook defines the types of grades and the manner of assesing the knowledge and behaviour of students in the elementary school programs. Assesment within the meaning of the Rulebook involvers the monitoring, testing and evaluation of students knowledge and behaviour. Students with special eduational needs who are focused on customized educational programs are evaluated based on the achievement of educational standards and outcomes in accordance with thev Individual Development Education Program (IROP).