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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other Education Staff or Staff Working with Schools


10.Management and Other Education Staff

10.4Other Education Staff or Staff Working with Schools

Last update: 24 June 2022

Examples of Other Education Staff or Staff Working with Schools

The municipalities are responsible for the municipal primary and lower secondary school (Folkeskolen). The school heads are responsible for the quality of the teaching within the legal and administrative framework. Examples of other education and staff working with schools are:

Counsellor in behaviour, contact and well-being (AKT counsellor)

AKT counsellors are typically teachers and pedagogues who have an additional qualification within the field of children’s well-being. Among others, AKT counsellors:

  • Help to improve children’s social competences.
  • Support children with special needs to promote inclusive communities.
  • Create a positive psychological learning environment etc. 

Reading tutor

The reading tutor can have different tasks related to reading and written language in schools. They can develop plans of action in Danish and other subject areas as well as advise the school management and teachers in written language teaching. Authorised reading tutors can be specialised within one of the following fields:

  • Written language difficulties from preschool to the end of lower secondary school.
  • Written language acquisition.
  • Written language development.
  • Written language teaching from preschool to the end of lower secondary school.

The reading tutor’s specialisation might influence the type of the tasks carried out.

School librarian

Generally, school librarians are a part of the pedagogical learning centres (PLC) at schools, which are school libraries that promote learning and well-being of pupils in a motivating and varied school day. Each municipal primary and lower secondary school (Folkeskole) have a PLC. However, school librarians’ tasks can vary between schools. School librarians might have tasks outside the PLC in relations to reading, source criticism etc. 

School nurse

School nurses are specialised nurses within the field of health care in relations to children and parents. The school nurse conducts health examinations of pupils, support and advise children and parents on health, illness and well-being of the child.

IT advisor

IT advisors at schools can have both technical as well as pedagogical IT tasks. Examples of technical IT tasks are:

  • Login administration of the online learning platform.
  • Supervise the school’s technical and audio-visual equipment.
  • Technical assistance etc.

Examples of pedagogical IT tasks are:

  • Corporate with the school management on implementation of IT in the teaching.
  • Initiate the implementation of the municipality’s plan of action within IT.
  • Corporate with the reading tutor on the use of IT for pupils with reading difficulties etc.

Other examples of staff working with schools are cleaning staff, canteen staff, school caretaker and administrative personnel.


Legal Information, 2021. The Folkeskole Act. (Folkeskoleloven). (Accessed: 24 June 2022).

The Education Guide, 2020. School caretaker. (Pedel). (Accessed: 26 January 2021).

The Education Guide, 2020. School nurse. (Sundhedsplejerske). (Accessed: 26 January 2021).