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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working with schools


10.Management and other education staff

10.4Other education staff or staff working with schools

Last update: 9 June 2022

The Law on the Education System Foundations recognises a number of education staff positions that may exist in preschool institutions or schools, in accordance with education programmes and institution’s needs. They are:

  • Pedagogical assistants;
  • Librarians;
  • Arts pedagogues;
  • Music pedagogues;
  • Physical education pedagogues;
  •  Speech therapists;
  • Andragogues;
  • Social workers;
  • Special education teachers.

Their work assignments and programme of work are determined by the Bylaw on the Education Specialists’ Programme of Work. All conditions of service, requirements for appointment, dismissal rules, professional status and other are same as for teachers. For further information see Teachers and Education Staff topic.