Requirements for appointment and conditions of service
Heads of schools and institutions for small children are responsible for the everyday administrative and pedagogical management.The heads answer to school or institutional boards as well as the municipalities for the activities and functioning of the school/institution.There is no automatic promotion to management functions. School heads are chosen on the basis of their qualifications. School heads at these levels of education are recruited by the municipal council after being evaluated and recommended by the current school’s advisory board comprising both teachers and parents.
At the higher educational institutions, the board of each institution employs and dismisses the rector, exclusively. The University Act states that the employment procedure must ensure that the rector has academic and managerial legitimacy. The board comprises external members and members representing the academic staff, the technical and administrative staff and the students. According to the University Act, the majority of board members must be external, as must the chairman.
The main provisions governing the management staff, the staff involved in monitoring educational quality and the education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education are:
- Cirkulære om overenskomst for akademikere i staten [Circular on Collective Agreement for Academics in the State], CIR nr 9414 af 01/07/2013
- Bekendtgørelse af lov om retsforholdet mellem arbejdsgivere og funktionærer [Consolidation Act on the Legal Relationship between Employers and Salaried Employees], LBK nr 81 af 03/02/2009
The main provision governing the management staff for higher education is:
- Bekendtgørelse af lov om universiteter (universitetsloven) [The University Act], LBK nr 261 af 18/03/2015
The main provision governing the management staff working in adult education and training is:
- Cirkulære om organisationsaftale for lærere m.fl. ved almen voksenuddannelse, forberedende voksenundervisning og ordblindeundervisning [Circular on Collective Agreement for Teaching in Adult Education etc.], CIR nr 9184 af 24/04/2009